Understanding Dimensions – geometry, spirituality & what we call reality

in #life6 years ago

In 2018 spatial dimensions have become a hot topic. We're facing a promising development here, scientific ideas and spiritual ones have never been that close to each other. Time to cuddle some scientists and finally become ONE. It's the Age of Aquarius, what are we waiting for? Here's what the universe wanted me to write down about dimensions.

Ok, imagine NOTHING


alright, I know. Impossible. Nothing has at the same time no end and no beginning, is infinite in a way, on the other hand, nothing has no extent. Therefore it can't exist. Endless existing non-existence. And right, nothing doesn't exist – that's the concept of it. So what shall we imagine? Ok. It's distinctly impossible for a human to visualize nothingness. Therefore, let's race to the 1st dimension … just like scientists do when they say, that it took the universe only 10 to the power of −43 seconds to arise. Maybe the idea of researching nothingness before is just too scary. :)


Either way: We enter the first dimension and it's nothing else than …
this thin line. Well, this thin line is actually already too much, because it ain't thin. This line already has another dimension to it: width. We ignore that. It's just a line. In this world, you and I would be sort of invisible. We become one with this line. Wait, that's not accurate. Because there's no such world. The world itself, the universe, space, whatever has many dimensions. We've got no idea how many. Accurately I have to say for a being with a one dimensional view, you and I would be sort of invisible

And here's why this is so mind blowing:
When it comes to your own sight, there's only one dimension more, your eyes are able to see. Most of us accept the idea that this world would be three dimensional. With our perception, we're able to experience three dimensions and a being with a one dimensional optical perception could come to the conclusion that this world would be one dimensional. Maybe if those one dimensional beings had some scientists that would measure, research and do their math, they'd be able to tell that there are 2 dimensions. But that's it. So, just like those flat beings, we assume the three dimensions we know about are reality. The likelihood is pretty low.


YAY, so many possibilities to have a fun life in a two dimensional vision! Look at this, we've got width & height. That's what our eyes see.
Don't get confused. Your vision is three dimensional, however your eyes perceive only two dimensions. It is your brain, the visual cortex, making you think you would see depth … actually, you don't. Your brain works like a computer to create this three-dimensional effect.

There's an easy way to experience this yourself. Just take a look into the mirror. You'll see yourself as a three dimensional being. You can see that your head is round, your nose sticks out, your eyes lie in a socket.
Now take a look at the mirror itself. There's no depth. It's just a surface. Your brain made you believe you could see a third dimension. You can't. You only see light and shadow, no distance at all.


but by adding another dimension, depth in this case, you enter a third-dimensional space.


That’s what we think, the world looks like, right?!

So, here's me and my imaginary pets celebrating christmas in this idea of reality.

The only thing that makes me appear more dimensional than them are the shadows on the picture of me. So, that's our perception. We see 2 dimensions and can imagine 3. And that's the only reason why many of us think REALITY WOULD BE THREE-DIMENSIONAL. Reality has dimensions we aren't aware of. The only thing that's three dimensional is our perception.

Knowing that, we can only speculate what else is out there. Let's try entering the 4th dimension!


Ok, get ready to be confused. The main thing you need to know right now: Every assumption you make in this world from understanding what it looks like in this second will change the second you change your perspective. The 4th dimension is much more interactive. If you could perceive the world like this, it would be easy for your mind to understand that you are a creator. Because your interactions obviously change your vision. Check out this virtual walk through the hyperbolic space and have your mind blown, CLICK:

In this video they are doing it for you, explaining more about the hyperbolic space.


Since Scientists came to join us in this belief that there's so much more that we can perceive, how bout that:

What if we have been talking about the same things for hundreds of years? What if I tell you, we call source or overall-consciousness what you call the quantum field, we say magic, when you talk about zero point energy, we speak about alchemie, you about chemicals … and while you were heavily busy measuring and calculating it, we just utilized it all the time?!

I'm not saying we're any better since a hollistic approch would be taking care of both sides. It seems that we could learn a lot from each other. We're the right brain, you're the left brain, together we could form a better consciousness for all of us. This is how I would like to end 2018. We cut away a whole lot of the new age egdes and you cut away some of your blind scientism-beliefs and together, we build a wonderful 2019 where as many people as possible survive the pole shift and electromagnetic sunstorms. We always knew that there's more than what our eyes can see and for many years we collected a ton of practical knowledge and empirism that you, dear mainstream-scientists, wouldn't dare looking at. Maybe now's the time. We're ready to talk. Let's learn to agree.

I leave you with a list of links that really helped me understanding much more about this confusing topic and this mantra:

All in our universe – as far as we can see – is frequency

  • my personal favorite documentary in 2018 was Hacking Reality. Dimensions, geometry and reality explained in a very entertaining way.

  • Spirit Science: This guy really gives some effort. I don't always agree on everything he says, however I appreciate his work a lot. Here's his piece on dimensions.

  • my own video about reality

  • If you still think about Pythagoras as only a mathematician, then you're a victim of the education system. ;) Actually, today he would most likely do something about #pizzagate. Meet Pythagoras – cult leader, philosopher, seeker, believer, hollistical mathematician:

Oh, and here's my dtube ;)

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