Rogue Fork Beers!

in #life6 years ago


Good evening, steemy dreemers!

What a week it's been on this platform. Fights, dramas, powerdowns and long forgotten witnesses poking up out of their brown burrows to say...

I'm still here guv... Oh and it wasn't me, honest...

Madness!! It's madness I tell you!

And what cures madness better than any other thing in the entire world?

My penis!! Beer!!!

That's right sisters, so let's shake like Bill Gates at a brothel and get drinking!


Fascinating looking beer this one. A Canadian breakfast stout brewed in Scotland? This intrigues me. I wish my old Canadian muckeroo with no name were still about to tell me what he thought of this.

Anyway, let's get to it!


It pours thick and slow like camel's arse treacle. By no means a bad thing. Accompanied by a fine tan, off-white head. I kinda think I like it already. You know when you get the feeling?

My hand is sticky just from the can. Goodness me. Video man, take it out!!

Cor, that is nice. It has a coarse bitter coffee taste to it which quickly mellows out into a fudge sweetness which lingers nicely. I like! 8/10 booms!

A great start. Now onto the big funky can that proclaims itself to be...


Amaretti?? Are those them little almondy biscuits that you sometimes get with a coffee in posh places? They're magic, awesome. For the love of all that is good in the world, please taste of these!!


No head. Just a flat looking void that slips silently into the glass. Like Darth Vader's helmet, it inspires a solemn respect.

But how does it taste?

That's a wee shame. It's a perfectly reasonable stout but it quite simply doesn't live up to the Amaretti in the title and I think that's a little shoddy. Without that it just lacks in character. An ok 7/10 booms.

Well. Still a good batting average for the evening so I am happy. Now I'm off to see if there were any witnesses to the great steak robbery! ;0)

Have a good weekend and cheers!!



I can't believe a Sabeerday was eclipsed by all the STEEM-fighting. What the heck is happening to everything? Isn't this whatthe blockchain concept is trying to avoid?

I just looked it up in the dicktionary and it truly is! Oh my stars and garters, it truly is! What a world we live in now!

I think that's what blockchain means now!!

Forget the fork, the steak is more important. We must just look for a chubby witness. Can't believe the no head thing with the last beer.

I couldn't believe it either when I poured it. Not even a hint of one. Just flatness!

The steak!! Wherefore art thou stake!!! steak!!

LOL to the rogue fork and vanishing Stake(Steak)! I believe you had 'nothing to do with it' boom, on both counts.

Coal coffee beer from Canada brewed in Scotland.... Not sure what to make of that but the taste-buds seemed to enjoy!

No head looks unappealing to me, but i'm glad to hear 'it'll do the job'.

Enjoy nailing that stake down with the fork, if you find it that is :O

Heheh, the steak!! Surely no-one would just disappear my stake!! :OD

The first was a cracker defo. That second probably got worse as it got nearer the bottom. Usually they get better. Cheers dude!!

The drama will continue on steemit, Beer always looks good to me. @meesterboom, enjoy the rest of your evening

Posted using Partiko iOS

Beer trumps drama everytime eh!!

Of course our "Boomster" would be attracted to the finer things in life instead of the swill served at the local pub burping boisterious Brits badly.

Wait! the Amaretti didn't win? seems the palette will have to settle for less than an imperial flaskfull of fun. Meesterboom likes his beers as he likes his women; stout and with a big head! :)


The finer things indeed!

I was as surprised as you that the amaretti didn't rmp home with a win! But yes, thats how I like my stouts! :OD

My best friend in the UK, in Birmingham or brumingstan, was Scottish, he had a similar humor to you, very addictive, easy to be around, always fun, you stink of the same, in a very nice way. :-)

Hehe, We do all share a kind of similar sense of humour!! You just gotta love the humour!

I have had lots of scottish mate over the years, and they do seem to have a very, very, similar outlook on life..

It's the damp, it messes with our heads :0)

I'm from the damp north - you just might be onto something....

Lol. It plays havoc with the mind!

I suffered 20 years of constant drizzle. ....

No man can endure that, and stay sane...

Hehe, is so true. The never changing grey wet. Yuk

You have to laugh or you die. :-)

Or the dying by laughing!

How right you are!! Madness abounds lately lol. Thank goodness for Beer least for a time, all is right with the world! I don't trust a beer with no head lol....I'll try the first offering!

I don't trust a beer with no head


Hurrah for consensus!! :O)

< This logo should just be a beer with a decent head!

That would be a fine thing, agreed!

I thought the same. Even if it has one which quickly disappears I dont mind but not none at all. It's sinister!! :OD

I’ve been laying off the beers lately, your making it harder to avoid it 😅

Posted using Partiko iOS

I recommend a tiny slip off the wagon! ;0)

At first I thought you were going to talk about Rogue beers. That's a brand of beer that is way overpriced, they sell around here. They have some interesting flavors like Sriracha.

I have to say both of those beers sound fantastic.

I would love to try the sriracha one. I have tried a couple of theirs, they were not bad but did seem overpriced.

Cheers and happy Sunday.

Cheers mate! Happy Saturday here! :0)

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