Redshift #5

in #life6 years ago


Game's over Boom Boom.

The smoke-cracked voice of The Clivvers grated as he prodded me up against the wall. His eyes transfixed me, dark with shining light flecks like half-burnt bone.

Upstairs. Now.

I flinched as if a giant gull was pecking at the worms of my eyes. He was meant to be gone. Not enough money he said, what was his skeletal monstrousness doing here now? Was he here for my soul?


What do you mean upstairs? These stairs... or...

The Clivvers looked exasperated.

Of course, these fucking stairs you imbecile. What other stairs are there?

Ah. Now that he mentioned it, there were no other stairs.

Um, alright then.

I straightened the lapel of my suit jacket causing a snort of derision from The Clivvers.

When we get to my office you can tell me why you are wearing that fucking thing.

He shook his head and motioned me upward.


I sat opposite him at his desk. He had a shiny new office on the 6th. I had rarely been on the 6th. It looked appallingly like a normal office. No bean bags, no standing desks. It even had row after row of PCs and people sitting at them. I had shuddered as I was led through to the back wall where The Clivvers resided.

Now I shuddered as I faced him. He took out his vape and blew a cloying sweet cloud over me. It smelt of violets.

You are probably wondering what I am doing back here, hmm?

I nodded like a dog that has heard too many of Pavlov's bells.


The Clivvers snorted with contempt and looked around at his office.

Ah this fucking place. Only this place could do it. They wouldn't pay me enough when I was here so I left. Now I am an independent contractor. So they have re-employed me, for THREE TIMES the fucking money to do my old job. That makes sense, doesn't it?

I nodded and hedged my bets by shaking it as well. I looked like a distressed donkey.

So, Boom Boom. You are wearing a monkey suit and working for the REDSHIFT project. Been burning a whole lot of money. A whole lot of money. Now spill. What the fuck is actually going on up there? What are they doing? What are you doing?


I thought of the artisan coffees, I thought of the nights out. I thought of that sweet Cuban cigar smoke. I could hear the guys laughing now and slapping each other on their well dressed, grey-suited shoulders.

Nothing is going on up there, nothing untoward I mean. We are working really hard.

Doing what?

The Clivvers stood.

We are innovating, finding new ways to deliver. Leaner, smarter ways of working. Solutionising short term enablement of... stuff.

I said a little defensively.

The Clivvers stared at me long and hard. Very slowly he walked around his desk. He paused before me and raised a hand out flat before me.

I looked at it quizzically.

With a resounding smack, his open hand careened off my cheek.


OW!!! What the fuck!?!

He leaned over and grabbed my lapels. For a moment I considered bringing my Ancient Dambe skills into play and taking him down to the floor but I worried one thing might lead to another.

Snap out of it man, look at you? Dressed like a cockatrice, strutting around. What happened to the man who hated those who shat in other peoples pockets?

He leant back and fumbled in a pocket before pulling something out.

What happened to the man who found THIS!


In his hand was a familiar stinking, fish-paste'y thing. It was the bizarre Alien device I had found in The Clivvers old office.

I jerked back. The fishy stink of the Alien device had roused something in me. My penis swelled to its familiar half-Cumberland and a flood of memories came crashing down on to me.

I... I... Don't know what came over me?

I looked about in a state of mild confusion. Then I noticed what I was wearing.



What had happened to me, had I been brainwashed? Assimilated somehow? Those jokers up there, they were getting away with murder and I had just gone along with it.

I looked down at my suit and shoes in disgust.

The Clivvers tucked away the Alien device.

Are you ready to talk now?

I started singing like a canary sitting on a bad man's finger.


After it was done I returned to the 5th floor.

The office when I entered, was a scene of chaos. A team of guys in black suits I had never seen before were moving about the floor stuffing the bean bags and anything else that wasn't nailed down into some large packing crates.

Bushy-Tail and Saltyboz looked like the last of the guys that were being escorted out. They shot me venomous glances as they were led past. I made ready to turn and go myself when one of the black suits spotted me. He glanced quickly down at my pass.

Hey, are you one of ours?

Um yes. Is REDSHIFT being wound up?

Black-Suit examined my pass a little more closely before grinning a wolfen grin and looking back up at me.


Oh yeah, it's being wound up alright. We are the Auditors. You had best go back to your old desk. But listen...

I had already about turned but stopped and looked back.


