Highball & Bun Beers!

in #life6 years ago


Damn, if it isn't Saint Crazy Day again! And by that I mean of course, Saturday!

Well what a pair I have this week. It's all about the cocktails and the buns! Boons!

I mean who doesn't love getting smashed on cocktails and eating nice big sticky buns at the same time. You would have to be an animal not to. Which brings me to the fabulous double act of today.

A beer based on a popular gin cocktail and the other on... A cinnamon bun!?!

This should be fun. Let us away then, to a time when men drank all day and were lauded for it!!


This is a puzzler. A beer based on a popular gin cocktail, the splendid Highball, created by Tim Collins.

Apparently quite the refreshing summertime drink. What better time to have it then, when your balls are hiding high in your pants at the onset of winter?

It's from New Zealand. I think that's a first for me. I hope it doesn't let the Kiwis down!!


Well, it's a fine looking thing. Darker than I expected for a sour beer. Fizzy looking thing too. The head rapidly disappears into the ether like a crypto traders dreams.

What say you video man?

Well that is a genuine surprise, I had honestly rather expected this to be a bit shit. Well done Funk Estate brewing and hurrah for the Kiwis! Showing that they can produce a whacky beer worth drinking!

A worthy 7.5/10 booms!

A very pleasant start to the evening. Can the happy path continue? Will little Bears continue to merrily paw at my mouth with their underparts??

Next up. Bring on the Buns!!!


Ha, I mean really. A cinnamon bun beer, has the world gone mad? And what does it say about me when the man who owns the beer shop instantly thinks it's my kind of thing!?

Does he think I am Danish?

Let us get stuck in and see!


Oh man, it pours am amazing looking amber brown and scented waves of fermented dark fruit boil off the damn thing.

I've got a good feeling about this. Let me get my thoughts down on the video machine!

Hot donkilicious! This is stonkingly good! This is what all beers should taste like!! I can't believe it's a thing. But I am ever so glad it is. It's slightly sweet, with hints of dates and treacle backed up by a slight punch of alcohol.

I fucking love it. It gets a 10 boomer!!!!

There is truly hope for the world. I am going to buy hundreds of this stuff!!!


Chin chin mother fuckers!! Have a good weekend!!


Your face screwed up like a goodun for number one, are you sure it was only a small lemon that farted in your mouth?

I do like a sweet ale, they have a cracker at SteemFest that I glugged 5/6 of to start the evening :) Who would have thought this would get a 10 - I wonder if Lidl stock it......

It might have been a big ole lemon!

I like em too and you can't beat starting an evening off with 5 or 6 beers!! :0D

Works well with food and then another 5/6 :D

That sounds like a recipe... For a great night!!

It was the recipe in Poland all week and the evenings didn't disappoint :D

I did not see this one coming! I half-expected bear beers or bears eating buns-beers, but never the FIFTH tenner!!

You sly dawg! The way you built it up as something mediocre! This was such a pleasant surprise! After mulling around in mediocrity for a couple of weeks, I'm glad a vaunted ale has risen to the ranks of legend. Who would've though it would be cinnamon-based!

People like buns indeed! Welcome to Valhalla, young buck!

I was quite taken aback myself!! I felt thought it would be a sickly sweet twoddle of a thing and instead it was one of the nicest beers I have had in ages!! Well, since the last ten :0D

Which isn't ages at all! Have you finally sifted through the gunk and now stumbled upon the treasure trove!?

One can but hope but you know how hope has a habit of getting up behind you and kicking you up the ass!!

Glad to hear you finally liked your beer. Sounds good to me.

Hello lass!!!

Yes indeed, it was fabby,I was sad to see it finished!

I think I know what those holes are for.

I knew someone of your magnitude would!

Your welcome... Happy Saturday! :0D

A cinnamon bun beer and you like it.Your credibility as a taster just went out the window. I think it's amazing how adventurous these beers are becoming.
I think your boons bottle store man must be looking for anything funky to satisfy the nutter that lives up the road. can't wait to see what he finds next for you. A bun with a hole in it is a diet bun ,like a doughnut they are the only ones allowed on a diet I say.

Hehe, you would think my credibility was busted but if you tasted it you would be astonished. Beer bun madness. It's why I laughed when I tried it, I fully expected to go blegh!!

haha! another amazing taste fest sir meesterboom! And another successful one at that, great job, I never dreamed of these kinds of beers! The local beer shop guy watches out for unique beers for you, is that what you were saying?

It is indeed, he knows I am a sucker for the expensive shenanigan!!

I am usually not very trustworhy of this "tastes like" scenarios, because it is mostly not the way it goes, but that is a surprise that the bun beer was the best. Have a nice weekend - I am sticking to a lemony beer in this scorching heat this week

That looks like a thirst quencher! Hope your have a nice weekend too

It is very nice - even my mom who does not like beer enjoys a few sips of this

Glad the beers did not disappoint - love the can with the cat

I really liked the cat design as well! It was quite cool

You best get yourself down under to Kiwi-land to try some more of our beers then. And visit us and Len while you're here.

Hehe, of I could afford it I would. Kiwi land looks awesome!!

Are “those” holes to help get the “icing” on the cinnamon buns?

I’m still a little shocked that it got 10 booms! Is that the first to get boomdawg to go all in? Full Monty?

Have a fantastic weekend!! I hope your head (and any other body part) isn’t sore in the morning.

Ah yes, theicing... :0D

It will be sore!! I have no doubt. I think it is the third to reach the dizzy heights of 10! I really should keep a record, lol!

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