Waiting For New Glasses So I Can Throw Away This Broken Pair

in #life6 years ago

Breaking your glasses sucks big time. Breaking your backup pair of glasses after breaking your main pair of glasses sucks even more.

So not too long ago my latest glasses frames broke on the part that holds the lens in near the nose piece. It was a small break but without wearing glasses I couldn't see to fix them. I asked my husband to glue them back together and he accidentally got superglue on the lens. In trying to get the glue off the lens, we failed and the lens was forever ruined.

I dug through my old boxes and found my old glasses back from around 2004 until I could get to the eye doctor....I'll also admit here I hate going to the eye doctor so I put off going as long as possible. My backup glasses are a super old prescription but they worked. The downside to this pair is they were broken from age ago. Both of the ear pieces were broken and held on by superglue. They degraded in quality very quickly, breaking to the point where tape was needed to hold one of the earpieces on. I was finally forced to stop dragging my feet 4 days ago when the lens holder snapped in one spot causing my right lens to fall out....

My Horrible Backup Pair In Their Current State


I Have A Small Face So I Got Kids Frames Back In High School in 2004....Jimmy Newtron Themed!

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Glasses are expensive so when I get glasses I wear them until they literally fall apart.

Anyways, I reached a point in fixing the old pair where I couldn't stand wearing them anymore and finally went to the eye doctor. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I won't share my reasons for fearing the eye doctor because I feel pretty stupid now. I did have a specific fear of going which is why I put off an appointment and suffered with my horrible old ones.

So now I'm waiting for my new prescription to be filled. I went to the eye doctor inside of Walmart because 1) cheapest prices around here and 2) I've had glasses since I was 10 years old and Walmarts are higher quality than many other places. I found my same Ray-Ban frames on ebay for $7 which saved me some money and I only had to pay for the vision test and lenses.

Then, I decided that maybe this time while I had a prescription I should buy a backup pair of glasses in case of breaks. My one year old is fascinated by my glasses and targets them because she wants to play with them. Getting a backup pair seemed like a wise decision. I went to glassesUSA.com and found a pretty pair of blue glasses. I discovered that online glasses are the best way to buy them because they are so much cheaper! I got new frames, lenses with all kinds of nice coatings (UV protection, anti-glare, etc.) for $50. If I'd sprung for frames at Walmart with lenses I'd have paid over $200. I've never bought glasses online before so if these turn out nice enough I'll just get all glasses online from now on.

Walmart's Selection Used To Find My New Online Frames


Right now I'm waiting for both pairs of new glasses to be ready. I'm hoping by Tuesday I can pick the Walmart pair up. The online pair takes way longer to arrive. I'm glad I got the one pair locally so I don't have to suffer with the old pair. The old pair, broken as they are, are causing some serious eye strain so I've been staying away from laptops and TVs. I'm miserable having this big old piece of tape next to my left eye. Tuesday can't come fast enough!

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@marxrab I hope your new glasses arrive soon.I know the hassle of wearing one. Are you farsighted or nearsighted?Have you consider doing LASIK eye surgery. You can ask for free consultation.Oh well, I don't know if this is good or bad reading you hate going to the eye doctor.

Hope that you will get well soon sir,btw heart breaking when we lose back up pairs,have a nice day sir.

It was heartbreaking. Backup glasses breaking was rough.

Breaking back up pair of glasses is really hurts us more,these glasses are so expensive.my glasses are around 20$,thanks a lot for sharing each and everything with us,hope you will be back soon,have a nice day.

Awesome. Hope they do the job, must suck having a broken a pair. Glasses are really expensive in Canada, or I should say the lenses are. Even with a bunch of retailers competing they all get the lenses from the same monopoly.

The broken pair reached a point of absolute misery for me. Wearing them with out something popping out of place became impossible. We're lucky here because there are vision places all over. Some of the places are pretty low quality though even if the shop looks flashy.

Hope they come soon! Glasses are such a hassle. I hope your prescription isn't too strong.

I hope it arrives soon.my friend @marxrab .. is a great opportunity for you in order to get away from the computer a little bit

Thanks! I got my pair yesterday. It was nice to have a technology break for a bit.

wow 102 dollars, costs the glasses at Walmart is very expensive, luckily you got some cheaper online store.

Walmart is expensive. It's best to write down the glasses you like and find them online. Each frame has a serial number to make finding the same pair easy.

If I understand you, I've never used glasses, that's why I've never bought them, but when I'm older, it's my turn.

We get all our glasses online through goggles4u. They usually arrive quite quickly.

Hadn't heard of that one. There are so many when you do a google search it's hard to pick one.

Not having viable glasses is truly a exercise in frustration. So glad you finally have some decent replacements on the way!

It was horrible! I've been miserable wearing broken ones that keep falling apart. Got new ones yesterday!

Yay! Glad to hear you got them and are back in business.

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