Onion Tears

in #life6 years ago


Remember, this is my Dad we are talking about so can you please make an effort NOT to antagonise him this time?

I stopped, midway from lugging a million baby things out of the car and rolled my eyes whilst making a flubbery noise with my lips.

Of course, darling. I will be on my best behaviour.

Thank you, now let's go in.

We gathered the children and their massive baggage train and headed in to my father in-law's.


We had popped up to the bitter Highlands of Scotland to have lunch with her father, who lived up in the North Eastern marshes.

It had been a while since we had visited and the good lady was feeling a tad guilty hence the fantastic hungover Sunday drive for me.

Historically, me and the father in-law have never got on well. Perhaps it's the fact that he is from the North and I the South? Perhaps he envies me my rampant masculinity?


Whatever it is, he and I often clash.

But not today. Today I was on orders from the good lady. Best behaviour... Or else.

So I sat, the polite BoomDawg. I remembered my please's and my thank you's. When I had to use the toilet I refrained from peeing in his soap dish.

All in all, I was quite proud of myself.

Then the lunch came.

An old family favourite.

Chuckled the tall, big-bearded father-in-law.

Oh yes, what is it?

I inquired pleasantly as if I wasn't idly imagining beating him with a short length of rubber hose.


It's chicken and onion soup, just like we used to always have. Eh!

He smiled fondly at his daughter, the good lady.

I smiled too. Then I looked down at the soup that had been bought out.

It was a weird greyish-green with odd looking lumps floating menacingly within. A film of oil slicked the outside of the bowl.

I did my able best not to boak.

The good lady caught my eye. Her gaze was witheringly stern. Eat the fucking soup it seemed to say.

What was a man to do?

I ladled a spoonful of the greasy slop into my mouth. As the soup's odd texture touched my inner mouth parts, I had to fight not to retch and barf at the foulness of the stuff.

I faltered at the next spoonful until the good lady set her burning stare on me once more.

Once again, I heaved a spoonful up to my mouth. This time there was something even worse hiding in the liquid. A sharp and soggy vinegary thing.

I am no stranger to cooking, I knew what I was dealing with.

I nodded politely at our host.

Tell me, are those pickled onions in the soup?

My voice said it all, it was pleading for the answer to be no. I mean, who the fuck in their right mind's would make chicken and pickled onion soup!?

The old man looked at me defiantly and proudly at the same time.

Aye, picked onions. Lovely, eh?

The good lady kicked me under the table.

Yes, mmmm. Delicious!

I gasped.

The good lady smiled. Her old Dad smiled.

I did my best to pretend to smile. Then set myself as best as I could to disengage my taste buds from my brain for the next half an hour.

Chicken and pickled onion soup...?

The things we do for love.


onion tears < crocodile tears imho

Just wait till I see the Cayman, then we will know!! ;0)

I thought that we were agreed that a cayman proves nothing!

By proving nothing it proves everything!!

Sorry, that's over my head.

If you went vegan you could have gotten out of eating this.

I fear they would know worse things to do to vegetables!!

EW !!


I know, beyond the pail!

I certainly sympathize with you Meester ... An ex-girlfriend of mine once awakened me to a "nice Sunday morning breakfast" that she had concocted; Frankfurter and raisin pancakes...

It almost sent me scurrying off to Church to confess my sins.

Oh man, that is almost enough to drive you to church, lol!!

Lol. A pleasant family gathering is normally a roast or something and not some funky soup. You have had good practice lately though with your funky breakfasts and the odd beers you have consumed. If you had to have a gag reflex then it must have been bad. We have all been there and done it .Maybe next time to avoid this scenario offer to take them out for lunch instead.

I normally offer to bring it in as he isn't the most mobile bit it seems that today was the day to fuck me over, when I am hungover too. Aaarghh!

That is just wrong. The good lady owes you big time for eating that!

She does, I love picked onions but never should their path ever cross with soup!!!

Hahahaaa, ewww, what?? Poor boomy, you seem to always be faced with grimace and retch worthy food!

I am, it was minging! How can that ever be considered for by anyone. Lol. I did get a takeout curry for my dinner though, so a win!!!

It sounds like a hangover cure to me. It’ll either make you feel better, or make you purge your belly... making you feel better.

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Oddly enough I do feel better now. I do think that's because it is all behind me and I got a takeaway curry for my dinner :0D

suggest you visit more often, and rate the meals that you receive.
This on would be a 1/10 booms, and only that high because of the pickled onion.
Suggest to the Good Lady that you rate those strange breakfasts the same way.
When you recover, have a look in the local paper under "Situations Vacant" as you will be wanting a new bed too

I think if I rated the father in-law's cooking by going more regularly the good lady would have my guys for garters!!

silly question, Did she really like it, or was it because it was made by Dad?
If she liked it, I feel for you with the delights coming to you for breakfast

She things it is disgusting but because it's a childhood dish made by him she eats it. Lol, the things we do;

@meesterboom hello dear friend, I regret what you have had to spend in your lunch, I think nobody is prepared for chicken soup with pickled onion. if our wives knew all the things we do out of love.
I wish you a happy start, dear friend

If they knew they would mount us on pedestals and worship us as god's!! Cheers @jlufer

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