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RE: How life is in a Socialist Country

in #life7 years ago

Good read before going to bed.
But how free are you in a socialist country if you don't agree with man made rules and law?
They still will tax you and use YOUR money for things you might not agree with. Some people call this stealing


But how free are you in a socialist country if you don't agree with man made rules and law?

How free are you then in a dictatorship? Or a democracy? In all cases, if you don't follow the law, you are in trouble.

Some people call this stealing

Yes, and I still can't comprehend the reasoning beyond that. Maybe those people should read what I found 3 days ago:

Who says you are free in a dictatorship! And even democracies limit you personal freedom to a certain level.

Had a look at this article.

That's what I mean when people argue like that. It's a very radical opinion but they do how many valid points.
And actually very easy to understand if you argue from a real free-market point of view. Then there shouldn't be any government and people should only act after some consensus is found.

Not sure myself how this can be archived

Legal and illegal do not exist. Imagine that I declare something to be illegal (or legal) for all the humans in the world. ( or a color on a map with a line around it) Where the hell did I get the right to write down a threat and declare something illegal and punish the sinners who do not obey my threat or opinion.
I'm not god I'm a human being just like all the human beings in the world.

Legal and illegal do not exist.

It does. Illegal is what the law says is illegal. That for example is the reason why taxes can't be theft because the law does not declare them theft.
It might be a sort of circular thing, the legal/illegal and the law, but it still exists.

Where the hell did I get the right to write down a threat and declare something illegal and punish the sinners who do not obey my threat or opinion.

Often by the power of your gun in your hands. That still makes illegal exist.

The law is an opinion with a gun.
If it exists than santa claus, god, and all the other fantasies are also exist.
It is a circular thing it's the same logical fallacy as; I believe the Bible is true because the Bible says it is true.

taxes can't be theft because the law does not declare them theft.

Who does the declaring, and where did the mortal get the right to declare that taxation is not theft?
Would taxation be theft if tomorrow someone declares it theft?
If I rob my neighbours and the day before I wrote on a piece of paper that the robbing is not theft, but taxation is it then taxation, and not robbing or theft?
And if I can not do that, could my neighbour do that to me, or ten neigebours or hundred, a million, 7 billion perhaps. Or would it still be theft.

The state is big maffia with the precieved "right to rule by force"
If mafia were a little smarter they would call their "protection" racket legal and taxation. And if they where really smart they held all the children prisoner and teached them how good the mafia is.

If I get something by the power of a gun it's theft or murder or rape or whatever It's criminal behavior.

Murder is not bad because it's illegal and it would not be good If it where declared legal, like they have done in the past and now.

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