
in #life5 years ago


Never trust someone who's head looks like back-combed arse hair.

I said wisely.

You can't fucking judge a president based on his hair?!

Replied Marjella - a girl in my work.

I beg to differ. I can judge anyone based on any random criteria I please. Oh and apparently his penis looks like a big fat mushroom.

Marjella shook her head.

No, you can't reduce everything down to genitalia references and... Hey, over here!?


I looked back in Marjella's direction.

Sorry what?

I was speaking and you totally stopped listening and stared at that girl's legs as she walked by!!!

It was midday, almost lunchtime. I was having a natter with Marjella who sat nearby and the subject had rolled around to President Trump's visit and all the protests that were going on because of it.

To be honest, I had switched off once the topic had moved to politics and had resorted to saying things for shock value in the hope of stopping the conversation in its tracks.

It wasn't working.

And then a lady with the most stonking pair of legs ever had walked past. I had never seen her before. She was awesome. Like a sexy gazelle with hair and lips.

I felt my inner lion roar and pace about its cage made of marriage.


Are you listening to me?

Demanded Marjella.

I realised with a start that I had gone back to staring at Gazelle-Lady as she receded off into the distance.

Um, what. What thing was it?

Marjella have me a look blacker than any night.

I was speaking and you just stopped listening so you could stare at a random woman's legs!?

She looked pissed.

No I didn't.

I said, only slightly defensively.

You did. You are leg daft, you always look at girls with legs when they walk past!

She squawked, flapping her wings angrily.

No, that would be demeaning of me.

I couldn't help but wink as I said this.

Marjella's eyes widened.

Yes, yes it would.

She said with a strange finality as if planning to kill me and store me in a chest freezer only to bring me out every third Sunday so we could watch box sets together.

Sorry. You have my full attention now. So what was it about genitalia you were saying?

I smiled my best smile handsomely at her.

Geni...? Oh nothing, forget it!?

Marjella huffed and turned back to her desk.

I turned back to mine with a sigh of almost relief.

Hey, what about my legs?

My body stiffened and not in a naughty Frenchman kind of way. I turned around.

Marjella was smiling at me weirdly.

Um, your legs?

Marjella nodded and kicked her legs as if swimming at the bottom of a dark well.

Yeah, how do mine rate?

She had a mad gleam in her eye. An expectant sort of gleam.

I felt at if I were teetering on the edge of a great precipice.

Despite her big sausagey ankles, I smiled winsomely.

You have magnificent legs!

I declared.

Her face turned slightly pink and she giggled before turning back to her PC.

I turned back to mine too.

My inner lion made a strange mrowling noise. I had an awful feeling I had jumped into and not out of the precipice...


This is the royal Dutch Gazelle :P

Look at its curves!!! :0D

Don't tell me Trump inspires crazed feminazism in Scotland too! Careful me boom, those women bite and scratch and not in a way that will make your lion roar ;)

Yeesh, finally got to string a half hour together for steemit, my family has been relentless every time I try with the 'Don't ignore us' stuffs, it's madness! lol!

I know that don't ignore us stuffs well!!

Yeah, he inspires it hugely. Maybe they love him really :0D

big sausagey ankles?

Does anyone at work know about your second life as a erm... writer?

Well, once upon a time there were a couple but now there are none. I am a mystery writer man!! Thankfully. If someone from work joins I'm fucked!! :0D

That depends if they know you as Uncle Boom or not?!

Haha, well that's true!

No harm in looking and good thinking on a quick lie for sausage legs. Thank heavens I don't know you and come visit your office as I would be looking out for all of these different people.

My clever aliasing would hopefully keep everyone from guessing!!!

Lol @meesterboom this is funny story. Keep your loin in control at work place 😅

Posted using Partiko Android

Loins will be loins! ;0)

You know to drop yourself in it.

It's one of my specialities!

She'll be wearing stockings for work next this Marjella bird, dangerous times :P

Haha, oh well, that would be a different kettle of fish. I could forgive a sausage'y ankle :0D

Now and again but not for keeps them sausages

Lol, philosophical and true!!

" always look at girls with legs when they walk past!" As opposed to girls with no legs? Now THAT would be a sight!

I know, what's this walking lark without legs!!! :0D

So you are a leg man? Agh sometimes a girl just needs a boost, and she felt left out that you did not give attention to her, so good on you for making her feel good...........okay on the other hand she can maybe be a psycho stalker.... you never know with some girls and compliments LOL

Haha. A man has to be some kind of man so a leg man will do!

It was nice of me! I am a gentleman! :0D

Goodmorning ;
What a dream-job you have :

{I felt for Noa yesterday ,
asking if it's possible the 'gangway' of his ark ,
could connect the hardwarehouse 'dock' with other ships ,
so they're able to load and unload passengers cargo.
In a scalping style to assure having foot on the ground.}
Greatz , :-)

Ah such a burden for the poor Noah!

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