in #life6 years ago


= You are the total sum of all your thoughts and imaginations, your life automatically curves towards what you feed it on daily basis. If you concentrate so much on things that you fear more, cant do or weaknesses, your spiritual being takes it and translates all of that to becoming your present and more also your future. We all have the ability to shape our present and future according to what we feed on(MIND,THOUGHTS,IMAGINATION).

= Failure begets FEAR and Fear begets Perish. This might sound a bit strange but think about it. though its true what they say about fear keeping us alive but i think what it really does is keep us away from leaving our full potential..and if you not living your full potential as person then you're in somewhat non-existing thereby perishing gradually.  

=Mastering your fear is definitely a challenge that every person must pay heed to. know your strength,weaknesses, and find ways to breath on them. Be in charge of your mind and imaginations for it might be what makes or breaks you.

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