in #life6 years ago


Daddy, what's this?

The little lady walked toward me holding a shiny silver disc out at arm's length. Suspicion was writ large on her five -year-old wise face.

I nodded and narrowed my eyes.

So the time I had been dreading had come. She had decided that now was the time to challenge me. Well, I might be a bit hungover but I would fight.


It was with a heavy heart that I readied myself to bludgeon her cruelly to the floor before she could get any nearer with her devil-discus weapon.

What does the writing say?

She held up her sickeningly sharp weapon and indeed, there was writing on one side.

I lowered the iron hand, saving her from the killing blow.


Oh, it says Adele.

Adele? What's that?

I made a small snickering noise. Like a radish caught in a jar.

It's a singer. Your mummy likes her.

The little lady turned the disc in her hand over and over.

I don't understand, what is this?

She thrust the silvery thing out at me.

I took it from her and put it down beside me.

It's a CD, lass. You know? A compact disc.

The little lady made a face like an old gnarled stick. I was obviously being shit at the explaining game. That's what hangovers do though. They make you a bit shit at parenting.


But what's it for!?

It's a CD, a compact disc, it's got music on it.

What, music? What do you mean?

You put it in a cd player and it plays songs.

The little lady looked incredulous at such an idea then suspicious as if I was pulling her leg.

Show me!!

Her mouth was set in a grim line. It was patently obvious she wasn't going to believe any of daddy's nonsense stories.

Ah, we don't have a cd player anymore.

I shrugged my shoulders apologetically. It was the 21st century after all.

Are you teasing me, daddy?

No seriously, lass. We used to listen to music on CDs.

I didn't bother mentioning vinyl. The conversation was getting difficult enough.


She looked unconvinced, thoughts raving through her head. Then her eyes lit up.

But music comes from Alexa, why would you need CDs?

By now my brain was struggling. It was a Sunday. I had been awake through the night with the little boom and then subsequently up since ten to five as this is his new dawn getting up time.

We didn't have Alexa back in the day lass.

No Alexa? But how did you listen to music?

I took a long and deep breath.

We listened to CDs because we didn't have Alexa or the internet.

The little lady got up and exasperatedly shook her head.

No internet and no Alexa? Oh very funny, Daddy. I'm going to tell Mummy you keep teasing me today, it's not funny

She stomped off.

It was my turn to shake my head. A world without Alexa and the internet? Whoever could imagine such horror??


You should show her a walkman next with a tape cassette and a biro to wind it up!

That would look like something from the middle ages to her!!

First off @meesterboom... the picture... very disturbing, I love it!

Second I have a 21 year old who totally appreciates vinyl and loves the sound of an old record player but will never understand the struggles of having a phone attached to the wall with an extremely long tangled cord hanging from it.

Oh man, I remember that too. So annoying. All my conversations were listened in to by my parents!

She'll be telling the same story in years to come!

Haha, I know, still astounded by it all!

Ah, the circle of life. My son once asked me... Hey Mom, What did you guys call those huge black CDs?

Now, even those are outdated. Thanks for making me feel old. I hope your hangover burns throughout the entire day!

Haha, huge black CDs! Love it! That's what I am going to call them! It's still burning!!

Ah... why would you post this incredible sexiness in No Nut November? Are you trying to cause failure for trillions of gamers?

Of course that is exactly what I am trying ;0D

So recognizable!!! I bought me a Sony walkman last year to listen to my old mixtapes :-) Next thing I know I have 5 teenagers in my house freaking out about this “way cool” device! Until they heard the sound quality, and that it only holds like 20 songs :-)

Yeah when they realise it doesn't hold all of the songs they are like meh!!

Indeed! :-)
Have you ever tried making them watch an old VHS movie? Now that's fun!!!
Dad, can you put it back in HD please???

Que? you? woman? Honey, you made me laugh😍!
These are the inventions of the era that have passed, I think one feels the same when our grandparents speak although at this time it is very different for so many things that they have invented.
I think that's how all children are now, with the technological world we are in.

Tu hija es muy graciosa! 😏😊😉

Glad you liked the picture!! Damn I am hot ;0D

You really look very attractive... I want to be a lesbian. 😂

I have that effect something's on the ladies ;0) lol!!

I developed a crush on that photo above @meesterboom

Hehe, disturbing and funny!

The plot twist 😀😀. Even I think of how hard life must've been without phones. I came before the mobile phone era though but I was too little to understand the implications before they came. The world is moving too fast!

It's moving at a rate of knots!! I wonder what the next ten years will bring!!

I'm sure AI will take over a lot of things, let's just wait and see.

Ssshh, perhaps it already has!!

@meesterboom hello dear friend, children can not believe that before essexistia the internet and all its environment, or you can name the Disco and much less to the magazine

Good lord, look at that device!!

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