Hands On

in #life6 years ago


Help me, BoomDawg, you're my only hope!

I stopped mid-stride on the way back to my desk and looked for the owner of the mournful cry.

Nearby a small Gothic looking chap was waving his skinny black-clad arm in the air as if he was drowning.

It was Magpie, one of our testers. So called because of his penchant for black clothing and shiny silver rings.


I headed over.

Magpie, what's up?

Oh man, like, thank fuck I saw you there. I'm totally stuck man. Can you help me?

He mewled at me, still waving his arm feebly, like a baby ostrich with no bones in its neck.

I made a it's gonna cost you type face and sucked through my teeth.

You wanting help from me and my big bollocks? You must be a very desperate man indeed.

He made a face at the mention of big bollocks as if haunted by them in his dreams.


I don't need to hear about big bollocks. I'm struggling to create a test customer in MORS, can you help?

I winced at the mention of MORS. It was our old legacy database system which was notorious for the number of years it had been out of support.

It was a bastard to deal with.

Not for me though, I had worked on it for years up until recently.

We were like lovers, MORS and me. Well except for the squishy widgy wet bits that normally accompany the act of lovin.


I pulled a seat over and sat down.

No matter how hard I tried I couldn't suppress a smile. Since being 'promoted' to line management I had increasingly found myself doing less actual stuff.

Instead, my job seemed now to consist of meetings and conference calls and the occasional bout of mindless management training in which we were actively encouraged not to actually do anything but talk about how to do it instead.

The next ten minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

At the end of which, I heaved my giant and handsome testicles out of my trousers and onto the desk where Magpie and myself spent some moments admiring them.

Metaphorically speaking of course. Magpie had no chance of admiring my testicles given his lack of hungry hippo.


Aw man. Awesome. Thanks very much.

Exclaimed Magpie, no doubt already calculating how he could pass my ten minutes of work off as three days of his own.

I laughed and shook my head as if it were nothing.

Anything else you want a hand with?

I asked generously.

Before Magpie could answer, a voice bellowed out like an angry giraffe in the mist.

BoomDawg!! What are you up to?

I stood up hurriedly, dusting my hands against my trousers as if I had just baked a pie.

Um, was just helping Magpie with a scenario he was having trouble...

El Jefe cut me off.


He barked.

But I...

He made asnarly-warly don't cross me face.

No. Hands. On.

He stomped off, muttering something about managers thinking they weren't managers.

I checked the time and saw I was due for a meeting. Sighing, I got up.

No hands on, boo hiss.


Meetings... my worst nightmare..., I do everything to avoid them.

'I could be doing some real fucking work and not yip yappering'.. but of course I cant say that.

That's what I think almost every minute of every day!!

Weird as hands on is how people learn. Maybe they are not supposed to learn so you remain top dog forever. I have seen those scenarios before.

I could live with that maybe, lol.

It's so nice to actually do something though. Mibbe I am in the wrong job!?

Maybe. What you did today was the right thing and maybe that is what is wrong with everything.

I suspect you are correct. I wonder at what point a company good from being sometimes baby where they make sure everything is going just right and when it genome a massive beast populate by people determined to do nothing constructive

Plenty have fallen into that category and they will suffer because of it. Staff wont stay as no one cares. Used to see it when companies changed from promoting from within to sourcing less experienced from outside. They are protecting their own jobs by stagnating who they have under them.

Yeah, it reminds me actually of a little cafe that opened up near my flat when I was a single man. As it was nearby I used to pop in for my hangover breakfasts. It was amazing, great food and good prices. Service was with a smile and they were always friendly. Obviously it became a big hit. The guy had to take on more staff, even buying the place next door and expanding into it. Eventually it was doing so well that when I was talking to him once he said he was going to live in France in a place he had bought. He buggered off, leaving the place in the hands of a newly hired manager.

Soon the food quality became shit. The staff became surly and everything went to pot. Then when trade fell off dramatically the owner returned but by then it was too late.

It's a bit like that with every company no matter the size I presume

Sounds about right. That is a common story played over and over again. Sell it if you want a break, but don't toss it to a manager. My brother in law became sick a few years ago with breast cancer. He basically had things to work through but the company changed when he wasn't around. It still isn't the same and was a reason for me going on my own. I can understand as it is a life changing thing to happen to you.

Tell El Jefe that random internet person thinks he's a terrible manager XD

seriously I'd be getting fired for arguing about how "no hands on" is probably the singularly most stupid thing in the history of the known universe and actually almost did get fired for something related once XD

It's mental. I was at a training course recently wish essentially boiled down to letting the do'ers do. I was like, hey. I'm a do'er!!

The noive of you, actually trying to do some WORK while at...work. You're supposed to just carry a clipboard, sigh a lot, and spend an inordinate amount of time in the loo, between meetings. Love it. Thanks for the chuckles.
(Though, truth be told... I used to LOVE meetings. Didn't have to be outside in the snow and rain, could doodle and mess about, make excellent comments, and they had some good snacks. I suppose one advantage of being a seasonal employee.)

If they had snacks in any of the meetings I went to then I would be a convert. What an amazing idea! I have suggested coffee but rarely get taken seriously because it would cost money, lol!!

Ha haa, I think you need to tell El Jeffe' (sp?) he's cheaper than a dime store pencil. Good lord, mon, how can he expect you to stay awake in a meeting, without coffee. (Though I've never actually had a cup myself, but that's what the SNACKS are for). And as a woods worker, EVERYONE had their own green and silver, Aladdin thermos. And it seemed like every one of them had a dent in it, from being run over by a truck or other piece of equipment in the road. I hope you can get at least some donuts for your next conference room marathon. All that sugar and fat helps you to fall asleep much faster.

@meesterboom hello dear friend. Stories equal to yours I have gained hundreds in the companies where I worked, and by bosses with yours is that they made me not work more under dependency relationship. the reasoning of some superiors is incredible. I pity you.
I wish you a happy rest dear friend

I pity them, it will all come back to bite them in the bum one day! Cheers @jlufer!

Wait, so you can't teach the other people? Why?! Hands on is probably the best teaching method around imo... Makes no sense to me... poor megpie, I hope that at least he learned how to do it so next time he can teach someone else

It was a case of in one ear and it the other with him. I have lost count of the times I have bailed him out!!

I would have no patience for people that I try to teach something and they don't learn... Maybe you should do a youtube tutorial so next time megpie watches it instead of asking you for help...

Hehe, that would be handy but YouTube is blocked by thefun filter!

I had a job like that once. I miss feeling important doing not much.

Lol, I miss doing stuff!

Hello @meesterboom, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Wayhay, cheers!! :0)

dang sir meesterboom, the no hands on policy takes away the only enjoyable part of the job!

It does, what's a man to do if he can't get his hands dirty!

Exactly. He'll feel worthless like a politician or something!

Why they couldn't help their own workers?!!! This was so absurd. I hope El Jefe realised that what he did will be harmful in the long run. Upvoted!

I hope he realises too!!

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