
in #life6 years ago (edited)


Last night I had the splendid opportunity to go out with my old muckeroo @wisbeech. Yes, a fellow steemian in the flesh!

I don't go out very often since the coming of the second child, in fact, I think I have only gone out once(ish). So I was very excited indeed.

We chose to prowl the south side of Glasgow which is rapidly becoming the New West End instead of the Poor man's West End as it used to be. I know. I know, how confusing.

So off we trotted, trying out the finest craft beer bars and trying out all manner of shenanigans.

At points we laughed...


At points, we roared and clashed our tankards together...


Eventually, the night ended and we went our separate ways.

I woke up this morning in what can only be described as a bit of a nick. Gingerly, I made my way downstairs. I greeted the family good morning and sat down wondering if I could muster the strength to make myself a coffee.

The good lady got up and went into the kitchen, returning moments later with a steaming hot cup of haw mawfee. I almost wept with gratitude.


Then she spoke.

Daddy, I have alarming news.

O M G.

This was it. She was obviously going to tell me that she was expecting baby number 3. I was doomed, how would I cope? I had barely gotten used to the sleep deprivation from number 2?!??

I obviously hadn't been careful enough when flinging the salty porridge about.

I readied myself to burst into tears.

The good lady continued.

I think there was an intruder in the house last night.

Eh? What the hecking heck was she talking about?

What do you mean, an intruder?

The good lady put a hand on her hip and cocked it aggressively at me.

Well, when I got up this morning I found a shoe in the hall...



Then when I got into the living room I found another shoe in the middle of the floor...

In the middle of the floor you say? Madness!

I responded with incredulous innocence.

Then I went into the kitchen and found a pair of jeans in the middle of the floor.

Hmm, I don't really remember the why for that one.

Ok baby, there was no intruder.

Really Daddy? Really? There was no intruder? But how can we explain the random clothing strewn everywhere?

The good lady held her hands to the side in stage-school puzzlement.

I took a deep breath.

*Well, you see, it was like this... On the way home, I was chased by a fox.


I ran into the house but it managed to get in behind me. I used the only weapons I had to hand, so in the hall, I threw a shoe at it. Still, it kept coming, I ran into the lounge and threw another shoe at it. Boom, headshot!

One of the good lady's eyebrows seemed to be climbing up to her hairline.

It was stunned but quickly recovered. I ran into the kitchen, it was snapping at my heels and caught the hem of my jeans. I struggled and fought but it pulled my jeans clean off. As it did so I managed to bash the living daylights out of it with a rolling pin. I dumped the body in the garden then went to bed.

I gave the good lady my best fox-killing smile.

Well, next time leave the foxes at the door, hmm?

Yes lass.

I muttered apologetically.

Bloody foxes.


Thank you for this delightful tale and illustrations @meesterboom.

Always appreciate hearing when one has opportunity to meet up with other Steemians. Hello to @wisbeech.

Wishing you and yours a lovely week end. ^__^


It is quite a thing to meet up with some. I wish I had the fortune to meet more!

A lovely weekend to you too :O)

Oooh, I can see now...So, I was wondering how socks are there here in the house & parts smashed potatos in the cupboards & hanging kitchen elements & panties & t-shirts everywhere and even in the garbagge...So, that was fox business & sometimes mice's business...Actually, we had 2 mice in the house for months...Aaaah...Finally, if It was not You, I would never Discover this Mistery...😆🤥🤔

Hehe, it's always the foxes or the mice. The mice are sneaky little ones and no mistake. If I am ever in doubt I know to blame the foxes or mice! :0D

We also have small elephants running after my son ? So, in that hard battle to escape glasses are broken, milk, food & juice are spilled even in the sleeping room...Really scary small elephants 🐘...

Ah, I can see that there will be small elephants in my future too for my son. I shall watch out for them!

If you could come up with a story like that while hung over, you weren't hung over enough.

Next time, it will be a Great Canadian Albino Moose that will chase you in the door!!!

This will also explain why some furniture was turned over.

The above is my equivalent of a certain Scottish Unicorn named Binky.

I can think of nothing more terrifying than a Great Canadian Albino Moose!!

I will save that excuse for next time ;O)



Heheh,, you have the eyes of a hawk! ;O)

What the fox! Your good lady didn't believe such a harrowing tale of gallantry!? My word! I, for one, would've been left with my mouth agape! It's nice that you have other Steemians living nearby. How I wish that we would be able to frolic out on the town in the near future as well, bro-sphorus!

Aw man, that would be amazing. Imagine the tales!!!! I can almost hear the songs they would sing of such deeds right now!!

Vampires would be at awe, because the streets would be painted red!!

Bahahahahaha. A solid cover-up story if there ever was one. I mean, haven't we all had a run it with a nasty fox in the wee hours of the night while stumbling into the house? And to think that you were able to bash him dead right there in the kitchen without spilling so much as a drop of blood. lol

No blood!! You are right!!

Dammit, this is worse than I thought... It was a ghost fox!!

For Fox ache!

Pssst I'm pretty sure she didn't believe you... Just sayin...

Hmmm, I think I concur on that point ;0)

You do know the size of a fox, don't you, you creative liar?

The cold winter air played strange optical tricks on the eye :0D

That must have been it, yes.

Is that what keeps chasing my husband around after a night of drinking? To think I was annoyed at picking up strewn clothing all those times when it was a fox's fault, how bad do I feel? LOL

Yeah! You should feel awful!! Best let him have a night out in the town so that in the morning you can truly sympathise with his food chasing antics!! ;0)

Haha, I never begrudge him a night out on the town and vice versa (I just pick up my own strewn clothing LOL)

I mostly do too. But oh my, what a state I was in that morning. I am not really used to being out on the lash!!

I can barely get Howie to pick up his strewn clothing when he's not drinking, lol! If it only happened once in awhile after a good drunken outing I would find it hilarious ;)

Haha, imagine if it did happen then, you would be forcing him out the door to get drunk!

What did the 🦊 say?

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