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RE: Why Take a Cannabis Break?

in #life7 years ago

I go back and forth. On one hand, it's nice to be able to get really really high if you want to, but on the other, tolerance is also sort of convenient. I never really have to worry about getting too high because my tolerance is such that I can basically consume cannabis all day and never really feel all that affected.

Everyone is different, though. I do take tolerance breaks from time to time, but I usually plan them out to coincide with trips I take to places where I am unable to acquire cannabis.


Tolerance can definitely be convenient. My biggest hurdle is remembering to start slow once I come back from my break. I've had a time or two where I come back to cannabis and smoke a few more puffs than I should, making things like going to the gym or out for a social function a bit, well, awkward.

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