Big News! I'm Buying A Bug Zapper!

in #life7 years ago

You probably won't be as excited by this news as I am but our house has been invaded by bugs! And not the cool ones like butterflies or ladybugs. No. It's been invaded by flies, moths, gnats, wasps, and stinkbugs. It's the little things that bring you joy in life and I am so excited to announce the news that I am going to buy a bug zapper!

(The bug zapper I'm thinking of buying)

I know the idea of the mass killing bugs is a strange thing to be excited about but I'm filled with joy at the thought of that handy little light that shines purplish blue and electrocutes bugs. I remember my great grandmother had one when I was very young. It hung on her back porch and she would have it plugged in during family gatherings. The mosquitoes were drawn to it and died instantly as soon as they touched the lights. ZZZZaaaappppp!!! They'd fry and the family would be safe from bug bites as long as it was on. As a kid I thought it was the coolest thing ever and was mesmerized by it as it zapped a poor little bug.

My husband is a big kid and as soon as I mentioned the idea of getting one he was on board and excited too. He has fond memories of owning one as a child too and thinking they were neat. This is our first spring in our new home and we were invaded by bugs as soon as the weather warmed. Our house was vacant for 8 years so we've had a challenge fixing it up. There are lots of small holes where drafts and bugs can get in and it's been a full time job trying to keep things from getting out of control. We've already had a gnat outbreak with thousands of them all over the kitchen. It was horrible but finally under control. I don't like using poison in the house for bug control. We have lots of animals and a baby so I try to keep poison as a last resort.

I'm hoping the bug zapper is a good solution. It seems like a better alternative to poison and will attract the flying bugs that can cause problems in our home.

Have you ever owned a bug zapper? What bugs do you deal with in your home?


Excellent post, very interesting lady @marxrab, maybe for many people this subject is a minor issue, but when you live on the outskirts or are surrounded by a lot of nature this becomes !! The talk topic !! Without any du da insectocutor is the solution, in my country we use one called Vector. Have a good week

Thank you! I've never heard of Vector before. I looked it up and I can buy it where I live. I try to avoid poison until desperate but it looks like it's effective at doing its job. I live out in nature so bugs are a big issue out here.

We have one that we use for mosquitoes. It sound terrible in the beginning but you get used to the sound once you can sleep peacefully without mosquitoes invading your space.

Yeah. It's been a long time so I bet the zapping noise takes some getting use to. I might also feel guilty killing bugs so harshly unlike when I was a kid.

Ha ha...don't feel guilty. Nature has a way of balancing itself again. If you get them out of your house they will go and flourish somewhere else!

My room and bathroom get invaded by slugs. They are harmless and I have no idea how they get in since they move so slowly but if you blink then they're gone. We do get the occasional cockroach but that is rare and sometimes a strange flying bug that looks like a small black helicopter and flies straight up and down.

We use to get a lot of slugs on our back door. They'd be all over it at night and sometimes would slip through the crack and get in. So nasty to step on them. We get an occasional roach too. Ours are about 2 inches long so we kill them quickly to stop more from coming in.