The Little One Who Wanted A Home and Someone To Love

in #life7 years ago (edited)

The first time I met the little one she was very young and small. I was home visiting my family for Christmas. While sitting on the porch I noticed the little kitten sniffing at the garbage can at the road. I must have made a noise because she turned to me and meowed pitifully. I felt bad for her and went in the house and got some hard dog food to feed her since we had nothing for cats.

How Could I Not Help That Sweet Little Face?


She was terrified of me but very hungry. I had to throw the food a few feet in front of me for her to take it. Slowly I threw bites of food closer and closer to me until I was able to pet the little cat on the head. She was starving for affection and as soon as she saw I was safe she started purring loudly and snuggled into my arms. It was cold out and she cuddled to keep warm.

I couldn't keep her though. I lived 22 hours away in a house that wouldn't allow me to take another pet on top of my husband's cat and my rabbit. I knew we'd be moving in 6 months to a new home that would let me have as many pets as I wanted. Eventually I had to go inside and the kitten left.

She Loves Snuggling In a Blanket


When the cat returned the next night and gave me the same enthusiastic affection I decided I wanted to keep her. The next day I went to the store and bought the biggest bag of cat food I could find. I asked my mom to feed the cat and I'd come pick her up in 6 months when we moved. My mom's neighborhood has plenty of stray cats so I knew the kitten would stick around if she was getting food.

And she did. She came back every night for food and my mother was nice enough to feed her for me. Six months later my then boyfriend and I traveled to Tennessee to get married and on our way out of town to our new home we picked up the cat who had waited patiently for a home. She was happy to see me and when I let her into my mom's house for the very first time she seemed really happy.

She was so timid at first and skittish. I kept her in our spare bedroom and she hid in the closet for an entire month. I had a hard time coming up with a name for her because I never got to see what she fully looked like. I would call "little cat" when I had food for her and she was timidly sneak out. Eventually, Little Cat became her name and fit her perfectly.

Her First Name Tag


I'd play with her with a string of yarn and would pet on her, and slowly she became more brave. After a month she finally left the closet and explored the house. She gained weight and her coat filled out into a nice gray with stripes. It wasn't until we got our third cat Rafa that she was brave enough to go outside to play. She saw him going in and out and wanted to be part of the fun. Rafa and Little Cat became best friends and were always together.

Enjoying Her New Cat Tree


She's the sweetest little girl and is so happy to have a home. She's still a little timid but with five cat friends she has plenty of companionship. She's the only cat I let sleep in my bed. For the first 3 years of having her she wouldn't let my husband pet her. After a lot of work this last year she's finally relaxing and giving him affection. She's around 4 years old now and is a plump girl. She enjoys her lazy life where she has unlimited access to dry food and plenty of yard to explore with Rafa.

Photo credit: All photos are mine.

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Sweet story. I had a gray tabby stray cat in my life for a while that i called...Gray Kitty, Sr. They certainly do steal your heart, don't they? :)

Upvoted & resteemed.

They are sweet things. Hard to not get attached to when they have such nice faces. Thanks for the resteem and vote. I'll stop by and visit you momentarily to return the nice gesture!

You are very welcome and thank YOU!

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Thats a very wonderful post and a very sweet thing to do :")
I have myself also 2 cats were of one was tight up to a tree,
i found here when she was just a few weeks old and very sick.
within a week of 2 having here she got a hormone attack and
her uterus had to be removed asap.

Now 2 years later she is a happy cat. And i got 2 so she also
has a fiend to go around with ":)

Every human and animal needs love
and i am glad to read you given this great and sweet looking cat a home to be here self at :) Your a good person :D

That deserves a follow !

Awww....thank you for your nice words. I so glad your cat is doing well and healthy. I'm glad you were able to rescue her and get her help.

Your very welcome. Its great to meet great people like youself :D
Yeah i am very glad to have rescued her but i only could do one haha.
I do Voltaire work at Pet Protection and pick up many cats from the
street that people dumbed and try to find a new home for it.
If they are still able to socialize. If not they get neutered and
then placed back.

This cat was so afraid for everyone and everything around it
we were affraid she would not get over it.

i took her home and it took over 2 months but she slowly
made friends with my other cat.
Now she is +/- 2 years and at this time on my lap knocking
hey head against me cause she is attention hungry xD

every were i am she wants to be, even if i am just going to the
toilet she is moawing at the door for me to come back.

Every creature needs a bunch of love ain' t it.
at least she got a good home now and a friend to play with. ":D

Awwwww I love your Little Cat @marxrab! She is totally adorable! Thanks so much for sharing this lovely story.

So glad she got to join your family! It sounds like her confidence is growing daily thanks to y'all's patience. Doing a great job!

I really like this story! I am always partial to stories with happy endings!

Glad this cutie found her forever home <3

Hey @marxrab! You are very kindhearted and i'm happy for the cat she found her home. I enjoyed reading your post!

This will be featured in my small-time blog
God bless you!

O my goodness I am an obsessed cat lover - my kitty almost looks like yours - Love the story - Resteeming

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