Just Bought Our Tickets To Hazzard Fest 2018!

in #life6 years ago

My husband is a HUGE Dukes of Hazzard fan. Festivals celebrating the television show, featuring actors who were in it pop up all over our area of the U.S. yearly. We live a few hours from Gatlinburg, TN which is the home to Cooter's Place owned by Dukes of Hazzard actor Ben Jones. Sometimes you can find actors from the show there or festivals in the surrounding cities. This year Hazzard Fest will be only a thirty minute drive.

My husband and I both have different forms of social anxiety. We really don't go a lot of places with big crowds or do many things out of our routines. My husband's anxiety causes him to feel anxious standing in line or being in tight spaces with lots of people. I know my husband will have a good time meeting Bo and Luke Duke at the festival and seeing them in concert but it takes some convincing to get him to break his routine. He was a little iffy about the idea when I brought it up and it took some talking to get him into the idea. I talked about how cool it would be to see actors from the show and how neat it would be for our almost two year old to meet the Duke boys.

I reminded him of when he got to sit in a General Lee and how much fun he had.

IMG_7317 (1).JPG

And Got to take a picture with Rick Hurst (aka Cletus)


We went to Cooter's Place some years back and you can sit in a General Lee and take a picture. That particular visit the actor who plays Cletus was there and we got pictures with him. He was a really sweet man.

I left my husband alone after presenting the idea of going. He had time to think about it and the next day he'd convinced himself it would be really fun. So next month at the end of September we'll be going to Hazzard Fest! So exciting!

A Taste of The Duke Boys In Concert

Any other Dukes of Hazzard fans out there?


Well you've got to know that I'm a big fan.

We had some Canadian stars come in town a couple of years ago and put on a Dukes of Hazzard play of sorts.. the guy that played Boss Hogg was really nailing the part. He looked just like Sorrell Brook.

I just saw an article my newsfeed yesterday talking about how much trouble both of the real Duke boys are in at this point. Child support and other things.... you know. Real life.

The Dukes of Hazzard was definitely of one of my favorite shows growing up.... and not just because I was in "love" with Daisy Duke and her famous shorts.

I actually was working on a fan piece titled

"Hazzard of the Dead.."

Them Duke boys better hope they don't get bit.

*The General Lee jumps over a pit full of roaring zombies as the Duke boys give each other a high-five.

How could you not love that....

Did someone say Daisy Duke ???? LOL

Yeah, I've seen the real news about the Duke boys woes. The ticket purchasing page mentioned some actors may charge extra for their autograph. I'm thinking they are doing Hazzard Fest to earn some extra cash. My husband has always loved the show. He and I both think Daisy Duke is the worst character lol. We've had long discussions about it. He loves Rosco and Boss Hogg. It's neat living close to Cooter's Place which has a museum of sorts and we attract the festivals. If you finish your fan piece I'd love to read it. I love the Walking Dead so your idea sounds amazing! If you ever post it send me a link so I don't miss it.

Ooohhh that sounds like an exciting time! I'd be all over that adventure if I could.

Come vacation in Tennessee as an adventure. There's a festival every year or two with the Dukes Of Hazzard Cast.

Oh yeah loved it growing up! Too bad some of my faves have passed. Of course Waylon, Denver Pyle and James Best would have been awesome to meet!!

I know! It's so sad to see them all getting old and some passing away. My husband would have loved to meet James Best.

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