Games People Play | Board games Edition

in #life6 years ago (edited)

My siblings and I are very close as evident by me writing a lot of things about my family. We grew up playing board games to channel the sibling rivalry energy to something that does not involve physical pain.


From Unsplash - Jaciel Melnik

We are often found during Saturday nights in my eldest sister's room with chips. cola, hot chocolate and hunched over some the boardgames and cards that we played as kids. It usually the three of us with our youngest brother just watching and occasionally putting a token in his mouth but as he grew older we were the foursome that played all night.

So let me share with you some of the games we played.

Snakes and Ladders



This classic game was one of my earliest memories of playing with my sisters as the premise of the game is very simple as you roll the dice and move your token to the appropriate space. Some spaces would have ladders that you can take that would make you advance several levels or get bitten by a snake and go down several blocks.

It was interesting to note that this version had pictures of kids doing good things like studying, being honest and helpful and they get rewarded and when they do bad things like eating too much or chasing pigs they get punished.

In a way, my family was already instilling with me the values to be a good person who gets ahead by doing the right thing.




We had the most laugh at this one at the expense of our 2nd sister. This involves more of a strategy as your objective is to get all of your tokens home after navigating through the entire board.

You pull a card and follow the directions stated either moving a certain number of steps forward or backward. Much coveted is the Sorry! card which makes it possible for you to bump a token of your opponent that is near home and send it back to the Starting point. It is like the Blue Shell weapon in Mario Cart.

I remember having a devilish smile as I utter the words Sorry! to my sister and see her token go back home.

In a way it mirrors life as we move forward or backward depending on the cards/circumstances we are dealt with. Then sometimes life flips a Sorry! card on us and we have to dust ourselves off and start again.




My first foray on owning properties and an introduction to the bankster mindset. Monopoly's goal was to be the last man/woman standing and owning most if not all properties or breaking the bank. You start off by buying strategically properties and utilities and continue to buy and upgrade your properties to become hotels.

You would count off with glee as a sibling will land on your most expensive property and if they did not have enough money then they can sell you properties which you would greedily snatch up.

I would often be assigned as the banker so that I can learn my digits and to mentally add and subtract numbers as I changed bills, sold properties and computed mortgage.

Although the game was supposed to teach about economics and how bad it is to have monopolies it pushed people to want to own everything and be rich because having a fat wallet matter.

This is a sad reality in the world as well as Steemit as you can see people with enough money can either do good or do bad things.




We absolutely loved this game because we were avid readers and so our vocabulary was more than your average kids and we had such a competitive nature.

Each letter had a corresponding value and the board had "power-ups" like a double or triple letter or word score. If you are able to chain it properly you could get a very high score on your turn. Many a game was reversed by a timely comeback with a high scoring word.

Although I was at a disadvantage first because of my dyslexia but this was one game that helped me overcome my weakness.

Just like in life, Scrabble is all about the knowledge that you possess plus hard work in building your score and sometimes a little luck as the tiles you get form that game-winning word.




Where in Scrabble I was in a bit of a handicap, in Boogle I learned to use my dyslexia to be able to see patterns in the letters to be able to create words in the time limit set.

It is a really fun game as you have to list as many words as you can in the time limit. The pressure of time and seeing your siblings write more words than you ignited a drive to think more creatively. I remember a session where we would often dispute a word because it is so archaic, most probably gotten from Shakespeare or the like, or so new that it isn't an official word yet but more of a popular term that hasn't entered mainstream vocabulary.

Boggle was me seeing that my disability was a differentability that should not make me feel stupid or less than another person.



My eldest sister was a huge Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys fan and so it was not surprise when she wanted to play the part of a budding detective.

A game of who done it, where, and how. It tested our analytical and reasoning skills as we attempted to uncover the mystery of the murder. You learned to look for the "tells" or signs that your sibling is bluffing (lying!)

It was a great skill that I acquired a technique of analyzing non-verbal cues and body language when interviewing people.

It helped develop my reasoning and deduction skills that I use in everyday life to analyze things.

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Board games are a cherished memory of my childhood. It helped me learn to do Math, strategize and formulate action plans, increase my vocabulary, see myself in a different light. It was also the basis that formed my moral compass that I live by today.

The social interaction skills I had learned with my sibling would, later on, be passed on when I started going out and having friends. We would play video games and even Magic The Gathering but occasionally we would dust off one of these board games and have so much fun.

So what were the board games you played when you were a kid?

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Hey @maverickinvictus!
You know how much I love games, I used to play a lot snakes while being a child. I shifted towards RPG like D&D relative soon and with games in general with the smallest luck component possible.
I love playing currently Catan and Carcassone!
Are you a Magic the Gathering player? I am so into that!
I even wrote about it.
Luca ✌️

Uber Nerd here and yes I played MTG especially when I went to school. I would purposely go to school early so I can play with my classmates.

I even played D&D and was fun to have your Elven create havoc as i played a Chaotic Neutral who would do things just because I wanted to see the game burn at times hahaha

I need to look those two up and maybe play it the next time we go to the boardgame cafe.

You know, I can't remember playing any board games growing up. Kind of think of it, we didn't really do that much as a family outside of eating, going on the occasional road trip and watching television together. Maybe we didn't because my parents basically burned each other out playing card games like canasta. My dad said my mom always cheated by changing the rules in the middle of a game so she could win. :)

That, however, hasn't stopped my own family. We're not a big board game playing family either, but we have done it. We've tried monopoly and Yahtzee, along with things like Mexican train (dominoes) and a few others, as well as Uno and other card games.

