So Lucky To Be Home Alive From Our Vacation

in #life6 years ago

So it's been eight years since we took a vacation for fun. I'm pretty sure I'd be fine waiting another eight years for another one. You'd think it was monsoon season here in Tennessee with the amount of rain we've been getting. Little Tip: Never rent a cabin high in the mountains during bath weather, especially when you don't have four wheel drive.

My husband and I rented a cabin in the mountains because the cabins in Pigeon Forge, TN are absolutely beautiful. You can rent them as airb&b's and the price for ours was cheaper than getting a hotel room. We figured renting an entire house vs a cramped hotel room would be great. The house had a kitchen, beds, pool table, a hot tub, hiking trails, and jacuzzi bath tub all for cheaper than one hotel room.

A View Of Our Cabin: It Was Absolutely Beautiful


Anyways, back to the rain. We didn't realize our cabin would actually be so high in the mountains. The listing said it was 15 minutes from town. From the listing we figured it would be easy to get to and close to grocery stores. We got into town and planned to go to the cabin, eat, and then go to the aquarium. I had a nicely planned trip. The rain ruined it.

We headed up to the cabin and realized it was on these windy mountain roads. The GPS was confusing and takes the shortest route (not the best route) and told us to go down Waterfall Way.... NEVER GO DOWN WATERFALL WAY. It is literally a road that goes up alongside a waterfall. We didn't have 4 wheel-drive. It was so foggy from the rain and was nearing nightfall. The waterfall was fast rushing and so close to the road. I've never been so scared in a car. We were sliding and the car wouldn't go up the incline. We ended up backing up all the way down the road to get out of there.

House We Passed Getting Off of Waterfall Way


You can see how dark and foggy it was.

We got on a different road which would take us to the cabin but the incline wasn't easily climbable with wet roads and no 4 wheel-drive. My husband ended up backing up far enough he could build up enough speed to get up the inclines. Sometimes the road would twist immediately at the top. We slipped and slid around. It was terrifying. As we climbed I could see Waterfall Way over the side of the road. I looked down and the drop was so far down. If it was pretty weather all the waterfalls would have been beautiful.

First Glimpse of the Cabin


We got to the driveway of the cabin and the driveway was on an incline. We lost the bottom part of the bumper trying to get up it. Once we got there we realized we shouldn't try to leave in the rain. Only thing was we didn't bring milk. We were originally going to unpack at the cabin and then go get milk for our daughter who still comfort drinks milk in the night. We realized we couldn't do that.

The bottom of our bumper


It was a hellashish first night. My daughter cried for comfort milk to go to sleep and woke up so many times during the night. I didn't get much sleep. We called the cabin owner to ask if a place was nearby to get milk or if he knew a delivery service. He offered to send someone if we paid him $20 plus the cost of the milk which is insane! The person was only 15 minutes away in town. Considering what we paid for the place and the fact the person was so close by, it was really kind of rude.

It stopped raining the next day long enough we could leave. The road leaving and going down actually wasn't that bad. It was drier and not as slick. The fog was gone but it was still gray and dreary. It's the monsoon rain and fog that made it dangerous. There was a McDonald's closest so we got a little container of milk there to tide Little Rabbit over. It rained the entire day again and we really couldn't do much. We went to the aquarium and to a few shops. Eventually, we went back to the cabin and again struggled to get back up the wet, twisty roads upwards. We agreed we wouldn't leave the cabin until it was time to go home. We at least had milk and some fruit and food this time.

When we left to come home, the rain started back up! The road was so foggy that night I actually had to get out of the car with a flashlight to help my husband stay on the road. His car lights weren't enough to get through the fog. It was slow driving. It was scary driving.

I don't think I remember it raining like this in a long time here in Tennessee. It's horrible. It made our first vacation in so long pretty difficult. If it hadn't rained things would have been pretty awesome. Our car would have been fine in dry conditions. I did have a few really great times while there. I'll share more pictures of the good stuff later. We're home now but I'm feeling pretty crappy from the lack of sleep. My knee popped at some point slipping on some leaves and now my knee hurts. It's still raining. It doesn't look like we'll see dryness for a while. At least we're not up on a scary mountain.

Now it's time to recover from our vacation and get some rest!

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Hahah — Well, that sounds like an adventure! Might I recommend a used Jeep with 4WD for your next adventure? :-) At least it looks like a nice place to be in bad weather, with a great view, hot tub, and fireplace.

At least it wasn't freezing on you... Freezing fog can be really dangerous!

That's true. It was pretty darn cold though. We use to have my Isuzu Rodeo but it's pretty much out of commission permanently. It was amazing in bad weather. We used a useless Prius which has no 4-wheel drive. We didn't expect rain.

Sounds like you need a vacation from your vacation OMG! That is crazy, and i do know how those mountain roads can be treacherous! Glad you made it out ok, well except for the bumper and the knee!

That's what I said. And now I'm sick with a virus that started on the way home. I need another vacation. Mountain roads can be pretty bad if you're in the wrong area.

Hello @maxrab, I'm waiting for the big snowman with the owner99 name from you this year. :-)

lol. If we get snow I will make one for you. lol. It usually snows in December through March so it may be a while. :)

Wow what an 'adventure'.... glad you are safely home.

Thank you! I'm so glad to be home and safe.

This was a very memorable holiday and not for all the rght reasons @marxrab. Sorry to hear of your ordeals but glad to know it wasn't all negative and you got home safe and sound. That cabin does look cosy even with the rain and fog surrounding it. I look forward to reading the next exciting episode.

Oh yes. There were some good times. The aquarium was really neat. My daughter loved their new penguin exhibit and these tunnels that are glass and run through the tanks of fish and stuff. I still have to get the pictures off of my other camera but I'll share soon.

I look forward to seeing those photos @marxrab and I'm glad to hear you had some very positive experiments during your vacation.

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