My Mind Is Befuddled and Discombobulated

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I feel like my brain is cloudy these days. I am suffering from insomnia and I haven't slept more than a maximum of 5 hours a night in a very long time (several months). I have a hard time keeping things in my long-term memory these days. I forget things easy and my brain is overloaded with thoughts.

I'm told I have what it labeled "mommy brain" and that's probably a good term. Since having a baby I feel like my brain has been rewired to think of my kid ALL THE TIME and worry about her. When I'm not thinking of her I have completely random thoughts about anything and everything.

Oh look it's Howie!


Visited my favorite dachshund and gave him my leftover pizza.

I never use to think of things all the time. These days I'll walk through the house thinking of nothing but see a onesie and note I need to do laundry. I have all these lists of things that need to be done in my head and my mind is going all the time.My head feels like it will explode I've got so much going on in there.

Hey an awesome colored leaf on the car!


So I don't sleep much these days. I usually can't fall asleep before 4 am and I'm awake by 9 am. On average I'm getting like 3-4 hours of sleep a night. My baby is up everyday by 9:00 in the morning and even though she's with her daddy who is also waking up around that time I think my body wakes up to check on her.

This morning I found she escaped her crib while we were asleep and had climbed on a glass coffee table!!! Yeah....all our baby proofing...She's figured out new ways to daredevil around the house. I found myself rearranging living room furniture within minutes of waking up to get the glass tables away from her....while I was doing this she found her surge protector outlets! And I moved more furniture to hide the surge protectors where we have everything plugged. So tired...

Poe and Snowman!!! Checking the mail with me.


So I'm not sleeping much. I'm afraid not to check on the kid so my body gets me up every morning to check on the increasingly mischievous baby.

Muddy cat paws all over the car after the rains pass.


I love walking to check the mail. Very peaceful and pretty.


Prepare to read some posts about bread because I'm in the mood for breads. Strawberry muffins here.


.....So what was I talking about? I can't remember the point of this post so I'll just end one last picture.


I don't remember taking a picture of my seat belt but it's on my phone so I must have.

And yes...I admit this is a horrible post but oh well. I'm tired.



No matter what is happening in your life now I hope it will past and you will sleep again earlier. You have a sweet baby who is discovering the beautiful world means your house. You are good mom because you think so much of everything then you even cannot sleep. Lots of love ❤️

I'm so sorry you can't sleep that's how it is for us moms hope you get to sleep a good rest soon

Yes, that's the life of a mom. I suppose I'll sleep when she turns 18. lol.

Yup, it's mommy brain or is that mummy brain? I remember going through this when I had my kids. It passes. Just enjoy your time with your little tigress. She'll grow up soon enough...

I hope it passes....probably when she's bigger and less likely to break. I do enjoy her though. I can tell she's going to be a wild tigrees once she gets walking down.

your post is really good, thanks for sharing

Wow I my oldest kid is 20. So I have had "mommy brain" for about 20 years or so now. You named every symptom I have! I have to make a note to remind myself to bring my list lol. I use Google Keep every day and it really helps.

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