It's Been A REALLY Long Time So Here's An Update!

in #life5 years ago

I know all my friends here probably think I've dropped off the face of the Earth but I'm still around. I guess it's been six months since I last wrote. All I can sum up for those six months is that 2019 wasn't the best year for the Marxrab family. Pretty much all of 2019 my husband and I took turns being unhealthy.

In early 2019 I kept getting breast infections which basically made me feel like I had the flu all the time for months until I figured out what was wrong and got antibiotics. From April to August my husband just didn't feel good and didn't know what was wrong. He hates doctors so he wouldn't go get checked out. He couldn't help me around the house much so I was feeling like a single parent for a long time and our marriage was a bit strained. We had a rough spring and summer. Then, in August I had to rush him to the emergency room where we found out he was diabetic and his sugar was dangerously high. Now that he's been managing his sugar he's back to his old self and feeling better. I've got my partner back. I guess not knowing he's diabetic, all those months earlier this year he was sick because his sugar was constantly too high.

Then, it was my turn again...I had strep for my birthday in November which lasted through Thanksgiving which somehow also caused me to have an infected wisdom tooth. Before Christmas I got the flu and over a month later I'm still coughing and having sinus drainage and have lost 15 pounds from both holidays.

And now I'm starting off 2020 with more breast problems. I went to the doctor who said I probably have another breast infection. Antibiotics after a week didn't clear it up so I went back to the doctor. Concerned she sent me to have an ultrasound and referred me to a surgeon. The ultrasound didn't pick up cancer but I"m told I have some super tiny cysts in there but they aren't harmful to my health. The surgeon gave me another course of stronger antibiotics and said if things don't clear up they may want to remove my milk ducts which have fluid in them and are probably causing infection. So right now I'm finishing up antibiotics and seeing if things clear up. If not I go back to the surgeon for tests and maybe a surgery.

I really don't think I had a lot of fun last year. Basically, I felt sick and bad more often than I felt good. When I did feel good I was focused on catching up on life's responsibilities. It's insane how big of a mess my 3 year old can make when I'm sick in bed for a week. My husband doesn't clean so when I'm sick constantly for a few months the house gets insanely messy.

These days we have six cats, two rabbits, and six ducks so responsibilities are everywhere. Since I last wrote I've just been doing what I can to survive and get through the day with all my animals and toddler happy and healthy. I haven't written anything for fun since I last posted here five months ago.

Happy Things To Share...

Little Rabbit Turned 3!!!


Little Rabbit is growing up too fast. I'm enjoying her so much these days and she's learning so much so fast. For the first time since turning 3 she is having conversations with me. She can tell me all the different colors, count to 11, say her alphabet, and more. She's really into "cooking" these days. She has a toy kitchen and play food and she's cooking all the time. Unfortunately, she loves to wake up at dawn, sneak in the kitchen, grab some real ingredients, and pour food all over the floor while she "cooks" in her pretend kitchen. I had to replace the rug in the living room from all the food she's mashed into it creating cuisines. At least she's cute and I can't get mad.

We Went To Lots of Drive-In Movies This Year!


Our local drive-in started getting the big family friendly movies released this year so we saw lots of movies: Lion King, Toy Story, Dumbo, and others I can't think of at the moment that were non-Disney. Drive-ins are great when you have a 3 year old.

The Ducks Are Happily Quacking Around!



Sammy, Reese's Pieces, Smokey, Felix, Felicity, and Frankie are all doing great. It took a while for the new ducks to bond with the older ones but these days they are a nice, happy flock.

Vicki The Cat Turned 17 And Looks Great!


I Got A Bathtub for Outside!


I know this might be really weird to some but since we moved out to the middle of nowhere I've wanted a claw foot bathtub outside. Imagine this...It's a cool summer night. You've spent all day working and your back aches and you just want to relax. You get in a hot bath outside on your patio with nothing but nature and the sounds of crickets and frogs surrounding you. The hot water and the cool air cause a lovely steam to rise while you lay back and stare at the stars.

I can't tell you how much I love my outside bathtub. I found it on craigslist and knew I had to have it. Once on the patio, I ran a hose into the kitchen so I could hook it up to the faucet for hot water. I gave up bathing indoors for months until fall came and it got too cold to bath outside. At the end of a hard and stressful day it gave me peace of mind. I can't wait until spring when I can enjoy the outdoors in my own special way again. It was my favorite thing I've done all year.

I Discovered My New Favorite Food Squash Parmesan


Fry up some squash coated with Italian seasoned bread crumbs then top with parm and mozzarella cheese. Eat a bite of that with a pepperoni and some spaghetti and it is AMAZING! I've become a big fan of huge pepperonis slice from the deli counter at the grocery store. They are a great snack and to cook with.

And I Invented My Own Recipe For Squash Lasagna Which Is Diabetic Friendly For My Husband


I make great lasagna and I'm happy to figure out how my husband can still eat it. I've spent a lot of time trying to relearn to cook so that my meals are low in carbs. It's often hard and a lot of healthy ingredients are gross for us picky eaters so I do a lot of research to keep foods as close to "normal" for us as I can.