Don't go too far... Cal Davvers wants to see you.

Something of the detective sparked up in me for the first time in a long time. Cal Davvers... Who the fuck was that?

I tilted my non-existant fedora at the punk in black.

Does he now? Well, tell this Davvers I take my coffee black, no sugar...

I left with a swagger that could dry-cure beef and headed home to the good lady. I think I had something she might have been missing...


The jig is up! Go back to whence you came! Do not pass go! Reclaim your desk...

As we often say here, the game is a bogy!!!

It was fortunate that The Clivvers woke you up from a dream which you were brainwashed but it is a coincidence that the project cannot be carried out as it was found out by auditors. All is back to square one but who is CAL DAVVERS? Another mystery to be unfolded! Upvoted!

It's mystery after mystery!! Hehe :0)

Really fun style that kept me reading. Love the Redshift pic too. Now following with interest!

Thank you :0)

Is that some kind of "beanie" for a midget?
oh, and smooth moves there, ...tell this Davvers I take my coffee black, no sugar...

It's a diaphragm I do believe. However I do believe a very small person could use it as a beanie. They should probably wash it ;0)

Ah, the smell of a crashing IT-project in the morning.

Some of your readers may not believe this, but there actually are people in IT who talk like this:

We are innovating, finding new ways to deliver. Leaner, smarter ways of working. Solutionising short term enablement of... stuff.

Saying solutionising should be a capital offense.

It totally should! I am trying of hearing it over and over again in work. There is more talk like this than working. If I didn't know better I would say we were going down the tubes! My friend though works in a different place and says it is happening in his place too, like some buzzword plague thing

Are you familiar with Bullshit Bingo or was that a local thing here?

Anyway, people will say what they think their bosses want to hear. Safeguard your career accordingly 8-).

Hehe, bullshit bingo knows no borders by the looks of it!

I always do keep an ear and a nose closer to the ground ;0)

The game is not over. BoomDawg is simply moving to the next round.

That's not always a bad thing ...


Oh yes, definitely never a bad thing!!

Aha! I was right! It was The Clivvers! I couldn't believe he was the one who was able to snap you out of your artisinal coffee stupor! Glad to have you back, BRO-nado! We missed you~!

Hehe, only the Clivvers had the cojones!! And more importantly... The device!

I'm surprised that The Clivvers can still walk after the stunt he pulled. He must have some massive back strength to life balls that heavy!

I suspect there is something supernatural about that man!

Supernatural huh? So I guess those kinds of man sacks don't come naturally after all!

Some man sacks are just off the human scale!!

hahaha. My favorite word was "Solutionising" I don't think I have heard it before. Business jargon seems like. Or did you make it up? Reminds me of "Strategery". Good word though, I think I need to start using it. My other favorite phrase was at the end, "swagger that could dry-cure beef" Now that is some kind of swagger. haha. So you finally realized that you had been drinking the RedShift Koolaid. Do they use that phrase in the UK? "Drinking the Koolaid." haha

They don't use that over so much because we don't have koolaid! But we are steeped in enough American culture to know it.

Solutionise is really popular in IT. You can't move in meetings for the mentions of it, lol!!

ahhh haha I see. the "Drinking the Koolaid" phrase is thrown around a ton here in the sales environment. haha nice, Solutionise is a great word! haha. You you get involved with ITIL much? I was the producer on a bunch of ITIL classes haha. The company I do video work for is mainly an IT training company. Their live instructors teach, Microsoft, Cisco, VMWARE, PMP, CISSP, ITIL, type courses. Interesting stuff.

Or offers is getting towards ITIL but only for the infra guys. So far we have escaped, us humble testers have our own Micky mouse qualifications, lol!

hahahaha Micky Mouse it! haha

Nice line with Pavlov's bells.

And oh yeah, "They wouldn't pay me enough when I was here so I left. Now I am an independent contractor. So they have re-employed me, for THREE TIMES the fucking money to do my old job. That makes sense, doesn't it? "
That actually happens. seen it before, probably will see it again.

Just make sure not to give up your surface tablet. Evil plots come and go, but fancy toys are forever. Or at least until they break. or run out of charge. So I suppose not that long after all.

I have it, it's a little beauty. Can't/won't use it for anything other than work unfortunately. Which is a shame!

I have saw it so often it is no longer even slightly amusing!

Looks like a cat with many lives and dodged another bullet.

Master of the bullet dodging!!

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