in #life6 years ago


The issue of abortion has been and still is today, one of the most controversial issues in the world, due to the number of approaches, legislations and points of view, in favor and against it. When we talk about the right to life and the rights of women, we see many lines that have been written on the subject.

Some voices argue that abortion is a right and a decision of women; that they have full autonomy to decide on their bodies, and therefore, the right to voluntarily interrupt the pregnancy, especially if there is a risk to their life, if the pregnancy is the product of rape, incest, or if there is a serious malformation of the fetus, among other causes.

Other sectors of society consider that abortive practices violate one of the fundamental rights of the person, such as the right to life, and therefore constitutes a crime against humanity, which threatens society and destroys the very reality of life. human being.

Without going into polemic about the pros and cons of the practice of abortion, I applaud standing up the brave women who decide to continue with their pregnancy, despite the adverse situations they have to face, because, finally, generate life only it produces peace and joy, while destroying it leads to sadness and bitterness.

My point of view is based on multiple life experiences, which over the years, I have been able to witness. I have known so many people who, if it had not been for that son or daughter who decided to give birth, despite the circumstances, their very existence, nowadays, would be terribly empty and desolate, since they finally became their joy of living, their company, your pride.

However, in history, several attempts to deny the arrival in this world to great figures, geniuses, actors, writers, athletes ... and who, thanks to their mothers, had the opportunity to become the stars that today are known, are known. , and of which they feel, of course, immensely proud. Let's see some of them:

When Joanne Carole Schieble was a teenager, she went through many difficulties with her pregnancy, so when her son was born on February 24, 1955, she decided to give him up for adoption to a family, where the child could grow up healthy and happy.

Over the years, that child became one of the most important and influential characters in the computer and business world. Nothing more, nothing less, than the father of the first personal computer and founder of Apple Computer. His visionary ideas and great ingenuity managed to revolutionize the markets and habits of millions of people in the world for more than three decades.

It was STEVE JOBS, who as an adult wanted to meet her biological mother, because she wanted to thank him for not having aborted her in those difficult moments of her pregnancy.


The young Edi Aringhieri, being very young, had to be hospitalized, being pregnant, by a strong pain in her belly, which turned out to be an attack of appendicitis. In the hospital the doctors informed him that his son would be born with a serious congenital disease that would lead him, progressively, to lose his sight, and he was openly advised to abort the child. However, Edi refused to do so, and gave birth to her little boy on September 22, 1958.

Certainly the child was born with glaucoma, a degenerative eye disease, which caused the loss of his vision completely at the age of 12 years. However, in the repeated visits to the hospital for his recovery, he met a Russian man, a great lover of symphonic music, whom he listened to every day after each visit to the health center. There, the young man realized that he was enchanted by that musical genre, arriving many times to forget that he was in a clinic.

That young man later became the world-famous and admired singer, tenor, musician, writer and music producer, ANDREA BOCELLI, who has said on several occasions about his mother the following sentence: "He chose the best option, and I hope that with that same courage many mothers want, in similar situations, to save the lives of their children. "


Dolores Aveiro, was a woman who was educated in an orphanage, suffered family violence, fought against cancer and against extreme poverty. All those circumstances, and his concern about not having to feed the baby when he was born, made him think about the possibility of aborting the child he had in his womb, so he consulted his doctor about the possibility of stopping the pregnancy. He denied it, claiming that, although it was his fourth child, he was still a young woman and there was no reason of a physical nature not to have it. When she alleged her poverty, the doctor replied: "Quiet, you will see that this child will be the joy of the house."

Premonitory words, because that child was CRISTIANO RONALDO, considered one of the best soccer players in the world. Today, Cristiano jokes with his mother about that important moment, telling him in a mocking tone: "You did not want him to be born, but now look, I'm here, helping the whole family"


Thérese Tanguay had a large family, composed of her husband and 13 children. Upon learning that she was pregnant again, and under a terrible economic crisis, she thought about the possibility of not having the baby she had in her womb, so she confessed to her trusted priest about her decision. He told her that she could not end a life that did not belong to her, and that she could not go against God's will, convincing her not to do so.

Thérese gave birth to the last of her children on March 30, 1968, a beautiful girl whom she called CELINE DION, later owner of a spectacular voice that would lead her, years later, to become one of the most admired female stars in the world. world of music.


Emilia Wojtyla, a young Polish woman, and of delicate health, became pregnant with her third child in 1919. Being this pregnancy, like the previous ones, of high risk because it would negatively affect her state of health, her doctors recommended her to consider the possibility that he would abort. Emilia, who was a woman of great faith, flatly refused to get rid of the creature she carried in her womb. Willing to die, if necessary to save the child's life, decided to continue with her pregnancy, giving birth on May 18, 1920 a healthy and precious baby.

His name is Karol José Wojtyla, who at the age of 58, and after an excellent pastoral work, becomes on October 16, 1978, the leader of the Catholic Church, in the POPE JOHN PAUL II, one of the pontiffs more charismatic and beloved of all history.

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The cases described above are not, but a few, of the immense number of beings that, thanks to the courage of their mothers, could become famous stars. They have also been Beethoven, Jack Nicholson, Roberto Gómez Bolaños "Chespirito", Justin Bieber, and millions of other human beings who, thanks to them, had the opportunity to live, to form a family and to have their own history.

We will never know who this little person is, what we call a fetus, in its most defenseless moment; what is your mission in life, what surprises you have reserved for us and for society, how many things we will thank you for, how much company you will give us, how much satisfaction you will give us and how much you have reserved for us.

If, after an arduous struggle for fertilization, among millions of possibilities, a tiny being managed to reach the mother's womb, simply, living is his right.

Let's give him the opportunity to live and shine ... by our side.

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