Cyber Security

in #life7 years ago


You might be wondering why I have arranged this meeting?

Smiled the dapper little man in front of me. He had sunglasses perched on his head despite this being Glasgow in October.

I wasn't wondering. What with the baby of Damocles hanging over my head I was running around like a blue-arsed fly in my work. Tying up all the loose ends I could find and making sure everything was tickety-boo for when I had to go on leave for a month.


So my patience for yet another meeting invite walloping into my mail box was wearing thin.

Hmm. Not particularly.

Oh... Well, your company have engaged my company's services.


My company specialises in the area of Cyber Security.


So I thought I would catch up with all of the relevant areas and just brief them on my.. brief, as it were.

He chuckled like an old man taking viagra. I stared at him with my best Sakura Killer look.


He stopped chuckling and obviously decided to cut to the chase. He pulled a post-it pad from a hidden pocket and wrote something on it, then held it up to me. His scrawl said 'Al Queda.' He looked at me meaningfully.

I am quite sure I don't need to state the importance of guarding our data from these guys.

He waggled the post-it pad at me like he had some kind of palsy.

I screwed up my face grumpily and peered at his hand.

Al Kweh-da...? You've spelled it wrong.

He twisted his hand round and checked. He seemed a little annoyed.

Yes. Well, you get my meaning. We have to be vigilant.

This was all starting to look as if it was going to go on far too long. I had stuff to be doing. I decided to ramp things up a notch.

Oh aye. Has someone fingered me?

What, fingered? No. No, not at all. I am just introducing myself to everyone.

He giggled somewhat nervously.

Because I won't have it, I won't have needless fingering.


I threw him a dark look of outrage. Little dapper man's face became quite red with embarrassment. He crumpled up his clumsily spelt post-it note and hid it in his pocket.

Well, look, eh, thanks for coming. I dare say we will be working closely in the coming months.


I scrunched my face up in distaste as if finding a pube in my spaghetti and got up to leave. Little dapper man held the door open nervously for me. I grimaced as I slid past him, raising a fierce eyebrow as he opened his mouth to say something. He closed his mouth quickly like a fish in a bag full of farts.

Once back at my desk I smiled. Today was going to be a good day.


Illuminate confirmed again!

Hehe, I was thinking of when you spotted it last time!

Hah , illuminati , those running in the spot light !

Yeah , being a prompter behind the curtain , is far better for the eyes.
Putting on sunglasses and a black hat is another option. :-)))

It is good to have these options lol!!!

You should put your out off office message on and be done with it!

Also "fish in a bag full of farts!" 😭😭😭

Hehe, it was the first thing I could think of when I thought of the easy his mouth snapped shut lol!

I am sore tempted to put the out of office on!!

Love it... My favorite phrase for the month 'He closed his mouth quickly like a fish in a bag full of farts.'


I impressed myself with that one!! :0)

Those goddamned pubes... always finding their way into people's spaghetti. It's no wonder there's so much needless fingering going on these days. This guy clearly got what he deserved!

I think so! It's a schmorgasbord of pubery these days. Can't move for them!!

HAHAHA! Schmorgasbord of pubery!!

I can safely say that no one has ever said those three words to me before LOL!

Stick with me baby. I will say all manner of ghastly things to ya! :0D

Oho ho!! Promises promises!! :D

Oh man, I always say that!! Lol

HA! Oh dear! Too funny!

I now have to start amending my patter!!

Oh boy... can you just imagine small dapper little man facing the Al Kweh-da - Your name's not down, you're not coming in!

He was exactly like that. I thought of him more as a car park attendant!!!

Your name's not down, you're not coming in to park that? ;)

Thems the ones. You can't come in!!

Yep! Pffft!


You were certainly the Alpha Male in that encounter Boom. I was wondering whether Dapper man uses the post-it trick to (attempt to) pick up women. Sound like a well rehearsed use of a prop. Lucky you were able to put him in his place! 😂

I thinkI might have been. It was a bit odd that writing on a post-it pad and hiding it kinda thing?!

Ah so you wont stand for a bit of fingering, eh Boom?

Absolutely not! Unless plied with wine and crackers.

You saved some time with your attitude, I love the way you are able to make us see exactlyl what you were experincing. Thanks for sharing hope the baby will not wait to long now.

I have all my fingers crossed but he is still up there. He is at it.

Aha! I bet the little dapper man would be a regular fixture in this here parts. He looked like a real badass up until that Al Queda reveal. What was that? Some type of technique to cook pasta? Maybe his glasses caused him to misspell something like AI Quota, because that seems to be what's threatening the cybersecurity guys these days. Whatever it was, I'm pretty sure he didn't mean those other guys. I mean, why would they target him, right?

He definitely didn't mean those other guys, will, one would hope.

It was bizarre add well because I kinda thought that China or Russia would be more the that from a cyber security perspective. So very odd when he tries out the old fear card!!
He was no James Bond I'll tell you!

Hahaha!! Yeah!! That's what I thought too! Of all the legit cyber threats out there, I would put the ones he tried to mention outside of the top 10. No offense to them. It's like he's talking to non-tech people haha! Bizarre!

Haha, I suspect he was very non tech!!

Or he was so tech that... yeah I got nothing. That guy really shouldn't have written Al Queda in the first place haha!

He was a pie!

lol...The dapper man and you working closely in the next few months...I can hardly wait.

Hahaha, I am severely hoping thats not the case sigh

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