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in #life6 years ago

Perfectionism, in psychology, is a personality trait characterized by a person's striving for flawlessness and setting high performance standards, accompanied by critical self-evaluations and concerns regarding others' evaluations.


1- Is perfectionism a risk factor?
Perfectionism is a risk factor for obsessive compulsive disorder, obsessive compulsive personality disorder, eating disorders, social anxiety, social phobia, body dysmorphic disorder, workaholism, self harm, substance abuse, and clinical depression as well as physical problems like chronic stress, and heart disease.


2- Is being a perfectionist good?
The consequences of this incessant sense of failure and worry are grim. Being this sort of perfectionist “can contribute to serious health problems, including depression, anxiety, eating disorders, fatigue and even early mortality.” Or in other words, you can stress yourself into an early grave.


3- What causes perfectionism?
Perfectionism is often seen as a positive trait that increases your chances of success, but it can lead to self-defeating thoughts or behaviors that make it harder to achieve goals. It may also cause stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.


4- Is perfectionism genetic?
Research Shows Perfectionism May Be an Inherited Trait. New research suggests perfectionists should blame their genes more than their upbringing. ... But recent research suggests that the genes that parents pass along may play an ever bigger role.” The article cites research on identical twins.

5- Does perfectionism lead to anxiety?
Perfectionism Leading to Anxiety. ... But perfectionism — the need to avoid errors, mistakes, criticism, or disappointment from others — can lead to excessive anxiety and worry, insomnia, physical ailments, inability to relax and enjoy diversions, neglect in self-care,and interpersonal relationship problems.


6-How to Overcome Perfectionism?
Be a healthy perfectionist, not a neurotic one.
Remove the all-or-nothing mindset.
Avoid the perfectionist's mind trap (aka Go for the 80/20) .
Learn to respect and love yourself.
Use your ideals as guides, not absolutes.
Value your relationships.
Celebrate every progress, victory, and failure.
Delegate and Let Go


7- How do you overcome being a perfectionist?
Perfectionist? 7 Ways to Stop Being Your Own Worst Enemy
Create more realistic personal goals and expectations. ...
Challenge your inner critic and dispute negative thoughts. ...
Prioritize self care and invest in yourself. ...
Practice saying no more often. ...
Remember that time off is not time wasted. ...
Trust that it will all get done in time. ...
Schedule breaks and recharge.

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