In The Shadow Of The Hardfork (2/2)

in #life6 years ago


As the Steemit situation escalated to a climax, I became ever more desperate... Did I survive? Did we survive? Read on for the exciting conclusion to this thrilling Hardfork series...

I entered the house and walked into the lounge. The good lady looked up.

Where have you been? I was looking for you.

I turned to her, my face haunted.

I went for a walk... outside...

She looked perplexed as if I had bought a packet of microwavable rice.

And how was your... walk?

I threw my coat down and whimpered.

It was awful! It was windy and at one point water fell out of the air and soaked me and then my legs got sore and then I got lost and there was all this green stuff everywhere. Under my feet and growing into the sky?!


You went to the park then? It does look a bit miserable outside.

I sighed like a shaggy dog given diet biscuits.

It was awful.

The good lady shook her head.

You are a sorry state aren't you, no word on Steemit?

I scrunched my face at her and made a snerfing noise.

Can't be long, I am sure.

She said optimistically like someone waving their beloved off on the Titanic.


Later that afternoon the good lady breezed into the lounge which was rapidly becoming my Prison. I was sitting on the couch with a book in my hand.

Whatcha up to?

She said merrily as if Steemit wasn't down and the world was normal.

I looked up and waved feebly at the book in despair.

I don't know?!

I wailed.

I thumped the book down.

How can people live like this? Reading books? On paper? It stinks and there aren't any pictures? Tell me, how do you people survive?


The good lady shook her head sadly.

I don't know darling. We just do. You know, like you used to? Before...

I threw the book on the floor, my eyes red-rimmed and crusty.

Before?! BEFORE?! There was never a before. You hear me, never!!

I broke out into great big heaving sobs.

The good lady nodded sadly.

I can't bear to see you like this. I just can't. Let me help you? Will you? Will you let me help you?

I nodded frantically.

Please... Please help me?

She pulled her hands out from behind her back. She had a pillow. Holding it out, she walked toward me.

Lie back darling. It's better this way.

I looked at the pillow and realised her intent.

Yes. Yes, you are right. Do it.


I lay back and she stepped close, raising the pillow to place over my face. I mentally prepared myself. Let this be over...

My phone pinged a notification sound. I recognised it as Steemify.

Stop! Hang on!

The good lady stopped the pillow's descent.

I grabbed my phone to check what had happened. Someone had posted on Steemit. It was back!! I quickly checked my Mana in Steemd. It was back. Everything was working, sort of!

OMGZle baby! You don't need to end my pitiful existence anymore lass, Steemit is back, I'm back. I'm back in the game!

The good lady frowned.

Oh, oh well then. That's good, I suppose.

She trudged off to put the pillow back on the bed upstairs.

I smiled at her retreating back before my smile faded slightly. Had she looked... disappointed?

No. Surely not?...



I'm glad you made it through HF20. I'm sure the crack team of developers who brought us HF20 are dreaming up even better things for HF21. Between now and then I suggest you start a very long list of new beers to review while you wait for Steemit to come back online.

What are the odds that there will be both no Steemit and no beer at the same time? I need to provide my next of kin some instructions on what to do with me if they find me completely sober, clicking F5 over and over . . .

Oh my goodness, that doesn't bear thinking about. I can't imagine no beer!! I mean, no beer and no steemit = no point!!

At least hf21 will be yards away :0D

Funniest thing I have found on HF20. Thank you @meesterboom. Glad you survived!

Just survived!! ;0)

Cheers mate!

There went the chance of creating an Aunty Boom.
What a way to start her story, removing the object that was only interested in beer testing ans steemit.

But who would chronicle her ascent to greatdom! ;0)

having watched the past master, she would soar to new heights, kicking whales out of her way, to the top.
it would be a case of "Ned who?"
just think of all those beers that you would miss out testing,


maybe a wise thought to miss your chance of creation, let sleeping dogs lie etc.

Yes, I quite like those beers. I will have to stay around for them and thwart her plans of world domination!!

Uncle Boom forever, keep up that stinky tobacco, lots of brandy for the heart, and women, (chained to the dining-room table with enough chain to reach the bedroom,) in their proper place.
Yeah right

That sounds like my kind if world!!

Certainly a close call, Boom! If that poster had just a little less RC, it would have been goodnight Irene! (silly American saying for disaster)

Lol, and now the resource credits scarcity is a thing of the past!!

Saved by the bell! Literally!

I am in a giggle myself about the SP and voting getting back to where it once belonged.


It has been long time coming and I missed my Steemit. I would be keeping an eye on the good lady ... of course, I am hoping that was only a dream? Or was it? Are you even sure????

Steem on, my friend. In the Boomiest way you can! I need to take you home with me so everyone can see the Boom is back!

Perhaps it read a fevered imagining. When I am left to my own devices my thoughts do run riot!! Hehe!

:) May your children have your wit.

Here's hoping!! :0D

Oh, no! I ran out of bandwidth!

No!! You did not you cheeky monkey!!

I just went to discord and was told that I UPVOTED my own comment! Holy Mother of Jesus. What idiot does that? And then I ran here and took it off. Oh, Lord.

Hahaha I have accidentally upvoted mine before instead of someone else's. You know on mobile when you click comments and it doesn't take you to the post but straight to the comment, it's easy done there!

OMGI I can assure you that was done when I wasn't paying attention. I saw and I mentioned that I uploaded myself and was mortified and took it off.

Oh dear...I hope she isn't planning HF21 already??? lol

Oh no, the one I don't make it through!!

I'm thinking you have time to come up with an alternate ending :D

I'm with you on that one ;0)

"as if ..the world was normal" 😂 😂

Hehe, as if indeed!!!

I laughed! I'm also kinda confused as to why people were upset... but I enjoyed your over dramatization of the thing. I just posted a blorb a few days ago about how I don't like facebook. I'll give you an upvote as a desperate attempt to get you to read it/I liked your post!

Haha, I shall indeed read it but I am afraid I ain't voting right now till my mana is back up to 80%+!!

I love the smell and feel of books, they're much more comfortable to read than screens. Their only downside is they take up a hell of a lot of space when you have more than a few XD

Were you seriously that bored? :D

RoFL! Surely you were only imagining the good lady's disappointment, surely XD

I was that bored! Maybe I hammed it up a little, har har!!

I will have to be watching her!

Poor wifey, not fair, you got what you wanted she didn't. . Bless her hehe

One day she will get all she wishes... And more!! :0D

Ahhh but will she get to do it herself...

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