Six months Journey in Steemit for MaverickInvictus

in #life6 years ago

I have been on the platform for 6 months now and it has been a rollercoaster ride of emotions, failures, triumphs, and heartache. There have been times that I said to myself that it is not worth the time and effort that I put in, then there are times that a post moves me so much that I am left without words to say.


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I was broken when I first got into this platform but through the support and kindness of complete strangers, I was able to take off my mask and be true to myself for once in my life. There was no need to hide behind a facade of strength. It was okay to say that I am not okay. In a way, Steemit was able to help me find myself again and find a renewed purpose in life.

So what have I been up to these past six months?

Posting and commenting


As of today, I am at 198 posts created in 6 months. I try to do one post a day and even had a time I could do two posts but as I scaled back and concentrated in quality as well as being more involved in the community.

Majority of my posts did not do well at the start as I treated it like an online diary but through the months I have been here I think I had made some improvement.

I have done 6544 comments both in my posts and post of others. It was not easy as one of the things that I had to give up was serious gaming as I no longer played countless hours in competitive ranked games but had devoted my time to reading and commenting. I don't regret it as I have met some pretty amazing people.


I have joined, helped some communities grow and left some communities when they no longer fit my morals and ethics.

This is the platform that I got to know and connected to some pretty awesome Canadians, Portuguese, Chinese, Malaysian, Venezuelans, Irish, British, Nigerians, Americans, Australians, Bulgarians, Croatians, Indians, Germans, Austrians, Dutch and a whole slew of other nationalities.

I often told myself that I am a global citizen as I have traveled to many countries, worked with different nationalities and met them in online games but nothing compares to the level of connection that I have experienced in Steemit that is augmented by the Discord Communities.

I have been able to create deep human connections to people half a world away and in a different timezone but we resonate with each other.

It broadened my world and I saw more of the world as I have never done before.

It helped me reach 1452 followers who at one point liked what I wrote and thought to follow me if I had other interesting topics to write about.



During the six months, I have done 9230 upvotes on posts and comments. Together with the 6544 comments, I have made a lot of spreading my vote and last week I made about 852 upvotes to over 294 different accounts according to

I have a few people in autovote and I have two curation trails that I follow which are the @promo-mentors and @thesteemengine which are the communities that I support and really like how it is being run. Yet the majority of my votes are done by reading posts that interest me as well as comments that I think adds further value to a post may it be mine or someone else.

The concept of a gifteconomy is clearly shown by our ability to upvote content that we care about and two of these are @youarehope and @tarc which are advocacy that I want to make sure flourishes in the blockchain.

A man that I deeply respect @derangedvisions said this once that our voting power replenishes each day and so don't skimp on upvoting on stuff that you care about. It is when we care and look after other people that we truly become human.



I finally reached Reputation 60 although now I realize how useless it really is but it was a goal of mine to reach 60.

I have to thank a couple of OCD and Curie votes that I received that really helped raise that but more than the numerical reputation I think I was able to establish myself as a person who is engaged and community minded.

I have taught, mentored, answered questions and even motivated people and thus I am known to be a compassionate person who wants to help people. It didn't work that way at first because I only thought about myself and how I can get upvotes but I had a paradigm shift as I understood that the more I give and help, the more that I would receive.

Not Everything is Sunshine

There were sometimes that I felt like quitting especially when you are faced with all the negativity and drama in the platform. Bidbots, whale delegation, raping the reward pool and flagging were things that highlighted what was wrong with the system.

I even got my first flag from Grumpy cat for using @sneaky-ninja that supports both @youarehope and @tarc it really made me think of quitting but I bounced back from that and still here.

The system is not perfect but I see people trying to fix things in their own way. Some ways though maybe bad for the platform but only time and the people that stayed can answer that.

I have pissed off some people and gotten pissed off with some others that I treat them as dead to me. It happens we all can't get along because each person will have their own values and morals I just choose to walk away from such individuals and never feel the need to have drama in my life. I am too busy trying to stay negative and engaged to think about assholes.

