
in #life5 years ago


That's a nice neck thing.

I said politely to the Good Lady's Doula friend Olette. She had popped round (again) to help with the Good Lady's Doula website.

They were cloistered over my laptop fannying about with simplistic web concepts as if they were solving world hunger.

I clunked the coffee I had made for them down beside them.


Olette reached up to her neck, touching a clumsy looking neck thing that looked it was made of solder wire and chewing gum.

You like it?

She preened.

Oh yes.

I lied deftly.

As well you should.

She said mysteriously, casting a sidelong glance to the Good Lady.

What is it?

I said without masterfully sighing.

It's a vulva pendant, actually.

Said Olette smugly.



I coughed up some of the coffee I had been sipping and clenched my arse sphincter to prevent my spleen from erupting out of my bahookie and running away from this madness.

I beg your pardon?

I said, holding my insides tightly.

Olette looked at me and held my eye.

A vulva pendant. I made it myself.

Not out of real vulvas I hope?

I chortled inwardly high-five'ing myself.

Olette swished her hair out of the way to expose more of the fucking nonsensical thing on her neck to the light.

He is a funny one, isn't he?

Olette remarked to the Good Lady.

The Good Lady made a hmm mmm'ing noise and gave me a warning glance but it was too late, the vulva necklace had unleashed my inner boom and I was helpless in its fury.


It's a great idea. I might make one myself actually.

I mused with a perfectly straight face.

Olette couldn't help but scoff slightly.

I hardly think it is something for a man to wear. It is a symbol of the divine feminine. A celebration, if you will, of womanhood and the pride we feel in our bodies and...

Oh. I didn't mean make a vulva one?

I interrupted.

Olette looked at me frownily.

What did you mean?

I meant I might make a cock one. You know, symbolising the essence of man. Mibbe a big silver cock and balls?

Olette took a deep and offended breath in through her nostrils and opened her mouth.

Actually, maybe I will be more subtle and just go for balls. That would be cool eh?

I said with a fevered gleam in my eye.

I could make it unisex too. No sexism here. Anyone would be welcome to have some of my balls round their neck. Whatcha think?

I headed off to the garage with a spring in my step before either of them could answer.


Vulva pendant?!? Okay, I have to look this up now, hang on...

Ugh, was it something like this?


Whyyyyy, why would someone where this? cough lesbo cough

Oh my god, those are even worse than @abh12345's!!

Compared to those hers was actually quite tasteful, it was a sort of wire thing


Kinda like this. Not an actual beef slice on a chain! LOLZ

Those ones I posted are for sale at Etsy, along with a whole page of similar ones haha. Yeah, the wired ones aren't so bad!

At least the wired ones could be mistaken for like a time portal or something, lol!!

What's that ?
Looks like the remains of a grenade mega blast.
Ajauwww some :-)

Ewww some you mean, lol!!

haha :D

Boom triggered! If only the gentleman of Thursday had collected the bits and bobs from the deceased, you'd have a whole range to suit any lager vest :)

Imagine! A whole range!!! You should have seen the thing. Awesome and mental at the same time!!

Just done a quick Google and I think I've seen enough!

OMGZLE!?! WTFUNKZ!! It was nothing like that. That's horrifying!! It looks like gammon!!

Horrifying indeed. I picked the worst from a selection of nasties :)

You totally did, the one that was in thesealife section :0D

I do try and steer clear of whales and those kind of odours as well!

I particularly steer clea of whelks but that's a personal thing :0)

Or you could just do what so many tasteless 'MURKANS do and hang some chrome-plated chinesium testicles off the arse end of your oversized pickup truck. Do you have that sort of person in Scotland? The sort who drives a lifted 4x4 with giant swamper tires along the freeway in excess of the speed limit and consuming an entire oil tanker's worth of fuel per mile, only to crawl at a walking pace along any gravel roads they encounter for fear of feeling any bumps or getting dust on the paint and chrome?

Hahaha!! We do. It's funny when you see them. The giant truck, built for off road and mental surfaces, yet when the crazy town drivers take them out on a muddy track they go at a snails pace frightened of bumps and spraying mud!

Well, it would seem my muse took a leave of absence, and this is as creative as I can get at the moment.20190526_183554.jpg

Hehe, that's actually really cool and remarkable in its subtlety!!

Want it? Hit me up on Discord. Cover shipping in SBD and it's yours.

Smashing. I will look for you in discord! Are you jacontothe there?

What rooms are you in?


I lurk in SteemCleaners, SteemTrail, and Archdruid Gaming. I participate in Steem Flag Rewards a bit more actively.

I shall visit you later on! The good lady is narking me for being on my phone because it's breakfast time.:0)

I had an evil thought. I have bits and bobs for steampunk creations. I could make a clock-and-balls pendant if you really want something phallic but slightly more subtle. A clock hand for the shaft and a pair of gears for the balls all woven together with wire.

Haha that sounds cool as anything!

She does it on purpose to get your attention. I would just move into the garage and hide away. She sounds like a total nutter. You trying to be polite put your big foot into it this time.

I was quite deliberately baiting her, she is a whack job, lol I could hide bit is a golden seam of material. I had never heard of such nonsense before!!

The world gets madder every day! But seriously, why is it ok to wear a vulva, but offensive to wear a cock? It could be quite tastefully done, in an abstract fashion...

That was what I thought. If you can wear one surely you can wear the other! She is a maddie

I'm under a possibly erroneous feeling that when you said "headed off to the garage with a spring in my step" you actually meant "fled full tilt like the hounds of hell were nipping at your very heels" XD

Oh for shame!! As if ;0)

Well, maybe I did flee a little. Hehe!!!

That is just weird - I always think of myself as free spirited but nope no vulva around my neck thank you

I salute you and your lack of neck vulva-ing!

Say hi to the good lady ,
will ya
Grtz , xxD

good to see you managed to break the world record for the 100 yards dash, but you only managed it because the vulva necklace fell down a bit and caught on her knees.
be careful, the world needs your posts, don't go taking risks like that.

It is a thin ice I skate!! Hehe

You could get this for yourself..


also available in bronze, flesh tone, red and occasionally blue

Damn, I wasn't first to think of it!! 🤣🤣

Those actually go on a Redneck pickup truck..

Posted using Partiko Android

Ahaha haha! That's beautiful!

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