Taking Downtime To Work In The Heat, Hunt Snakes, and Duck Around

in #life6 years ago

Summertime heat has finally reached Tennessee. Today we hit 90 degrees which makes working out in the yard miserable. My husband and I have been working on various projects outside. The extreme heat really drains you and at the end of the day we've been exhausted.

I Set Up My Old Pool The Other Day


I got this pool back in 2016 when I was pregnant to help me survive gaining so much weight. Now, I'm using it to lose weight. I gained 50 pounds when I got pregnant and I'm struggling to lose it. Since we've been working outside a lot I figured I'd fix the pool so we could jump in and cool off really quick.

Building A Duck House and Pen



The big project we are working on now is the duck coop. We dug up a trench which will contain chicken wire and a board over it as part of the predator proofing (pictures another day). We also put down some cement to building what is the floor of the duck's house. I figured concrete wouldn't rot and would be easier to clean. The dirt here is hard to dig in and at some points you hit rock. Building our duck house has been a lot harder than I thought it would be.

Look At Those Little Bitty Green Beans



My garden is also doing well. My husband and I are still working hard in our gardens. These little green beans will be our first big harvest. I've got tons of beans growing right now. I planted three different colored beans (purple, yellow, and green). I'm not sure which plants are which so it'll be fun seeing which colors of beans I'll get. The heat means everything dries out quickly in my container garden. I'm doing two waterings a day.

Protection While Snake Hunting


Our other endeavor is we've got a snake living under our house. We have a small room under our house where a snake has decided to move in. We need to go under the house to deal with some plumbing tasks and to run a new cord for our internet. I'm not going down there with a snake living there. My husband found two sets of snake skin that it must have shed. My husband has seen it several times but he's terrified of snakes so he usually hightails it out of there at a sighting.

I'm pretty sure it's a common, non-poisonous rat snake. That means I really don't need to carry my machete around but it's a really cool machete. Makes me feel a tad better when I'm working around the area where the snake lives. My husband is trying to figure out how to catch it so we can release it elsewhere.

Anyways, life is busy and at night I'm so tired I haven't been around much. Things around here are slow anyways. I'm seeing a lot of my favorite friends taking downtime as well. Hopefully we can finish this duck coop soon and I won't have to sweat it out in the yard as much.


Your machette looks a bit like some sort of arabian sword, like in the Prince of Persia games. Maybe the snake is the Lord of the Sands of Time lol I'd freak out over ANY kind of snake, or maybe not. I think I've only seen a snake once or twice in my life.

I really think the machete looks cool lol. It does look like a sword. It'd be cool if it was a magic snake but I doubt it. I'm freaked out by it even though it's harmless. That machete is going with me under that house at all times.

lol I understand.

One of the only snakes I liked was the snake is the Disney version of Robin Hood, who snored in a hissing way ;)

The beans look like they're doing well. A week or so, and they'll be ready to pick! The first bean harvest is always so delicious.

Awww, poor snake. He's just eating bugs and rodents for you! He might also disuade those pesky opossums from visiting, too :-)

It's been years since I've seen a snake in the open. We used to have Garter snakes growing up that were fun to play with, though my sister still has a scar from one! The times they bit me, it felt like sandpaper. Eventually, fox snakes (fake rattlesnakes) displaced them. They're not poisonous, but they have big fangs, and catching them is unwise.

You got bit by snakes! Ah! I'm afraid to get anywhere near ours and I'm sure it's nonpoisonous. The good thing about ours is they are known to eat copperhead babies and those are the nasty kind of snake. Our cats have done wonders wiping out mice. I'm surprised to actually have a snake here because the cats kill tons of mice at the start of every summer.

good luck, I hope duck will love their new house :-)

Thanks. I hope so too.

Congratulations on doing everything to get it done. Good luck for the project you are working on.

Thank you. I hope we get the work done quickly.

Hello happy to read you on this day, it's good that summer has arrived I think it was much needed.

I congratulate you and your husband for being so enterprising and hardworking, to keep your home complete and with everything in order, I like the pool so much it looks great for a good day, regards dear friend.

You've made a substantial amount of progress! Good thinking on having the pool handy for a quick cool off.

Love the itty-bitty beans. They should fill out quickly.

Good luck on evicting the snake!

Thanks. I'm excited about the beans. They are growing fast. Some are turning a cool purple color so I'm excited to try those soon.

I would take the machete as well. Oh yeah its too cool, and may come in handy!

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