Our Newly Hatched Ducklings Have Arrived

in #life6 years ago

Today was a very big day in our house. I got word on Monday our ducklings had shipped from California and were headed here to Tennessee via Priority Mail. I had a hard time sleeping last night I was so excited! I knew the post office would call me as soon as they arrived for me to come pick them up. I got the call around 11:00 AM that my ducklings had arrived in town.

Opening a package and seeing these faces was so wonderful.




It's amazing these 3 day old ducks traveled across the country in a box in the mail.


Dark and not a lot of room but secure for travel.


The babies were ready to get out of that shipping box and see some daylight. They were also starting to get cold. Newly hatched ducklings have to be kept under a heating lamp. They traveled with a little heat pack but by the time we picked them up it had stopped working. They are also shipped as soon as their hatched so our little babies had never had water or food. They were hungry and thirsty!

Their home until they grow feathers that can keep them warm.


Their home is very simple. We got a big plastic tote from Walmart and put wood shavings in the bottom. They have a feeder on the end with the heat lamp and water on the other end. Ducks love water and make messes so it's best to keep the food and water separate. The lamp on one side allows them to have a side for warmth while having space on the other side to cool off. The lamp can get hot so we made sure to get them a big enough container to have a choice.

We got two Black Swedish, one Khaki Campbell, and one Pekin duck. We're still working on names for them. They're all girls.


I've had a lot of fun just sitting and watching them. They've settled into their new home and have been running around. They love playing in the water dish. Right now I hear their chirping in the kitchen. My one year old absolutely loves them. She stands outside the tote and watches them while giggling. She has the biggest smile seeing them.

I'm sure you all will see lots of pictures and cute baby duck posts in the future. Hopefully, they'll give you a smile like the one I have today.



Baby duck is so cute and adorable. In my childhood my mom pet them. So cute they are.

They are very cute. It's nice you had some as a pet. I am enjoying ours so far.

Awwwwwww! Cute! Have fun raising your little dinosaur descendants! Did you hear about the genetic engineering experiment with chickens? Check it out! Lol – I want one of those as a pet!

My aunt has ducks. She used to have one she called a "Pekin," because it would look in her window and watch her.

That's crazy! I'd totally want a bird with a dinosaur face. It's be adorable and creepy at the same time. Was Pekin a white duck? That's what the yellow one will be. So far it seems to have the most personality. It'll be neat seeing their personalities as I get to know them and they get older.

Having bitey toothed chickens around would probably keep the rodent population down nicely, too! I'm not sure how you would get their eggs safely, though. Maybe some of those wire mesh gloves...

You are very excited about getting a new pet. :)
They look funny, but why is not there a man?

These ducks are bred to lay lots of eggs. I didn't want a male duck because I don't want lots of baby ducks. We want the eggs for food.

I understand, nowadays chicken and duck can lay eggs .. I forget about it. :)

They are beautiful they look so tender. And how good they are, well taken care of, friend.

Ah that big bird one is absolutely adorable. I'm sure you know to keep your cats away from them. My stepdad had baby ducks and the cats did away with them in a horrible incident that isn't easily forgotten.

Very cute!

The yellow one is big. She's feisty and the bravest one. So far all the cats seem scared of the ducks. I hope that sticks. Just in case, we've got the cage bars over the top. I'm moving them to a room the cats can't get in as a precaution. I'm more afraid of my kid getting hold of them. While I was fixing their cage she grabbed one by the wing and her hands clamped down hard. Thankfully she didn't hurt it. She easily could have though.

Congratulations! This is too adorable!

I know. I love watching how cute they are.

OMG they are so adorable!

They are incredibly adorable.

They are so much fun to watch waddle around and swim and not as loud as chickens in the morning. Good choice.

Very cute animals. I wish them great health so that they can please their master. Good luck to you and Love.

They are so cute I never imagined them coming by mail WOW

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