That Time I Got Robbed While 7 Months Pregnant

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I thought I'd share a story about the time I was hospitalized after my house was broken into and robbed while I was home and pregnant....

I was reading an article recently talking about how people who have had their homes broken into often suffer from PTSD. Since last August I can definitely agree with this because that is when my house was broken into. Since then I have been afraid to be home by myself and am paranoid that every little sound is someone breaking into my home again.

I guess I should start at the beginning. My husband and I moved to a new home in the Appalachian Mountains close to a year ago. We felt safe because we were on top of a mountain and isolated from the rest of the world. Our neighbors aren't close, but at the same time not too far....just the perfect distance for a bit of privacy. We loved our new home. Before we lived in a big city where businesses had bars on their windows and I didn't feel safe going places by myself at times.

(Picture of our house before we renovated the living room. This was the room the thief robbed).

For months we enjoyed our "safe" little home on our mountain. I was pregnant and ended up having a very painful pregnancy. I suffered from kidney problems the entire time and by 7 months in I could barely walk. The worst day of my life happened last August. I was 7 months pregnant and felt horrible. I had gone to the Dr a few days earlier to do a gestational diabetes test. That afternoon, I decided to go for a swim to take some of the pregnancy weight off my back and to help my swelling feet. While I was swimming I got a phone call from my Dr saying that I had gestational diabetes. This crushed me because I'd already had a painful pregnancy because of my kidney problems. I gained 50 pounds (30 of water weight) because of my kidney issues. Gestational diabetes meant I couldn't have that beautiful piece of chocolate cake I craved until after the baby was born.

I was really stressed out and couldn't calm my mind so I went in the house and decided to take a nap. We had a sliding glass door at the time with a broken lock. We used a piece of wood pushed into the track to lock the door. I guess that day I didn't put the wood into place very well. My husband was asleep in our bedroom and snoring so I decided to lay down in our other bedroom. At one point during my nap I heard some bangs in the kitchen and assumed it was my husband banging around. It wasn't. It was a stranger forcing the wood out of place and breaking in through the sliding glass door.

I woke up a few hours later and found the sliding glass door wide open and my husband no where in sight. I walked into the living room and saw our 50 inch TV ,that I had left on earlier, was no longer there. Then I saw that my laptop, which I leave on the couch, was also gone. The realization that we'd been robbed hit me and I ran to the bedroom to find my sleeping husband snoring. I was afraid he might have been hurt because he was sleeping next to the living room. He was in a deep sleep and never heard a thing. I woke him up and we called the cops. They never found the person or our stuff.

Later that night I was full of anxiety and couldn't relax. My heart was beating fast and I got really sick. I starting throwing up and got a fever. I could barely stand up. I think the shock of realizing someone was in my house while I was asleep was too much for my pregnant, sick body. My husband drove me to the emergency room where they said I might need to be induced because they baby's heartbeat dropped. I was in the hospital 4 days and the baby's heartbeat normalized. My blood pressure was through the roof and they monitored me and treated my kidney infection with antibiotics. A month later I'd be forced to have a c-section 6 weeks early due to high blood pressure. After we got robbed I couldn't relax in my own home. I was terrified to be alone. I was terrified to bring a baby there.

We found out a few days later that our house had been broken into a few weeks earlier because a fisherman had turned in my lock box to the police. He had found it in the river near our house when he was fishing and my name and phone number were in it. We found out from detectives that 7 houses in our neighborhood had been broken into around that time. Our closest neighbor was hit twice like us. It's been a while since the break in but I still jump up at the slightest noise when I'm in bed at night. We put extra locks on our doors and I blocked off the sliding glass doors so they can't be used. I bought security cameras recently to give me peace of mind but that fear still lingers. I hate the person who broke in for taking that feeling of safety from me.


Makes me so angry these evil people don't know the damage they do. I am so sorry you have had to go through this and hope whoever did this gets what they deserve. I hope you and baby are now on the mend :)

I also hope they get what they deserve. Thankfully no one was hurt. Me and the baby are doing great. I'm careful about locking doors with her around. I just bought security cameras and lots of signs to say "No Trespassing." Hopefully it'll never happen again.