The Bunnies Had Their First Christmas!



Pumpkin Spice and Lenny are doing great. They are adorable and I love having bunnies again. I missed the original Marx the rabbit so much and I'm so glad we got the new bunnies.

And Last...We Rescued Another Cat!


Dixie and Snowman


People are gonna think I'm nuts but we added cat # 6 this week. My mom's neighbor basically ended up in a mental institution and her daughter just dumped her house cats outside and abandoned them. This little white cat, now named Dixie, had dogs after her and she kept trying to get inside houses trying to find a safe place. She got trapped in a neighbors garage so I was called to see if I'd help her or they were taking her to the pound which is a possible death sentence. Interestingly, she looks very much like Snowman who was abandoned by the neighbor in the house beside Dixie's old house 5 years earlier. They have the same color and shaped eyes, same color/texture coat, and same personality. I seriously think she's one of Snowman's grandchildren maybe or a great great grandchild. Maybe his line is destined to be abandoned by their first owners so I can adopt them.

My 2019 Roses I Planted That I Look Forward To Seeing Again


So that's life. I'm not back yet but someday I will return. I'll try to stop by my old friends posts and say hi before I go though. This latest breast infection has me feeling pretty terrible right now. I'm hoping 2020 turns out to be a better year and I can have fun again. I'm really not in a place where I can write for fun these days. I remember last winter I was happily planning my spring garden and this winter I've been sick and under the covers all the time unable to think about anything.I just hope by spring 2020 I'll be ready to garden and start writing again.

Until then Bye Friends!


Dang that’s a lot to deal with. Make sure you take probiotics after all those antibiotics. Loved your post :)

Thank you! I've been avoiding all of society after those antibiotics because they say on the bottle avoid infectious people! Eeek! I think they lower immune systems. I've going to have to recover from my medicines now!

In the USA I’ve found doctors give out antibiotics like skittles. In Canada, you basically have to be on deaths door to get antibiotics because there are only so many strains of antibiotics and your body can become resistant to it.
I hope you heal well.

It's so easy to get whatever pills you want at the doctor in the US. Go in and just tell them your depressed/have anxiety and they'll write you a prescription for uppers right away. Right now we have an opioid crisis in my area because doctors were giving out the hard stuff so easy like oxycodone. They even had to build a special hospital wing because there were so many babies being born addicted to drugs their mom's were abusing. Antibiotics is the same. The breast infection is actually the first time I've taken antibiotics is probably 7 years. I didn't react well to them and had to swap types a few times because two types made me so nauseous. I think it's getting better though. I just hope it heals completely and doesn't come back.

well shoot I hope 2020 is a healthier happier year for you. Good luck and nice to see ya

Thank you! I hope the year is better too! Thanks for stopping by.

I really hope you and hubs both get to feeling 100%. I know how that sugar is coz I battle it daily! I hate it honestly. I hear ya 2019 was not the best. Even though you had more than your share of challenges, I think you squeezed in a bit of fun here and there.

Thanks so much for the update! I look forward to when you can be around even more!!

Well I did feel better for a few days and now we all have colds. I can't wait until flu and cold season is over. There definitely was a little good here and there but I wish there was more fun regularly. Maybe this spring I hope.

Yes I hope with the warm weather, a bunch of goodness is showered upon us all :)

im sorry to hear you are going through being sick, the freq of them peppering you with antibiotics is a bit troublesome, hope they aren't making it worse 👌get better and hopefully no surgery for you

Yes, I'm not happy about the antibiotic taking. I think they've lowered my immune system because I keep getting colds. Before all this I went 7 years without having to go to a doctor with very few periods of illness. Antibiotics are terrible but I think I did need them.

Welcome back - was wondering where you were -- glad to see the little one and animals are doing great - hope 2020 is a great year for us all

Hello! Good to see you! I hope you have a great 2020 too.

Well, it's nice to "see" you, again! Sure sounds like you guys have had your plates more than full, for a while!

Thank you! I look forward to having an empty plate again someday. I hope by spring things will be good for us again.

welcome back, I haven't written as much as I used too. But considering I'm in China and everything is shut down, I have time to kill.

And 6 cats wow, I grew up with 5 cats, and that was work, but worth it.

Oh! You're in China right now! I hope you are well and don't get sick. The news coverage here in the US about China is hard to believe. Lots of fear mongering so that it's hard to know the truth or not. Here we get the perception it's total apocalypse over there. I kind of gather it might be like flu season. We had a terrible flu season with 10 hour waits in the emergency rooms and schools closing.

I think once we hit 3 cats, adding one more and then another and another didn't make much of a difference. They are very independent creatures. The new little female I realized was in heat on day 3 in our house and then she wasn't so there's a chance we'll have even more kitties in a few months! If she has kittens I definitely have to rehome them.

Here, people are worried but everything is really calm. Streets are empty and most shops are closed due o the holiday. But more so because of the virus. The holiday ends on the 10th so we'll if things pick up. For now schools are closed until further notice, at least a month or two is predicted. I just stay home.

I like having cats for the reason said, they are independent. I can go away for a few days and they are OK. I would love to have a dog but too much work.

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