The Outsider

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Getting involved on any particular activity used to be very difficult for me when I was younger. I would become the most awkward person when I had to socialize with other people (don’t get me wrong I’m still a bit awkward) and I was terrified of stepping out of my comfort zone.



Something that hasn’t changed is the fact that I’ve always enjoyed observing people (again don’t get me wrong, I’m not a stalker), I like to see their reactions to different things and the way they behave according to the environment. To me, the eyes of a person speak louder than words, and they are more honest. Body language is also very important when you’re trying to understand someone, because it can help you to figure out things that person is not saying.

I love taking pictures too, about anything that I found interesting, some of my favorite things to photograph are: nature, landscapes and animals. But I love taking pictures of my family and friends the most, the only thing is that I didn’t quite like to be on those pictures (it can be something related to low self-esteem but no one wants to read about that). Pictures are such an amazing way of capturing a moment and make it timeless, however over the years I have found that, of course, you can take a picture of anything but it’s actually very nice to appear in one, so you can be part of that special moment.

I used to feel like an outsider for feelings as well. I was just too afraid of experiencing anything that would get me out of my comfort zone, so I would just settle for observing people falling in love, getting their heart broken and living their lives. Now that I think about it, it’s actually very sad that I settled for only imagining stuff, instead of actually living them.



I know I’m still very young and you are probably thinking “how can she say these things?” or “oh, but she hasn’t learned anything yet”, and that’s true, I haven’t learned much, but in my few years of life I have understood something very important and it is the fact that you can’t appreciate life if you’re not actually in it. Hiding yourself won’t allow you to experience anything and it can make you fall into an endless depression.

If you ask me, I still think I’m an outsider in other aspects, in fact, I think everyone is an outsider at some point, I mean, we can’t be confident and outgoing all the time.

But trust me, there is an awesome world out there waiting for us, yes, it’s also very dangerous, but it’s even more dangerous to waste your life by not doing anything.


I totally feel you, Maru. You have no idea! We must fight fear and get out of our comfort zone in order to learn and evol as human beings.

I think we are the same kind of person, I like to watch people and events, and you are right, you can get a lot of information just by looking at the body language of a person, and that's an advantage hahah! But theory is not enough, and that's why some years ago I decided to change some things and get more experience, theory plus experience is such a great thing! (but of course I keep some of my favorite outsider characteristics heheh) I was tired of my comfort zone because you cannot do anything just with theory, I needed to prove it, so I got kind of obsessed with experiences xD and I know it's not easy, I think we both know, that's why it's a fight, almost an everyday fight! But as you said it's even more dangerous to waste your life by not doing anything! hahahah I'm glad to know that you are an outsider too! (:

Greetings, Maruuuuu!

Ailin!! Thank you so much for reading and leaving a comment, it really makes me happy and it also makes me happy that you understood what I'm trying to say in this post. I really liked what you said about theory not being enough, that's very true, theory plus experience is the best thing.

I'm so glad you also were able to step out of your comfort zone, I know it can be really difficult sometimes but it's so worth it! And don't worry, outsiders are super cool hahahah, we collect more information than anybody :D

Thanks for another great post @marugy99. It's great to recognize how important participation is, rather than sitting and only watching!! :)

Thank you so much for reading Bug! And yes, participating in life is way better than sitting and only watching :D

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