Profanity and Late Singing Beers!

in #life6 years ago


Saturday and it's sunny!!! Hot dang, after all the promises throughout the week that it might be warm it's finally happened. And what goes amazingly with sun?...


Let's get drinking!


Profanity!?! What the fuck kind of name is that? Ha, see what I did there!

Anyway, to the tasting. It's fantastically sunny outside so I am going to grease my nips up with sun cream and get outside. It feels slightly odd to drink a stout in the sun but fuck it, I am slightly odd!


It looks mighty fine, even under the scorching laser beam of the sun. The head is a big slabbering bubbly monster that refuses to die. I like that. Here goes!


Oh it's a good one! Roasted malt bitterness like licking a coal scuttle whatever that is. Hopefully, it's not some kind of small woodland creature.

It is long in the bitter aftertaste with a little treacle to it but it's just slightly lacking in something else that would really make it shine. A fine beast none the less. 7.5/10 booms!

Now what could come after in this heat... Ooer! How about a strong ale!


Doesn't this have quite the poetic name, Later Song, it implies a mournful sadness. Let's shake that off quick! Pour the mournful bassa I say!


It's a fine looking thing. Rusty amber with a gold tint. The head, a wispy little tuft of cotton fading to web like strands around the edges.

To the tasting!

My oh my, it's a fine beast. Wiper & True have come up trumps again.

It's very hoppy but with a sweet smoothness. There is a definite hint of some apricot which should obviously be bizarre but is a lovely backdrop to the strong beer. It's almost creamy. Man I love it. Perfect for this sunny day too!!

The bottle warns that it has a lot of natural sediment. As I get down near the bottom I see what it means...


That doesn't detract away from its loveliness though. 8.5/10 booms!!*

Well, what a fabulous day for the beers!!


I hope you all have a lovely weekend!



I see bubbles, bubbles everywhere.
I am sending you some bubbles back.
Here you go, take it.

I'm taking it!!

That must be the finest lullaby a man has heard! :0D

hahahahaha I love the video!

So what did the temperature get up to in the end? 10-, 12 degrees? ;-)

Ahhh........... the Scottish summers...... hehehe

Glad the weather is picking up. If you get a summer like the one we have just had, you'll need quite a few more of those beers down you, just to stay hydrated.

Haha, yeah, we made it all the way up to 17 for a very very brief moment!

I am sometimes greatly envious of the weather down south!!

Wow 17 is hot for Scotland. You won't be envious of our weather soon. It is about to take a turn for the freezer-ish-ness. And then the rain and wind will really get started.

That's when moving to Fiji looks really inviting ;-)

Ah Fiji, it always looks inviting!

That second one please! 😁

Have a great weekend!

Second one for defo!! The very same to you matey!! Engage!

Thanks mate! Make it so!


They both look delicious... Of course it helps hearing you smack your lips for them, haha! Just popped home for a bit to bring my hardworking man some food, then back to mom's where there is sadly no internet. Drinking a staple tonight, Shocktop, for a mass produced wheat beer it is still quite good :)

Aw, aren't you the one, bringing your hardworking man some food!! Smashing!

I don't mind mad produced wheat beers, is hard to go with with a nice wheat beer. I had done last night!! Hope you enjoyed chick!!

So hot you're wearing a singlet, so it's like 2C then? XD

(repeating a memory from a maths teacher I had a million years ago in high school, and his response to us kids brought up in the tropics whining about "winter" in Australia was to say something about summer back home in bonny Scotland being a nice warm two degrees)


Haha, he wasn't exaggerating much!!!

Yeah, when the camera wasn't in me I even had it is at points! Lol

fine day for some beers! Hey, there's a giant blue Easter egg in your yard!

Lolz!!! It's a spacehopper lying forlornly on its side :0)

I was going to ask if it was an Ostrich egg, lol! :D

Love the post , I’m one to try different beers a lot too !

Friend! It's already the second weekend that I see him drinking a beer.

Have a great time and you rest a lot.

A great time was had :0)

Put an extra bottle of Long Song in the fridge for me, please! It looks yummy for a sunny day! Spring has sprung in Scotland!

Spring has definitely sprung!!

mmn I love apricot anything...combined with an's a winner!! Looks good too and the sediment doesn't bother me at all.

Me neither, just makes it seem all the more natural! Its a fine apricot back flavour. I love it!

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