No Good Options...She's Either Cruel, Stoopid or Pure Evil.

in #life6 years ago

If you live in America, or unless you were literally born the day before yesterday, you've most likely heard something about Melania Trump's little fiasco with her wardrobe. If you haven't, you can read about it here, as I'm not going into the details of a story most have already heard.

I just wanted to point out that, from a critical thinking point of view, there are no good options for Melania to explain away her actions. Let me count the ways as to why:

  1. Melania is/was a model. Her life and livelihood centered around wearing (or not wearing) clothes and having people judge her on how she looks in them. She cannot claim innocence that she didn't carefully choose what she would wear to an event that she KNEW would have world-wide attention. In fact, she has been strongly criticized before for wearing heels or inappropriate clothing to disaster areas (disaster areas outside the one that is the current White House). She is no novice in understanding that what she wears will be scrutinized and criticized down to the smallest detail.

  2. This was a $39, "off the rack" jacket, NOT something Melania would ever wear under normal circumstances. We are talking about a woman who wore a $2,000.00 shirt to do an Easter Egg hunt. Wearing a cheap, chain store jacket is not in her fashion repertoire, so this was something special and unusual for her.

  3. She only wore the jacket to board the plane to go to Texas and then when she came back from Texas. That is, she wore it only while in DC. It was at least 80 degrees and humid in DC (no jacket required), but rainy and windy in Texas (jacket would make sense). Not wearing it in Texas when it was windy and rainy proves she had some understanding that it would cause a controversy. Putting it back on again as she returned removes any doubt that it was a purposeful act, communicating some message to someone. She was just too cowardly to do it in front of suffering children.

  4. Her spokesperson said that there was “no hidden message” in her wearing the jacket, that it was just a simple jacket the First Lady chose to wear. Well, of course there was no “hidden message” as the message was painted in huge letters across the entire back of the knee-length jacket. You cannot say that kneeling during the national anthem is some kind of unpatriotic message, but a literally painted-on message on the back of your jacket isn't. That is just expecting others to accept complete and utter stooooopidity.

  5. Her husband, the POTUS, later refuted the claim that there was no political message intended by saying it was, in fact, a jab at the “Fake News”, whom he says she no longer cares about as they will lie no matter what she does. This is particularly ironic because either HE is lying about the message of the jacket or SHE is lying by saying there is no message intended. Either way, the only party in their fashion passion play telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth is the Press.

In the end, this whole situation is silly. But it was brought on by the FLOTUS herself in an obviously purposeful way. Was it a message to the Press, or to the imprisoned brown children or maybe even perhaps her husband, letting him know she is tired of his philandering ways? To be honest, as her jacket suggests, I don't give a fuck.

What I do care about is how her little stunt reduced a tragic and criminal situation (the imprisonment of innocent children without due process or proper, humane treatment) into a petty wardrobe malfunction mystery.

There can be no doubt that the FLOTUS did this on purpose, even if her “message” in doing so and for whom she meant it for is a mystery. But in any case, her true character has been revealed. The FLOTUS is either cruel, stooooopid or pure evil. Possibly all three. Gawd bless Murika.

(Image and Story Source: MSN/New York Times)