Redshift #4

in #life6 years ago


I took another slug of Joe and grimaced.

Oh my head.

The good lady looked at me over the kitchen worktop as if I had just fed her Mogwai after midnight.


She muttered sulkily.

I wanted to roll my eyes but my hangover didn't like it. Instead, I made a pffrrt noise and waggled my hands up and down as if I was treading water in a well.

Needs must babycakes. If you're gonna be a playah then you gotta get off the bench and play.


I took another swig of coffee. Last night had been another night out. Work these days seemed an incessant round of jazzy coffees and nights out on the companies credit card. It was tough going but if you can survive the haggis shits you can survive anything.

The good lady shook her head.

All these nights out. You don't seem to understand. I feel like you are racing away from me, from the family, faster and faster. It's like we are getting further and further apart.

I felt a twinge of regret then annoyance, she didn't understand what my new team was trying to achieve.

She turned her back to me to put a tray of something in the oven, I slipped off my chair and out of the door without saying goodbye.


I got into the lift at work. Despite my hangover, I was looking as sharp as ever in my grey suit. The doors were just closing when El Jefe leapt aboard.

Well look who it is, in a fancy suit too. You got an interview somewhere today?

He greeted me like an over-friendly alsatian pup.

I snirked at him as the doors of the elevator closed.

So what are you lot doing up there? Go on, you can tell me?

El Jefe winked as if we were sharing an ice lolly.

The lift stopped at the fifth. I gave El Jefe a glacial smile.

We are delivering change. Necessary change.

I stepped out and turned to stare at him as the lift doors closed on his pale face. Fool that he was.

Those who change are those who win...

I whispered before turning heel and heading into the office proper.


Later that morning after a successful huddle with the team, Saltyboz and Bushy-Tail approached me.

Boom Boom.

They uttered in unison.

Yes chaps, everything alright?

They looked awfully serious as if about to inform me it was my turn to eat the soggy biscuit.

Bushy-Tail looked at Saltyboz then looked at me.

Well Boom Boom, it is quite serious as a matter of fact. In fact, it is a very serious issue.

His tone was full of foreboding. My neck began to sweat like an American wrestler eating steak.

What is it?


Yelled Bushy-Tail brandishing a small plastic credit card.

You have dodged the coffees for days, get your arse out there and get them in!!!

We all laughed, my own laugh one of pent-up fear and relief.

Of course fellows. Let me hop to it.

I headed for the lifts but they were all up at the top floors. Sod it, I could do with the exercise. I headed for the stairs.


As I neared the bottom of the stairs I bumped into Sad-Arse, he tried to talk to me but I brushed past him. Sad-Arse was the past and in the past, he should remain. In fact, I made a vow to myself not to talk to any of these idiots. With their stupid questions, like annoying seagulls masturbating over a dead mouse.

I noticed my lace was undone and knelt to tie it. It wouldn't do to trip with the coffees on my way back. I quickly re-tied it then stood. Someone tapped my shoulder.

Fuck off Sad-Arse, I am busy...

I said as I turned.


A skeletal finger poked me hard in the centre of my chest. I squawked in terror as the blood drained from my face.

It wasn't Sad-Arse.

What are you doing here?

I gasped as the skeletal figure prodded me right up to the wall.

Game's over Boom Boom.

Hissed a voice from the darkest reaches of hell.


The Darkest regions of hell....

... even the Grim Reaper only hangs out in the well lit region of hell. The darkest region is reserved for the truly evil.

It must be the tax man.

LOL - the tax man has my vote.

You never know! Or an accountant, is almost the same!

Hehe, now that would be a worthy and truly evil denizen of the darkest regions of hell! annoying seagulls masturbating over a dead mouse.

Well another interesting life/work experience. All I can say “don’t work too much”. When your lady says you are slipping away, it’s getting serious. It’s perhaps already too late or a red flag!
Anyway, I wonder who poked you hard in the centre of your chest? Some kind of skeletal figure? ...🤔...😱

Stone demonic figure from the past, no doubt hungering for my very soul!!!

Was your wife to finish talking about the house lol thing? Someone's in trouble.

I live in perpetual trouble! :O)

A normal office story suddenly becoming a horror one with "a skeletal finger poking at your chest and blood coming out". What a turn of events! Can't wait to see the result next week. Upvoted!

I hope it won't disappoint!

The ghost of clivvers? Hm, it would take more than that to frighten Boom the Brave methinks ;)

Oh I dont know, he is a scaredy cat! :OD

Oh crap, is it going to be Boom Boom taken out in the harshest of ways or is there some secret undercover knowledge that is about to be passed down from the ancient scroll holders. Who knows what is happening in this twisted alter reality that has Boom going through the motions like a mind-controlled robot.

barely even know myself. Oh no, wait. I write a plot outline before each one so yes.. I do know!! :OD

Maybe the devil doesn't like change after all.

Or blueberries, trust me. That might get you out of a jam in the future ;o)

@meesterboom That boss of yours is a fish of many thorns my friend, you must take care of him, especially when there are many smiles like "an Alsatian puppy too friendly" I do not like that answer "We are delivering change.
another excellent episode dear friend
I wish you a beautiful afternoon

Exactly @jlufer! He must be gotten rid of, the hard way!

You're on a slippery slope with the Good Lady Boom. Leaving without saying goodbye...that finger is poking you for a reason. Careful where you tread. It could get very dark.

And yet darkness is a mere absence of light. Which surely must mean that the light cometh!! :0D

Are you sure....?

I live in hope!!!

Hope springs eternal!

Hopefully, heheh!!

With their stupid questions, like annoying seagulls masturbating over a dead mouse.

I hope you use incognito mode on your "free-time", with that kind of ideas i don't want to know what you've been searching on your time and you probably don't want your wife to know either... seagulls masturbation is a new to me, especially since they probably can't masturbate... or can they... ok, going to search google, wish me good luck, i'm going to where no man should go... the weird part of porn

Hehe, I works be most interested to see if they could!

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