Assholes are a fact of life just like the shit that comes out of them. Pay no heed to them. Concentrate your energy and efforts on things that matter.

What is next for Mave?

Hmmm as I type this post I am not sure. Will I still be on the platform for another 6 months or would I move on to do other stuff? Would I continue in building communities and engaging people to create deep human connections? I am not sure as well because my life is a river that ebbs and flows through a path that may change or be blocked but in the end, a path will always appear even if it means I would need to change form or platform.

Nothing is set in stone as I will try my best to engage and motivate people. As I try to motivate and help myself keep afloat amidst all the troubles.

So until then stay with me on my journey as we become the best versions of ourselves. Inspire on.

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life is a river that ebbs and flows through a path that may change

Those words stuck to me. Sometimes it is hard to accept changes in life, but it is what life brings us many times. This platform, just like you, has given me hope and given me the chance to connect with many others.
Like a family I should have had. The support here is out of this world!
@maverickinvictus, I am happy that I have met you. Although we do not talk much, you are a unique individual that I admire. When things bring you down, you fight to get back up and when you do, you are taller every time. I will continue to support, you are a valued person to me and to many people as well.
And even though reputation seems to not mean so much, to my understandings, it is reflected upon the people that are connecting with you. So you have reached out to many more throughout the days on Steemit and your hard work has got you there and that is something to be proud of. I am still in the 40's and slowly climbing. That tells me that I still need to push through that door and connect with more people. And that's hard to do! It is hard to find the time with my kids, my husband and connect with more people, plus catching up. Im gone 2 days and I have already missed so much. You should see my tabs bar lol.
So Congratulations on reaching 60 rep and for being here for 6 months! With everything you went through, you persisted with many standing behind you. Cheers to you as I hold up my coffee cup and say: May there be many more moments of success and great connections, happy days and great experiences to you my friend! XX

Thank you so much FS! Your comment made me a bit teary eyed as I read the kind words you have to say to me.

It is not that easy to make connections especially when life is so busy with your kids, baking, maintaining a home and everything in it so you don't have to worry about missing out stuff.
Steemit will be here and so will us who consider you an integral part.

I raise my cup of coffee to yours although it is a couple of days late haha and let us enjoy the moment and connections we have.

Here is to success to both of us.

Can you feel my hug right now! Man you are awesome <3
It's not easy, especially when my husband gets upset at the time I spend on here lol. My nickname he gave me is now blogger lol. Silly guy.
Btw, I have coffee right now, never too late to share a mug with a great friend ^_^ Cheers! To success! xx

P.S I came back to my reply after some time, I had to look up what integral meant lol I'm working on upgrading my vocabulary ;) I must thank you for that compliment. It makes me feel like I am doing what I am meant to be doing, what I enjoy doing, and it makes me feel good.

You should FS as you have a wonderful heart that is full of compassion and warmth!

You will get better. The more we write the more we improve our craft!

but @maverickinvictus why should you block me? after all that you've said over here, you are a good person and i realized that from the first advice you gave me on my post and i always follow you. but you got angry after i read the wrong post and blocked me i was down but your post on how you got depressed and did not even want to leave your room kept pushing me to make up with you ask you for a second chance we all make mistakes forgive me and make me your friend again and i will make it up to you i promise just give me another try punish me, never upvote any of my post but just let me be your friends again and the only Ghanaian because you mention some few countries but i noticed you never met anyone from Ghana yet cos Ghana is not included thanks.
i appeal to everyone here today to help me apologize to mav. thank you all

Everyone deserves a 2nd Chance and although i would say you really pissed me off at that instance that I had to block you in Discord.

There is better way of doing things and I hope that by exploring and reading other people that you found what you have been looking for.

I wish you the best and hope that you continue writing and not giving up.

Thank for giving me another chance

Mav, you're a good egg! I love it when your stories pop up in my feed. Thanks for sharing your story, your honesty, and your curation! Cheers.

