Which is Worse

in #life6 years ago

Country Fried Traitors.jpg

Last week, Trump attended some GOP candidate supporting events, that were in reality little more than White Rage Rallies. His supporters, whom I fondly refer to as Trumpanzees, are getting more and more brazen with their outlandish and outrageous behavior.

Above is a shot of two particularly happy Trumpanzees. They seem proud and happy to being throwing their feces around, getting it on themselves and all those around them at an event in Ohio. Notice their shirts that say they would rather be under the control of another country than to be of another American political party. It used to be "Better Dead, Than Red!" Now, the American Trumpanzee would rather be Red, or at least Russian, than Democrat.

That is, these two would rather enjoy their poverty under the oppression of a tyrant, than to live in a country that has different views than theirs. Or, more likely, in a country where they must live under leaders of different skin hues than their preferred "Pasty White." Although they no doubt understand what it is to live in Russia, their intent and understanding is clear. They want a white country, ruled by whites. Period. Everything else is secondary.

I feel the deep need to say something to them that I've heard so many times used by their type: "If you don't like it, get the fuck out!" But I won't. That would be un-American, so...

What is most galling is that without absolutely knowing, I feel confident in saying that these two decry Colin Kaepernick's NFL kneeling protest as disrespectful, un-American and against our proud American soldiers and veterans. And they would say so while proudly wearing these shirts. If anyone knows these two personally, forward me their names and addresses so I can ask them directly if that's how they feel. I would hate to be a distributor of "Fake News" if I am wrong and they are, in fact, strong Kaepernick supporters.

Maybe I just misunderstand them. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe these two fellas are the salt of the Earth, wanting nothing but truth, equality and justice for all. Maybe. But I doubt it. I don't think we'll be seeing them on the cover of Time. Ever.

So, America, here is a test: which one of these is worse? Of these two types of protesters, which is more American, patriotic and true to the American ideals of Truth, Justice and Equality? Your answer will tell you a lot about yourself... if you don't already know.

Top image and story source: Twitter
[Bottom image source: Time Magazine]


Both are. 1st amendment rights.

I agree that they all have the right to say it, but I cannot say both are equally patriotic and "American". One group protests the inequality of police brutality against blacks, while the other wishes to be under the rule of another country rather than another faction of our political system. One wants to improve America while the other wishes to overthrow it.

I feel about the two above as Oscar Wilde did when he said:

“I may not agree with you, but I will defend to the death your right to make an ass of yourself.”

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