A Bad Feeling...

in #life6 years ago


It looks like a lovely day. Hey, why don't we pop up to Dundee and see my Dad? He would love a spontaneous visit!

Said the good lady as if it wasn't Sunday and I wasn't lying all burst and broken on the couch.

It's like, a hundred miles away. Are you nuts?

I said diplomatically whilst wondering if she could close the fucking blinds because the faint sunlight was causing my head some upset.

Well, I think he would really like it, so we should go.

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I got up to my feet and looked out at the vile outdoors beyond the window. Everything sparkled as if it wasn't Autumn. Damn, it should have been raining but instead, it was nice.

I was a tad hungover. I didn't want to drive for a hundred miles?

I dunno lass... I got a bad feeling about this?..

The good lady gave me a gnarly look as if I had just strayed a little too far south from the burst fig.

You mean you are feeling a bit rough and don't want to because of that?


I flinched as if my face was being harried by mad flies.


That is most definitely not the reason.

I finished stating. It was a total lie though because that is exactly why I didn't want to go.

We are going. I have already told him.

Oh baws.


I humphed my face into a little wizened bitter thing.

But I have a bad feeling about this. Don't say you weren't warned.

We loaded the car up. The sun continued to shine. The autumn leaves on the trees burned gold and red. Somewhere, birds sang, celebrating the beauty of the day.

Just before we got in the car, I held open the good lady's door.

You sure about this?

She rolled her eyes.

Just get in and drive.

I curled my bottom lip and made wuffing noises of disapproval as I got in and, as commanded, drove.


Everything was fine for the first forty minutes or so. Then quite surprisingly the little lady yelled something that sounded like.


The stench of vomit assailed out nostrils. Not that humdrum sick you can sort of ignore but the really bile'y stuff that makes you fight having to barf yourself.

Then another smell assailed our noses - The little boom seemed to have dropped a large brown bomb in his nappy.

It was a couple of miles before we could stop on the motorway and clean the pair of them up

We got back in and carried on.

The stink in the car was frankly outrageous and I was glad to arrive in Dundee. We had lunch with her Dad and Sister. I sat and glowered in a dark mood whilst everyone else giggled and ate cake.


I looked at the car parked outside in the baking sun.

Soon it was time to go.

We got to the car and opened the door. The stench of baked vomit and shit washed out of the doors and over our faces.

I fought back a sick burp myself and looked at the good lady.

Told you I had a bad feeling.

I muttered trying not to burpbarf.

Just shut up and drive.

She said, her eyes watering.

Yes Ma'am.

I drove as smugly as I possibly could for the next hour and a half.



That happens when the ladies have little faith in our hunches, now I feel. That the next time you will have more consideration your forebodings.
Another great read dear friend @ meesterboom, thank you very much for letting us know
I wish you a wonderful week

They should learn to trust the feelings. Or at least not bother a hungover man :0)

@meesterboom does you good lady know anything about cars? if not I recommend popping out while she is getting ready and taking the leads of the battery, you turn it over and there will be nothing. you get to sit at home on steemit and grumble about the car not working and then you wife will think at least you tried. double bonus.
A good idea to stop the smell of sick and shit is to not let anyone else in your car too, that way the only smell is yours :D

That might work, I am fairly sure she would sure it out and I would end up being in big trouble though!!

Still everything is worth a try once!!

That sounds like a special kind of hell x_x

Something about driving as smugly as possible is slightly hilarious XD

It's a fine thing to do! I think I do it quite well :0D

Let us hope the 'barf' does not equal another giver of 'brown nappies' in the future ;) ...Unless that is the desired result of course then well, congrats on more nappies? ;)

No more nappies!! At least not in that way!! :OD

Never taunt the sleeping hungover man. No good will come of it! Who got to clean the car BTW?

Haha, well I am sure it will come as absolutely no surprise that it was me!! I get the best jobs :0/

sorry to intrude on your replies, Boom. But I need to get a message out to my friends on Steemit. I have limited time on this computer and can't do a full post. I hope you understand...Thanks.

I am typing from a borrowed computer in a cyber cafe. My computer and both phones died on Saturday as well as our poor 17 year old kitty, Sally. Then on Sunday the grandfather of the family that is staying with us in the compound passed away. We had his funeral on Monday afternoon. Organizing a funeral in the midst of a war is horrendous. We have also had two tropical storms sitting over us dumping a tremendous amount of water causing flooding and mudslides. Tuesday my son and I were both sick to add to problems.

The country is in a terrible state. The central bank is bust and people are still being shot and being imprisoned with no hope of release as they have been deemed terrorists. Everyone's safety is in peril. We don't dare leave the compound after noon on any day. Going to the cemetery was a risk. I can't replace my phone or my computer until I don't know when so I will not be on here or steemit much if at all. I all ready miss all my friends on both platforms and on discord. If I plan it right, I may be able to keep in touch with people through discord. Until We chat again. Take care. ♥💔😢

Oh my goodness that is terrible, I am so sorry to hear all of that. It's like everything gone awfully wrong at once. if you are still here and are available you should tag anyone you want to see it. I really hope things get better for you. Stay safe.

The smell was outrageous! 😂😂😂😂 why did I find that so funny. I blurted out coffee in Starbucks for the first time in years. By any chance did you purposefully drive over a few bumps to foretell your doomy prophecy? That’s what I would of done . Love being proved right!

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There was no delibarate ump driving. It was minging, I had to fight from fainting at points! lol!

haha! sir meesterboom..smug driver you..maybe next time she'll give it a second thought but I wouldn't count on it!

We always have to hope for that second time!!!

Ooooooh I can relate to that smell - friend, party, alcohol.... not stopping fast enough.
Once again you get ignored and now look at the outcome hahaha

When will they learn and start listening!!! I can still smell it. Yech!!

Hahahaha. The women and their orders! There is no worse thing than to put you against something that they want, they will pass on you and anyone to be able to achieve what they want, @meesterboom. Even if you tell her something bad can happen. A good Sunday story, for a slow going Sunday. Greetings

Sunday's can be terribly slow!

Them woman, pfft... :0D

Those trips when things happen are such joyous occasions. At least it didn't land on you like one of my memorable trips lol.

Hehe, yeah. I will stick with vomit and shit. Lol!!

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