Thanks man I appreciate whenever you leave a kind word for me :)

On to more success!

change form or platform


Haha nothing is set in stone but I am very thankful to Steemit and everything that I have been able to accomplish.

Thank for sticking with it and showing the rest of us that it is worth it. You have achieved a lot, by sticking with it and working at it. It's well deserved.

Thanks it has been a difficult journey but one that has been fulfilling.

We all have our own journey and pace and so we just need to keep trying and stepping one post at a time.

Congratulations @maverickinvictus!

I think we arrived at steemit at approximately the same time ... I came 11 of October, but my first post was 29 of October so I plan to celebrate 29th of April :)

I wish you the best, a great future wherever you feel like it - but please stay here, the platform is US. If we believe in it, we can make it work OUR WAY!

Greetings & Wishes & Good Vibes :)

I think it was the same way that I had my introduceyourself post on the last week of October but used steemd to give a timeframe haha.
No doubt I feel very much at home in this Platform anf feel more true here than in any other social media applications. Here I can take off my Mask.

I believe in it that I continue to help Communities flourish and thrive. To make sure people get supported anfd that we care.

It is great to read than I am not the only one with Steem ups and downs. Some days I hate and think about giving up. Other days I feel that I can really connect with some people.
Just like you I do feel that interaction is the most important aspect on the ateem blockchain. The money part is for me a nice side effect!
Keep on going, a new whale is coming!

I would venture to guess that all of us have steemit "ups and downs", but the true test of any character is how you deal with those "downs". It's easy to be a go-getter when the "gettin's good" , but much harder when it's a struggle. It's what you do with that struggle that makes you the person you are :)

Indeed Lynn we have our good days and bad days.

It is what we do on the days that are bad that can make us exceptional. I agree it is easy to keep going when going is good but when the going gets tough we need to yank an extra measure of grit and determination to go through it.

Thank you for being awesome Lynn.


And you are so sweet, thank you! Cheers from one awesome cat to another :)

ps...that includes you too @fullcoverbetting :)

Your are one of the strongest and finest woman one earth.
Incredible how you deal with the situation at home!

Thank you so much @fullcoverbetting; your comment makes my heart warm :)

I;m more of a cute dog than a cat haha

hahaha fair enough!!

Oh yes there are some days that are really bad that I don't even open Steem and just relax and sleep.those are the days that led to me less commenting and getting kicked out of the league haha but I feel that I need to recharge and refocus my energies.

Then I have very good days that I can't stop reading. Not much profit monetary wise but making a connection and getting inspired by other people's stories and journeys make up for it as it is priceless.

So here we are we will continue on.

I doubt whale status hahha unless I start selling organs anf body parts hahahahahha.

You never know! But is is true that you can gain a lot by reading and commenting. This is the only way to grow!

I'm moved by your honesty. I'm glad I'm not the only person that gets pissed as well. Hopefully you stick around beyond six months.

Oh there have been a lot of times that I wanted to shout WTF!! Yet there have been a number of times as well that I thought this is just right.

It is during those weak points that we need to summon our grit and continue on no matter what.

I am sure you will soar high in this platform. I envy your success here in Steemit and you are one of my inspiration. Congratulations on your milestone

Thank you Khat for saying that I am one of those people that inspires you but no need to envy as we all have our pace. You will just need to find yours and stick with it.

Well, congrats @maverickinvictus. And thanks for sharing your journey. What spoke to me was the simple idea that here you can be more complete, and actually can experience a wholeness, something that you may not get the chance to do elsewhere. I feel exactly the same way. This platform has been a revelation and for that reason alone is hard to ignore. Blessings.

Indeed Steemit gave me a renewed purpose and everything didn't seem so bad.
There are some bad days in Steemit which wants me to start telling at people with WTFs but most days are good with reading inspiring stories of how us humans don't give up in the face of adversity.
Blessings and success to you as well :)

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