Chilli Beers!

in #life6 years ago


It's time to get back to basics. BOOM basics! What do I mean? Spicy madness, that's what!

If you were around for my earlier Steemit career (I presume that will be hardly anyone) you would know I was a bit of a crazy chilli obsessed cooking man.

I love the damn things, chilli's make everything better and that includes beer. And what a pair of beers I have this evening. One loaded with chipotle and the other habanero!! No-one can live at this heat!! (Hopefully.)

So enough chat. Bring on the spice!


La Adelita, apparently a famous Mexican horse, if I'm not mistaken. Splendid, well done Mexico!

Hot squonk!!! 11%!? This is wild territory. If the good lady knew i was drinking beer this strong she would be getting the seduction mitts out and getting all handy shandy!!


Cor, would you look at that. It's a devilish red-black colour. Viscous and gloopy, it's like black blood. As if I have torn the balls from a demon and thrown them on the fire for a toasting!!

Phewee, oh well, he who dares...

Oh this is tough. My heart says be nice but my evil twin says no. It's a good tasting beer. It is however very strong and any flavour it is meant to have, the chipotle and chocolate and all that is just overpowered by the strength. A shame. Still. A good 7/10 booms!

Next. Habanero, in a beer!!! How exciting!


Raar, this one has got me making paste in my chinos!

Ha, don't be silly, I don't wear chinos.

Let's get tore in!


It looks a far cry from the last. Something makes it looks a bit average. Surely not. My eyes must deceive me.

Let's taste.

That's just rubbish man. I've been sold a fucking pup. It's so bland, it's just a watery porter?

No chilli, no vanilla, no cinnamon. No anything. Gaaaaaaaarrrrr!! Raging. I'm off to get a real beer. 2/10 booms!

Have a good weekend everyone! Oh and don't worry about the beard. I will shave it off soon. :0D



My eyes are watering and I'm eyeing the door to the toilet even just reading about spicy things, especially drinks! Spice and I are not friends, though i don't mind the taste my intestinal track prefers to not hold onto anything with spice for longer than 1. 5 minutes!

Well, at least I'm a bit closer to your zany ways, not happily sat down in England, though southern England.

You are exceedingly close. I can feel the tingle in the air!!!

Just think, that means with the spicy food you have a minute of sheer joy before the baby's starts!!

Actually, I think you should grow your beard out. Having a beard would lend more credence to your beer reviews. Not that your beer reviews aren't already incredibly credible, it's just that adding a beard makes everything more so. I look forward to seeing you with a long flowing beard!

It's almost flowing as we speak. In fact it's so beard it's becoming dangerous!

Even better. Dangerously bearded beer reviews. Nobody will be able to resist. Breweries will probably start shipping you cases of beer for free hoping that you'll pick theirs to review on your blog.

A long held and glorious dream!!

Are we going to have some retro reviews? Skol and Kestral lager spring to mind... haha!

Hahahhaa, oh the memories! Kestrel, if that wasn't piss I don't know what was! Can you still get Skol?

I hope not.., its probably been renamed to Tesco or Asda 'Big Quality' brand or something now.

I think Asda is the one that sells Crown some ridiculous weak piss of a beer, Its awful and its not even that strong!

Nooooo the bland one second - and I had hope for such a pretty can. Enjoy your weekend - or what is left of it.

It was an amazing can! On the outside. I have high hopes for the rest of the weekend

Our dads must have gone to the same school of fathering....As a kid, I always wanted to like what my dad was drinking, and he'd say 'go ahead, you can try it!" but he'd serve it to us in a shoe, and blaaaah! and eewwww! ;0)

Hehe, the very same one then!!! Who could possibly like shwisky? Or shbeer!?!


I was hoping the habenero would have its usual 20 second delay before .... BOOM!

haha! sir meesterboom! a couple of strange brews there, never heard of such things and never tasted them for sure. What were you saying about beer in a shoe? Sorry I still can only catch about half through the accent. lol.
but it's still the best beer testing videos around.

Lol, I was saying it tasted like whisky in a shoe!!

oh..ha! yes no wonder you made that kind of face! lol.

Beard? What beard? Drank beer, got beered? That's weird.

It's quite intimidating I know. Such a full thatch of a thing!!

Mine is growing like weeds again. The hair is long. My religious aunt said I look like Jesus. That was in summer. Now I probably look like the Jesus who sleeps in the park.

Shave it all off that will show em!

Lol making paste. Bland as fuck. Should call your tastings hit and miss , but more miss than hits. How do you choose the beers?How many have you tried now.

I have tried bloody loads. No idea how many. I pick ones that pop out the shelf! Sometimes I think of a theme, other times it's the jazzy designs!

Skulls!? Chillies!? Surely we have the making of a real champion, if not a tenner! Alas, what a disappointing Sabeerday all in all. That's what happens when you fly too close to the sun, Daedabrews!

Lol @daedabrews!!

I genuinely thought this week I had picked two amazing beers. I was expecting to be throwing 10s and 9s about all over the place and they were just meh!!!

Instead, the only ones you threw was them haha!

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