You Know What You Want, You Have the Power to Get It! Unlocking the Subconscious Mind phase 1

in #life8 years ago

You live in two worlds, the world of conscious thought, and then there is your subconscious, that part of you that is hard to directly access, and it controls so much you may not be aware of.

If you feel you are failing at life, it's probably your subconscious beliefs.

Your subconscious mind develops early, is designed to be programmed through external stimuli and runs incessantly in the background, like that stupid app you're not sure how you got onto your laptop, but it's eating your memory!

Not only that, but it interjects ideas into your daily life at an alarming rate. Most of this is good, don't touch the stove, idiot, it's going to hurt, kind of stuff. But hidden in there is likely a bunch of stuff, you built to protect yourself, that you no longer need, or don't believe.

  • The subconscious is developed during your formative years, when so much of the world is a mystery, so these ideas are coming from a much younger "you"
  • It's the stuff you do that suddenly reminds you of your dad, or your gramma, the thoughts that pop up and then you think, why the hell did I just think that.
  • It's filtering all of your experiences, and trying to run automatic protection programming "instinct" all the time and it can really interfere.

This is especially true in your beliefs about yourself.

No matter what the truth is about you, your life, your abilities, your experiences, you likely think and act as if a whole other set of "facts" exist. It's often referred to as "self sabotage" and it can keep you from things you want.

Without realizing it, you've been layering beliefs into your subconscious your whole life, filling in gaps in your understanding with random bits of information gathered from who knows where. So, while the foundation is laid early, it can turn out looking like a big, apartment building, that had a different architect for each floor and kept running out of money, so it's just built from whatever was handy.

  • Your beliefs about money, relationships, education, work, religion and politics are probably not something you've thought a lot about, but, when someone hands you a new idea, you subconsciously access these hodge podge files (unless you are a rare truly intentional human) to decide, keep/discard
  • And your actions reinforce and add subrules, and side programs, all running automatically, all the time.
  • This is why it can be so hard for some of us, by the time we're adults, to get any peace inside our own heads!

Remember back to when you were a kid. Did you have a place to daydream? Was it hard to just lie back and do nothing, imagining things? No, there was no competition for your thoughts, no noise. You didn't have an entire committee of people in there telling you not to think that, or correcting this!

Is it any wonder that 1 in 5 Americans require mood altering medications just to make it through the day?

So, what we're going to do is take a look inside this crazy closet you call a head and sort out some of this stuff. It's going to take a bit of work, so if you're not serious about living a more intentional, on purpose life, you should probably just stop reading right now.

You're still with me? Great! Let's get started. The first thing you have to do is explore. There's a lot in there and it's all your stuff, so, first, you have to give yourself permission to go anywhere and look at everything. Ready? Say this.

I am tired of just accepting the life I have. I've tried to make positive change in the past, and it hasn't worked, so as of right now, I am giving myself permission to examine, judge, keep or discard any subconscious belief that doesn't suit me

Wait a second, there's some good stuff in there!

This is how you think your subconscious looks.

Yes, this is why you need to weed through and carefully reorganize. Then, when that's done, we'll get to the really good part. Also, there is way too much stuff to go through it all, so we're going to apply some filters to get us started, cool?

What we want to do is get to those limiting self-conscious beliefs that are hurting you the most. Once you've rooted those out, you have a much clearer picture of what else is going on in there. So, we're going to root out your bad beliefs with something like a subconscious, mental anti-spyware tool.

  • First, you want to identify problem areas you think are holding you back, in any area of your life that you feel frustrated with your progress.
  • Then, you can examine what you actually believe about that part of your existence, and what might be conflicting with that in your subconscious.
  • Finally, we'll look at what story your subconscious is playing that interrupts positive programming and jams up progress toward your goal.

Remember, this is your head, you're in charge, you get to decide what stays and what goes.

In order for this to work, you need to understand a couple of things about how thought works.

If you honestly believe that you have no control and that your subconscious is really none of your business, or outside of your control, this probably won't do much for you. But, if you're still reading at this point, I challenge the idea that you actually do believe this.

Next, you've got to understand that your conscious mind can override your subconscious and tell it what to believe. It's not easy to reprogram 20, 30, or in my case 45 years of subconscious programming, but it can be done. If you don't think that's true, again, this is probably not going to help.

This first bit is going to be painful, because you're going to have to look at some bad stuff you've been doing to yourself, but it will get better!

In reality, parts of look like this, a beautiful place, filled with toxic waste

The first step is to list out all of the areas in your life that you feel like you are being held back, failing, or falling short. This can be anything from your spiritual life, to making money, to relationships, to your health. Whatever it is that you think, "If I could just change this, life would be better." Write a list.

Next, in each of these areas, lets look at behaviors that stem from this, habits you "can't" change, fears that override you, self sabotaging behavior that erases all of your hard won progress, that sort of thing. You don't have to know why, or how they happen, just things you recognize that you wish you could get rid of. Describe them under each problem area.

  • Write your list in detail. No one else is going to see it, ever! You're going to burn or delete this sucker when we get what we want done. Okay? Yes, put that in there!
  • Even if you're not quite sure it's related, if it feels related, put it on the list. We'll get more specific in future steps.
  • Try to cover everything that bothers you, that you'd like to fix (about you) in your life. Some areas may be related, or overlapping, so write it all down, it's hard to see what's connected until you get into it.

All of this needs to be pointed back to you, you are the only one you have control over, so let's start there and fix everything we can, okay? I know, you think others are responsible for a lot of grief, and they may be, but once you are clear on what you want, and what you believe, that part will be easier to see clearly.

Now, we're going into each of these areas to find the bad programming.

Start at the top of your list and work down. No skipping, no shortcuts. In each of these areas I want you to think about how you feel about it. Then, I want you to listen to your subconscious and ask it to tell you what it thinks. Be prepared.

Think back, what kinds of things do you tend to say to yourself when these things come up in your life. Are they positive? I bet not. Look for the negative things that you believe about why you are failing. What do you tell yourself? It could be something like, "I'm just not smart enough, that's why I've always failed tests" or "If I could just get that one thing I need, I could do this, but I can't, so, I'll probably fail again."

  • For each of these areas, write out the negative beliefs you have. For instance, I've never been able to make money, so it's no wonder that failed.
  • Be as clear as you can, using the same language you use to excuse or stop yourself from moving forward.
  • There may be more than one thing in each area. Write it down! There's nothing more frustrating that running your spyware software and leaving something behind, get it all!

So, now you have a list of all the ugly, negative, limiting beliefs you have in your life, well, a lot of them. Now what? I'm going to show you how to deal with them, figure out why you're repeating them, and how to replace them over the next few posts, for now, complete that list in as much detail as possible. See you tomorrow.


Daydreaming is probably more effective than any of the pharmaceuticals available these days for treating whatever they treat.

Well, it certainly could not hurt. To me, the medications should be coupled with intense retraining, and only used in extreme cases as a booster, to prevent self harming behaviors.

That toxic waste pic is an EXCELLENT analogy!

Stand in Europe's largest forest park - The Galloway Forest Park. Draw a square in the sand around yourself. That is your conscious brain. The forest is the size of your subconscious brain!!

And, depending on what you believe, that's only the beginning of you.

...and the collective unconscious would be every other atom in the universe outside of that forest ;)

I like your post, ill follow you!!

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