
in #life5 years ago


It was cold.

I huddled into my dressing gown, pulling it tight to my goosepimpled skin. I looked about the breakfast table. No-one else seemed to be suffering. Just me.

What was it?

My daughter was in fact in a state of undress that would no give me the flaming jibjabs if it was ten years hence. She wasn't cold.

It was likewise with my son who was sitting in his high chair with only a nappy on. He wasn't cold either.

My teeth chattered in the frigid air and my salty balls pulled up anchor and retreated inward to a warmer shore.


What was it?

I quickly scanned out the window and saw to my relief that it was very frosty outside. So, it was obviously cold. But we were inside? And the heating was blatantly on judging by my family's state of undress.

Ah, what about the Good Lady? I wondered if she was cold?

Clenching my teeth to avoid them chattering I looked over at her. At that precise moment, she looked up from feeding the little boom and met my eyes.


Arrrgh?!! A frosty and bitter wind blew in my direction. My marrow began to freeze in my bones.

It was her! The bitter frost and cold was emanating from the Good Lady?! But what had a poor innocent man like me done? Had she caught a glimpse of bank account and saw how much I spent on beer a week? That might explain it.

Oh well, say one thing about me, say that I am brave.

Hey, little sugar-petal. You don't seem very happy?

I trilled like a canary spared the mine.

She grunted like something dank and large in a sewer.

C'mon, babycakes? Is something the matter?

Again she grunted and narrowed her eyes at me, her breath ssssing out of pursed lips.

Hmm, this did not look good. She was obviously in a bad mood with innocent defenceless Daddy-Bear. What could be done?


Announced the little lady, picking up her bowl and trooping into the kitchen with it.

I saw my opportunity.

Hey, you. Spit it out then. What's wrong?

I asked in an urgent whisper.

The good lady glowered over at me.

Don't you even know?

She hissed.


I put on my best hurt face which makes me look like a spaniel longing for a tummy tickle.

No, I haven't done anything... Have I?

The good lady's eyes flashed in anger.

Is it about our little argument last night? I thought that was all sorted. Surely you aren't bearing a grudge after a little argument?

I made a kadgagoogoo face and winked winningly.

You called me a gnarly old boot.

She stated, her voice rising impressively into the screech of a feathered killing machine.

I cast my mind back to our argument which had been so silly I could barely remember what it was even about. I remember it got a bit heated. I didn't really remember how it ended. Oops.

Ahem, did I? I'm sorry.

The little lady came back in the room singing a jaunty tune. Behind her back, the Good Lady pointed at me and drew her finger across her neck in a cutty throaty action.

Oops indeed. I think I had better tread carefully today...


Greetings @meesterboom,

What to say...........lets hope you can write a love letter before you catch pneumonia. hehe ^__^

At least you know where you stand.


Hola lass!!!

Oh dear, I know. I blame my inventive tongue! I think I have made it up now!!

As someone living in Northern Canada, boots are essential!!!

I wear through most of my boots in under a year. However, I do have a pair of boots that I purchased in 1990. They are still completely waterproof and they are what I wear when the temp drops below -30°C. Without these boots, I would be in a terrible state when the going gets tough.

As someone who has been to Hawai'i more then 5 times, I have only connected the term gnarly with "awesome" or "amazing".

So ... my definition of "gnarly old boot" would be:

An awesome companion who has surpassed the test of time. Has sheltered me when times were tough and protected me when I needed it most. My "gnarly old boot" gets better with age and will most likely be in perfect shape when I am gone.

Especially if I say things like this without clarifying immediately.

Hehe, I am going to go with your explanation. That is of course what I meant.

All m even though gnarly over here usually means ugly and knobbly. Lol!!

Could be another beers video shot in the garage this weekend then, that is if you make it that far! Old boot, yeah that one is going to haunt you for a little while longer yet!

Lol, I am sure I can pull it back be the weekend. Hopefully... Maybe!!

In hope for the same action in return? :D :D

Hahahaha, of course!!

Old boot ??! LOL. Seriously? If you continue like this, you will not reach an old man! Death will surprise you soon! I would sleep with one eye open and one closed. ;)

I have most profusely apologised. She had be bang to rights. Blooming arguments, who would have them!

Gnarly, as in "cool" in surfer lingo; old as in old soul - wise beyond her years; boot as in a reliable companion. This is clearly just a big misunderstanding ;)

Oh my goodness, you must have been in my head... That was exactly what I meant!! :0D

the secret to a long married life, as told to me by my Grandfather, is "Never sleep on an argument", keep working on it, giving up ground slowly, so you don't loose too much, finish by making the "Earth Move" for her, and in the morning you will get breakfast in bed.

I must be found something wrong as I can count my breakfasts in bed on one hand hehe

Make the Earth Moooooove.
Might result in 3/10 Booms, but what the hell, got two, might as well have 3, or 4. or....

No more boomage!! I struggle enough with two!

It is a matter of practice

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@meesterboom Hello dear friend, in what situation you have put your sayings, it is better to be careful, even when you sleep, you should do it with an open eye or give a beautiful bouquets of roses, they do miracles.
I wish you a prosperous week dear friend

Hehe, I might do down the flowers route. But not immediately. Tactics ;0)

What is wrong with women? Being called an old boot is nothing,even a gnarly old boot. What happened to any attention is good attention. Just be normal as it could be the time of the month. I have learnt never to overthink women as you are wasting your time. I wonder if the other women on your blog will fall for this one lol. Bit of bait maybe.

Lol, it certainly is a brave one to throw out there!! I was entirely innocent too. An argument over uncooked salmon, as in I forgot. Lol!!

Hahaa you have some making up to do. It can be fun tho, after you remove all those quills from your backside

I have a long road ahead that's for sure!!! :0D

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