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RE: Jerry hates the water, ohh my little ScaredyBear!

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I love the way you have been trying to rejuvenate this dog
whats with Jerry and the fear for water
how about the other dog you talked about
how about trying to influence Jerry using the other dog
hope she loves to swim

I really love the look on his face when Jerry is in a moving car


Jerry came from mexico and I am not certain exactly what happened with him to cause the fear in the first place but he is even afraid of the bathtub, thats a topic for a vlog all its own lol.

My other dog was Meesha, the 3 legged one, she hasn't been with us for a few years now but she loved to swim, We tried many time while she was still mobile enough to swim to get Jerry to join her but no matter how we tried he would just have a freak out on the beach. He goes absolutely hysterical when we go swimming out to far for his liking but we keek working on him. Just a few weeks ago was the first time we managed to get him to chase something into the water but as soon as he was chest deep he turned around and ran all the way up the trail back to the car.

Jerry is alway watching out the front window, he's a smart one knowing that is where all the action is. He keeps an eye out the front for things he can bark out the rear window at, he makes a lot of people jump it is rather funny ;)

Jerry is alway watching out the front window, he's a smart one knowing that is where all the action is. He keeps an eye out the front for things he can bark out the rear window at, he makes a lot of people jump it is rather funny ;)

I see he gazes out for a firm view............ straight up the windshield just to for himself.

I perceive he doesn't like second hand information, which is smart.

How do you handle him when he barks at people. What do you tell him.

Does he understand you very well?

My other dog was Meesha, the 3 legged one, she hasn't been with us for a few years now but she loved to swim, We tried many time while she was still mobile enough to swim to get Jerry to join her but no matter how we tried he would just have a freak out on the beach.

what happened to the forth leg................was it an accident or what? And where is she now?

maybe Jerry does not know how to swim afterall thats why he is scare or maybe he is

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