The result? That physical harm you talked about avoiding by playing board games. Yeah, well, young boys will figure out a way to incorporate violence into a game, and some times their dad, too. :) I'm not going to name any names, though, of anyone who may or may not have shoved, punched in the arm, or caused any other kinds of physical altercations because of outcomes.

And yelling. Lots of yelling.

I guess we're just all pretty competitive. We take our gaming seriously.

Actually, we have improved somewhat. I'm happy to report that our last game of Uno ended amicably and everyone managed to win a round, and we only had to allow one person to win once. So, I think there's hope for us yet.

ahahhaah the joys of inflicting physical pain to your siblings!! man those were fun times especially when they start chasing you.

We played other games too like battleships, tic-tac-toe and lots of card games to hahaha.

Oh wow it really was a trip down memory lane.

Ok, first.. you can see the geographical difference. I grew up playing Chutes and Ladders- If our board game had snakes, I highly doubt I would have played- lol

That out of the way...
The definition to me as a child of monopoly was a little hat-wearing, moustache toting man who ran around the board giving us $200 to pass GO and NOT go to jail. When in reality the word monopoly means...

the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service.

Hmmm, was that little guy, Uncle Pennybags, preparing us for the reality that we know as life- and no, I don't mean the other Milton Bradley board game.

haahaha nice pun there! Yes Rich Uncle Pennybags was giving 200 dollars and a not go to jail card! The power of money!
I think in school it was Chutes and Ladders but our home version had snakes which for me was more fun hahahha

Ah Monopoly... the best game for the crypto capitalist, since you can rob the bank and get away with it.

I also enjoyed Clue and Snakes and Ladders. Didn't ever see the dice one.

Hahahah and I am usually the bank! Clue was so much fun especially if our 2nd sister would tell her theory with full confidence and only to be proven wrong hahahha. Hilarious!

So fun! I played a lot of monopoly, yahtzee, clue, and LIFE. Loved life haha.
Still love board games <3

Ohhh you should show us a vlog of you playing board games!

Yeah the Game of Life was fun. I should have added that hahha but it is to obvious what it would have taught.

This is such a nice post! I recognize Snakes and Ladders, Monopoly and Scrabble. I really like how you explained each game and then explained how it impacted your life and learnings from life. Some people can say games are only for fun but you can also learn a lot from it! I would probably like playing the “Clue”, I’m all about the detective skills 😁 (or at least I think so haha)

I used to play another game called WAR, don’t know if you’re familiar with it. It’s about conquering continents and accomplish missions. I used to love it!!!

This Pokémon Board game was also one of my favourites! Aw so many good memories! :)

More recently I started to play Party & Co , specially with big groups of friends :)

Another great post, Sir Mave!

OMG why would you call me Sir! I get that a lot from my local steemians but to get it from you hahaha

Yeah these were the classics and it was really fun to play them and realize how they taught you a bit in living life.

Ohhh War looks like a game I would love as I like strategy and conquering!

It would be great to play a Clue kind of game in Steem hmmm

Those games never ended in sibling violence? I think we played Monopoly wrong growing up because we wouldn't even do the step of selling properties to stay afloat, arguable quite critical. Funny to think about now... Certainly didn't help me in understanding that aspect haha...

ahahahha well there were some physical pain especially when the bank started cheating which happens in real life as well haha.

Threats and favors could be used like doing chores and massaging feed hahaha we were a weird family.

I'm still a huge fan of board games, and I think it does come from playing them as a kid. I played many of these, plus Candy Land, Connect Four, Chinese Checkers, and the Game of Life.

Now, I prefer more strategy-based games like Ticket to Ride, Catan, Betrayal at House on the Hill, 7 Wonders, Coup, Pandemic, etc.

Board games offer a ton of fun, plus they're a great way to get to know people and they generally go over well with people at gatherings. That's my experience as a young adult, anyway.

Thanks for taking the time to share your experiences!

Oh yeah I still play boardgames with some of my "adult" friends and we have a blast playing Cards against Humanity and Pandemic!

The others I am not that familiar but when we go to the boardgame cafe I will look them up! Thanks for sharing!

You definitely should. We have friends over all the time to play the games. Glad I'm not the only one!

Reminds me of my childhood! It seems you have a great and supportive family.
I too played snakes and ladders, monopoly, scrabble, Guess Who, ludo, carrom and so many more games.
Wow your post really brings back pleasant memories!

Thanks I appreciate that you enjoyed my post and brought back some memories of your childhood.

An absolutely great post. Well done!

We loved board games too as children. It was a hobby of mine to collect such games while in high school. All the games you mentioned were in my collection. I remember the anguish of losing at Monopoly, which I always did.

Favourites that you did not mention are, among others, the following.

  1. Risk
    Trying to conquer the world with dice throws. Loved that there were a number of strategies that could enable you to win. We spent hours and hours with this game. It was never over until it was over.
  2. Poleconomy
    Similar to Monopoly but with more strategies to enable a win. It included a political element that created an interesting element. It is not sold anymore and I think it a great pity.

Oh man I absolutely love Risk and I still play some boardgames with some friends in a boardgame cafe nearby. You eat, drink and destroy friendships over a game of cards against humanity hahaha.

Poleconomy is a new one but too bad it isn't available anymore.

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