Boom and Bust in Finacial Markets is Fixed

in #life6 years ago (edited)


Although I consider myself young I have witnessed some very traumatic financial events in my short life. For instance right out of college in 2007 I went and started investing in stocks. I regret doing so to this day because what happened from 2008-2010 were heavy losses in stocks world wide.

There were a lot of scandals and stories on a daily basis during that time. From Bernie Madoff to big banks bailouts and government seizing banks that were running low on capital. A lot of people were withdrawing money from banks. Banks were literally failing and closing on a weekly basis.

All in all I likely lost a few decades of my life during those few years of trading. Never was I really focused at work once I was in a trade because it was quite volatile. I was not a big trader but I had all my savings in the market and mostly in bank stocks. After going through all that and losing most of my life saving I personally believe that the game is fixed.

I do not have proof that the game is fixed but looking back and seeing how the markets are today I am not surprise the big banks such as, Bank of America, Citi, and JP Morgan are earning huge profits. They mostly bought out banks that were in trouble at a discount. Now in better times the assets purchased has likely risen to decent size profit levels if sold.

My belief that this game of trading is fixed is because there are players who knows mores than retail investors. Now this may not equate to trading being fixed but what I mean is that when someone has an edge on other traders just because their work is related to finance makes it unfair for the rest. Like insider trading. Someone knowing something before others and taking advantage by trading ahead of the news.

My friend's relative is a story that I believe makes my case. His relative was a banker at Bear Stearns for over a decade. He had risen up to VP rank and had plenty to like where he was. He had houses around the country, cars, and company stock options. The man had it all.

Yet out of the blue in late 2006 he renounced his US citizenship and sold everything he own and left the country to some place in Asia. My friend laughed when telling me the story because it seem too outrageous for any normal human to do and yet here it was happening.

In later years I had asked my friend a little more detail as to the timing and reason for his relative to had done what he did. All he could respond was that the relative was always secretive about his life and work so even he never really knew why he did what he did.

As some may remember Bear Stearns was one of the first major banks to go belly up during the financial crisis. To this day I doubt many of the high level bankers in the major banks did not anticipate the financial crisis. As a matter of fact they knew and they did what they could to profit from it.

The only reason I am posting this is recently I have been reading and learning from a fellow steemian @tradergurl. Reading stocks is bringing back memories of my past. I would also like to hear about others opinions and stories they have regarding the financial crisis of 2008-2010.

Thanks for reading.


Thanks for the mention !

The Banks absolutely knew what was going on and just didn't care. They knew nothing would happen to them and the ones that were "too big to fail" knew they'd get a taxpayer bailout.

It's always been the same, the last one was nothing knew. It always follows the same cycle. Regulations are always reactionary, we let everything get into a huge mess and fail before we put regulations in place, once it's too late.

And then later on we relax the regulations again to "encourage growth" and the whole exploitation cycle starts all over.

It's a sad fact that not many people understand what happened the last time, it's only us that are 'in the industry' that do. The average person in the street had no idea how close we came to a global financial collapse, or what caused it.

Oh well, here's looking forward to the 2021 crash ! :-)

Yet most people ignore this and I do not know why. Guess that is how it is. Thanks for the input.

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