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RE: An Australian World Take Over, One Jar of Vegemite at a Time

in #life5 years ago

Haha! It remains to be seen if he is a nice man for sending you that. We have it too but we call it Marmite, foul stuff ;0)

I did laugh at the Australianisms!! Shane he didn't send you some Tam Tams!!!


didn't send you some Tam Tams!!!

Maybe you mean Tim Tams @meesterboom?

P.s. Marmite is not Vegemite. Completely different taste in fact. We have it here...No one buys it.

Really!! I thought they were the same. In that case, maybe Vegemite isn't shit :0D

And yeah, Tim tams!!

Shit is only added to "export quality" Vegemite.

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Marmite - I couldn't remember the name of the one I tried. Thanks!

Your welcome!

So I gave it a try for the third time, and it is definitely growing on me. After eating it I kind of...almost... wanted some more :) Marmite sounds like some sort of insect.

I have used up all my Australianisms and I have no more. I don't even know what Tam Tams are, but coming from you I have all sorts of ideas running through my head ;)

Hehe, for once no rudeness! They are a short of sweet thing. Quite nice!

Yeurch. I hate the stuff although I have used it in cooking

I happen to like rudeness ;) The name tam tams sound good.

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