I hope it doesn't, its not good when you feel unsafe in your own home. Its the one place you should feel safe :)

Very true. Home should be safe. Hopefully it'll never happen again.

Oh my...we had a break in on the 23 rd of December 2016. They poisoned our dog, and at about 23h15 we decided to rush to the vet because the dog was suffering (we didn't realize at that time that the dog was poisoned.) So while we were gone they literally walked in. Broke open the safe, stole my husbands pistol, and stole 4 laptops, 4 tablets and 2 phones. We got back at 00h05. We went in upstairs as everything according to us were locked downstairs...when we got downstairs I thought the other dog came into our room as it was a total mess. Then we realized that they had broken in...they must have been waiting for us to leave with the dog. The worst of all is that there were exactly 7 people left in the house while they broke in. All good to say nobody got hurt...but the emotional trauma of the whole ordeal was terrible. The invasion of privacy alone is enough to drive me up the walls. Ok, so we were fine and realized that it was only worldly stuff and we were glad no one got hurt etc etc etc. Exactly two weeks later at three o clock in the morning, my father upstairs heard a loud noise. He phoned me to ask if we were ok, and my husband got up to check the rest of the house. What a surprise to find the kitchen window open and my son's laptop which we replaced from the previous break in and his tablet was stolen again...and when we went back to our room to phone the police we couldn't find our phones...some bastard stole the phones through our bedroom window from our bedside tables...I am not the most trusting person at this stage.

Oh wow! That is so horrible! I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Your poor dog. I'm glad no one was hurt. Whoever did that is a horrible person. A detective told us 7 houses in our neighborhood got broken into total. Someone had been watching all the houses and knew people's routines and knew when people would be out. That's what scared me the most is that someone probably had been watching me take a swim at the same time each day and might have been on our property before scoping things out. I went into the hospital that same night and I was so freaked out. My whole body was shaking from shock. My husband got a phone call from a fisherman the next day saying he found my lock box in the river a few week earlier. That told us they had broken in before and we didn't realize it. I had to go on blood pressure meds after I was released because I couldn't relax knowing they'd been there twice. They got my macbook I paid $1200, my lockbox with some cash and coins, and a big screen TV. I tried tracing the GPS on my laptop and got an address to where it went but it was an apartment complex and the cops couldn't narrow down which one. The other day I heard noises on the roof and was so scared it was another break of our cats got on the roof and was chasing a lizard...The PTSD from it is horrible. I hate being home alone. I'm working on putting up cameras all over now but I still worry.

I hear you. I am totally paranoid now. I work hard to buy things that I want and then some idiot comes in and claim my things for himself that he will probably sell for next to nothing. I work online as an online teacher and I lost so much work. When we go out now, I pack away locked both wooden doors locked and sliding door locked. I take everything of value up to my parent's room and hide it under their bed. I'ts a mission to get back in again but I will rather do that than lose anything again. I also lock my new puppy inside my bedroom - I forgot to mention that the other dog died and my husband bought me the cutest puppy ever because I was heartbroken. We also got an armed response and upgraded our security system. We live in a broken world and it is so sad that we have to live this way. The crime rate in South Africa is worse than in other countries, but I still don't want to move... @kiwideb gave me some exercises to do and that helped a lot. You might want to check it out.

good thought on getting those cameras and beefing up security!

Yeah. It's a shame I need cameras though. Least I feel safer.

So sorry to hear about this. Have you tried EFT? Check out my post on Getting started with EFT

Our dear @giantbear had a similar experience before Xmas. She might have some tips about dealing with it. Hopefully she'll see a notification that I mentioned her and come looking. But if not, go follow her anyway. I think the two of you might have a few things in common.

I've never heard of that before. I'll have to check it out. Getting robbed is a hard thing to go through. It's a shame your friend had a similar experience.

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