Nervous Thai Beers!

in #life6 years ago


Here in the northern hemisphere it's dark, miserable and wet but enough about my belly button...

Beer time!! Oh my, oh my and we have a fine pair of salty dog beers to battle it out with each other in the pit!

One of which is a Thai inspired beer from Amsterdam, mad eh? Full of chilli and lemongrass and all that jazz. Maybe that will chase the winter away!

Let's get tore in!!


Well it's jazzy enough. All colours 'n shit on the outside which is all very well and good but I am a man that demands a good inside too.

Let's pour this bad boy.


Plinkity plonk, would you look at that? I don't know if the photo does it justice but it is the perfect gold. As if the sun has ejaculated into an orange peel.

Hmm, perhaps not the best simile if it means I have to drink it.

Well, lovely sun-spunk it may be but this story only has one ending and that is somewhere in my dark nethers. So let's try this Thai!

Damn, it is lovely. Firstly, it is very hoppy then the other Thai inspired flavours cut through, galangal, lemongrass and of course, my favourite, chilli! I feel like I'm riding a beer elephant!

Just a mild heat but a welcome one. I love chilli's in beer! 8/10 booms!

So next we have the curiously named...


I am quite a fan of Fierce Brewing. Although this is a collaboration beer with some mob I have never heard of, I am intrigued.


An entirely different gold from the last, more like a sun setting over a rusting desert. I quite like it, although it has a fair old head whilst also looking to be incredibly flat.

Bizarrely, it is really pungent as well, juicy and fruity smells pouring off the thing.

How is this honking thing going to taste, I really don't know.

But I'm willing to find out!

Oh my flippitty, it's the sourest, tartest beer I have ever tried. Is it good? I really don't know, it's a bit like drinking grapefruity vinegar but with an alcoholic hit at the back of it. At first I think it is foul but for whatever reason I can't stop drinking it.

Fortunately, after it is finished I come to my senses. It's a decent sour, in fact if it was judged as a sour alone it would be a winner but on beer Saturday there has to be some decent beeriness too. 7/10 booms.

Oh well, I'm off to lick a cats litter tray, it might be slightly less bitter than that last beer!




I burst in to laughter after reading your opening Here in the northern hemisphere it's dark, miserable and wet but enough about my belly button... And I nearly choked on my beer when I read about the sun-spunk
Fu*cking brilliant post meesterboom, if all your posts are as funny as this one I think we will be new best friends haha. :D

Hehe, thanks very much. I try to add that special but of pizazz to a post ;0)

it has definitely got that sparkle for sure haha
it's like a breath of fresh air after been in a smoky pub to have some wit about a post.
there is a few steemians I follow just for the comical side, I sometimes find that some steemains can be a little dull with their posts and that puts me off.

There is a lot of seriousness about in the blog posts. People earnestly talking about the price of steem or what steem has to do to be great or how to up engagement blah blah. All noteworthy stuff but yeah it does get a little dry!!

that's right blah blah, if they want steem to rise in price stop selling it, then it will go up as there would be a shortage. (done) next bit of advice please. haha. there is nothing like having a bit of fun in your posts otherwise it is the same shit different day :D

Exactly, I checked your blog I liked it!

I have found that must of the stem price complainers are the ones that are Huck lo ING it out to exchanges faster than the eye can blink, it is funny!

Exactly, I checked your blog I liked it! thank you @meesterboom

It gets old doesn't it, steem/steemit is only young there is so much what can be done yet, more investors. the price will go up, then you get the knob jockeys on the news saying that the crypto bubble has burst i think to myself, that's just because the government is scared that it will take over and they will lose their fake money.
Keep holding, keep joking, if it's meant to be Ksara

Lol @knobjockeys, I haven't heard anytime day that in a long long time!

Yeah, there is a way to go in this is old horse crypto!

Not crazy about grapefruity vinegar...the Thai Thai sounds like it would be more up my alley! Chilis! And beer! Great combo for me!

The Thai Thai was truly enjoyable, the longer the other has sat in my mouth the more unsure I become but it was one of those ones I had to keep on drinking!

Hey Booms I have to admit I have never tried licking a horses arse and your facial expressions are hilarious. Good to see the sun jizz won this week with a score of 8.

Sun jizz aced it certainly over the other!

I laughed myself watching the video back! Lol

haha! sir I can't even catch all your words because your accent is so thick but you wouldn't even have to talk on these because your expressions are so dang funny. lol.

lol, who has an accent?????? He is downright hilarious, I about choked when he said, "it's just like licking a horses arse, you just keep coming back for more." I think i'd just pass on the first lick.

Everyone says that, till the first lick!

lol, you go first....

Lol, that's me tidying up my accent so that it is understandable as well!! You should hear me when I talk gutter style!!

haha! sir meesterboom you should just talk totaly gutter style in one of your beer videos next time, that would be so funny even if we couldn't understand it! lol.

I might like grapefruitty vinegar, both flavours I love. I am not a fan of spice. Not sure why other's like it, but matters little as long as I haven't a need to spice up any of my food or bevvy's. @winstonalden likes spicy, so I grow jalepeno and hot peppers so he can make his "Toad Hall Martini" which is a copious amout of hot chilli and seeds from the garden smashed and bashed into vodka or gin. To each their own.

That sounds amazing. I think I would like that very much! I grow my own too but have never really put them in drinks before. I will now!

I thought you might swallow the glass in that first clip. Lemon grass you say? In my beer? 🤔 Anything is possible. Be carful not to say Thai Thai to fast, the ladies might think you a perv.

Nervous laughter indeed. I was rolling over with laughter watching you drink that down. Never though a horses arse for sour, or a can’t stop Experience but here we are. It looked like you were sucking a lemon with every taste. Highly entertaining.

It was very much like a lemon but horsier lol. Weird stuff but strangely drinkable!!

I about choked when he said, "it's just like licking a horses arse, you just keep coming back for more." I think i'd just pass on the first lick, I've seen what comes out of a horses arse.

Haha, yeah, there might have been some artistic licence there ;0D

Well, that is what makes the videos work so well, you never know what is going to come out... except in the case of a horse's arse and I have shoveled quite a bit of that to know. Of course, it can have a variety of interesting color and a pungent bouquet...

We have come to this. It's not enough to be all flash with some substance. One needs that extra umph to vault themselves into the vaunted hall!

I'm wondering... would Thai Thai have been better sampled with pad thai, green curry or some fresg spring rolls? Hmmmmmm

I am thinking that if it was paired up with something Thai it might have been quite poor with the lack of contrast!

Oh yeah huh, I didn't think about that! It's all going to taste the same!

Yeah, a big shmoosh!!

Something salty and savory perhaps? Horse testicles comes to mind.

The label of the first beer looks like a lemon juice and the other looks like a poisonous potion lol

They are quite accurate then!

So..... Nervous Laughter with deep fried dill pickles?

I like pairing my drink with food.

I think that would work splendidly!

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