
in #life5 years ago


A shadow slipped over my desk, eclipse-like, until I was entirely in its shade.

What did ye pick up today, mate?

I looked up and saw Butterbean, a massive-bellied Business Analyst that works on my floor.

I resisted answering with 'your mum' and instead replied with a charismatic,


I leaned back in my chair trying not to look as if I was scrabbling out of the shadow cast by his huge beer belly.

Beers, man? Do you not usually go to the beer shop on a Friday?

I had a vague recollection of telling him of my weekly beer pilgrimage a few weeks ago when he had ensnared me in his freezing belly shadow.


Yeah, I did. Got a few good ones I think.

I waved a hand majestically at a bag on my desk.

Can ah have a wee peek?

I was about to tell him to beat it when I recalled the rumour that had led to him being called Butterbean. The resulting wave of sympathy led me to rigidly grin as if a cat were licking at my Chinese rabbit.

Aye, knock yourself out.

I tugged open the bag to reveal the beery goodness within.


Butterbean inserted a hand that Chewbacca would have been proud of into the bag and rummaged among it's insides.

Oh very good, a chocolate porter? Sounds lovely. And this one, blackcurrant? That's a bit too crazy for me. Hey, what's this?

He pulled one of the beers out of the bag.

The world's first blockchain beer??

Butterbean made a flubbery-bubbery farting noise with his mouth which sounded like the simultaneous sex noises of an overweight Liverpudlian couple.

What of it?

Defensively, I rescued the beer from his hands.

Butterbean rocked back on his heels, a mocking sneer on his face as if he had been offered charred lettuce with his artisan burger.

Blockchain is just for geeks to wank each other off for bitcoin.


He declared, shaking his head at my foolishness in buying such a thing.

Ahem, no. It's not really.

Said I, the now proud defender of everything blockchain.

Butterbean looked at me curiously, tipping his head to the side.

Don't tell me you believe in all that shite?

Now it was my turn to look incredulous.

It's not shite, granted it's not the silver bullet for everything but...

Pfft. It's shite.

Butterbean interrupted, his jowls shifting restlessly like caged hens.

You better watch, or next thing you know, you will be on the Skype wanking off your wee internet pals for bitcoin. Haha!

He lumbered off, laughing out loud at blockchain geeks wanking each other for Bitcoin.

I put the can back in the bag.

So this is what Blockchain means to the normies?

Houston, we may have a problem.


... asking for a friend ...

How much can one make "wanking off your wee internet pals for bitcoin"?

... because ... hypothetically ... for a friend ... When Bitcoin goes to the moon, who would even remember.

You know, I was thinking that myself. I mean, if it was like a whole bitcoin or like even a half... Well, a man could be tempted LOL!!!

The question is never "Would you do it?"

The question is always "How much would it take before you would do it?"

What "it" is is irrelevant.

Truth always wins

The truth is out there!!! :0D

I second that!

The CEO of my company mentioned this "blockchain" nonsense at last year's Innovation Celebration. We went to this year's Innovation Celebration last night and he didn't say a word about it. Must have been a passing fad. They did have an open bar, though. Voodoo Ranger IPA was the top choice in my opinion, but it's bad form to try one of everything at the the bar when the CEO is watching.

Posted using Partiko Android

In my office there was much chat about blockchain last year, funnily enough it was during the bull run and everything was looking good, lol.

Voodoo Ranger IPA, sounds tops!

hahaaa...who knew being a wanker was a good thing??? LOL

You would just never guess!!! :0D

Hmm, is that like a circle jerk? Cos he's not wrong if so. Although that's more for steem than bitcoin.

Haha, I never thought of that. Maybe he has been burned!!

The good thing for those of us into crypto now is think back when computers were a 'new' thing. It was only the pervue of nerds and their ilk, "those will never catch on" eh? Stay tuned world... :)

One day out with catch on and we will be the creatures of fire lighting up the darkened skies with our tails!!

as long as its for bitcoin, we would not want the normies to think that we geeks are circlejerks on steem

Haha, that is totally true!

Addicted to a chain we are !! hmm

@meesterboom, And who knows, there would be people who think Blockchain as chains to block someone. 😁😁

Posted using Partiko Android

Hehe, yes. I had no idea what I thought when I first heard it!

Ahh I love it when people speak so definitively and authoritatively about stuff they have no idea about XD

So do I! Like, have a clue first before shooting off!!

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