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RE: Mom and a Brewery, Let the Good Times Roll

in #life7 years ago

Aw this is a fantastic post, it takes you through the gamut! It's funny because try as I might, when I was reading your mom's accent I couldn't not do it in a cockney one :0)

Then it all got emotional, a really nice emotional. Told so well. I am with you on the Jesus wine bender too. Some people can get too puritanical!

beeahs to you and your mom! :0D


There were two people on my mind as I wrote this- mom naturally, and you! So I'm supah happy you liked it! Haha, it would be too much fun to hear a conversation between mom and someone with a cockney accent :0)

I asked @papa-pepper and @verbal-d to throw their comments on this, I hope they will because mom will be reading them all and she loves those guys, she thinks it's so Wondahful that I have some Christian influences here lol. Also, I'm not really sure where the papa stands on the whole drinking thing but I know some of the churches we attended when I was young made entire doctrines out of alcohol being a sin based on one single line taken way out of context. Be not drunk with wine. Said by Jesus, but pertaining to the particular moment not to life in general. He was telling his guys that they had some big stuff to do that required they keep their wits about them. I imagine it this way "Dudes, we're going into battle, how 'bout we don't do that with a hangover?" haha! Because come on, a wedding celebration that was on its third day, we're talking three straight days of boozing, and they ran out of wine so he gave them more to keep the party going--does that sound like he was anti alcohol to you?

Cheeahs to the beeahs!

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