My Thanksgiving messagesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

Every morning I wake to my "special" message from God. I sometimes giggle and think that it is cool that He uses email to get my attention, and today's message was:

In the world ye shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer;
I have overcome the world. John 16:33

Then you may ask why have you, My children, to have tribulation if I have overcome the world.

My overcoming was never, you know, for Myself, but for you, for My children. Each temptation, each difficulty, I overcame as it presented itself.

The powers of evil were strained to their utmost to devise means to break Me. They failed, but how they failed was known only to Me, and to My Father, who could read My undaunted spirit. The world, even My own followers, would see a Lost Cause. Reviled, spat upon, scourged, they would deem Me conquered. How could they know My Spirit was free, unbroken, unharmed?

And so, as I had come to show man God, I must show him God unconquered, unharmed, untouched by evil and its power. Man could not see My Spirit untouched, risen above these earth furies and hates, into the Secret Place of the Father. But man could see My Risen Body and learn by that, that even the last attempt of man had been powerless to touch Me.

Take heart from that, for you must share My tribulations.

And in My conquering Power you walk unharmed today.

As some of you here on Steemit may know, this week has been particularly difficult because I opened up and shared exactly what has been going on in my life. It was extremely difficult to post those horrid photos of myself but in my opinion it was necessary for me to make amends for any wrong that I may have been a part of when I was practicing medicine. I needed to send an important message.

But as my morning Scripture said, In the world ye shall have tribulation. Others on Steemit insulted and called me names and insinuated that I was wrong in sharing my story. But as I read over all the posts this morning I realized what God meant by, but be of good cheer; My post was well received by so many caring Steemians and was upvoted and resteemed even today and for that I say "Thank You".

I am not to remain silent about anything that I know in my heart to be damaging to others, if I do, that then I agree with the wrong. So when I refuse to be silent I just need to remember that as I face the insults and name calling, God said, I have overcome the world.

So as I sit down to enjoy my Turkey dinner with my family I want to say Thank You again to all who sent caring thoughts and well wishes my way. Any for all the others who were upset by my post. I do wish you well and only want the best for you and yours.


I am so glad that you found the silver lining in all the abuse that a few people dished out at you.
I know that it was hard for you to be so vulnerable and show your injury and pain to the world.

But what they meant for evil has instead been used for good!
More people than ever heard your message,
and opened their eyes.

Thanks for staying positive my friend.

I hope you and yours had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Thanks for being my friend.

We had our Canadian Thanksgiving in October.
But it's great to show thanks more than once a year anyways.

It is our duty to speak our story loud and clear, when someone gets angry over our story it is because our truth hit close to the bulls eye!

Thanks for your support and friendship

nice post i wish you a wenderful day

Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving to you as well.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and knowledge @marymg2014
I am a yoga instructor and my husband is an ayurvedic practitioner (we both studied in India), and we recently moved to Seattle so he can attend Bastyr university of holistic medicine as we both have been very disappointed and intimidated by the practices of western medicine. We want to be ready to deal with everything that may come our way when we decide to have our children. I see a lot of interesting post on your profile so you are being followed! Have a wonderful day.

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