The Law of Attraction is Not About Struggle and Grind, Those Things May be Robbing You of Your Dreams!

in #life6 years ago

You hear people talk about "The Grind" or "The Hustle" or even "The Struggle" in dulcet, dreamy tones, as if it's a good thing, but is it really? Now, I'm not suggesting you just max out your credit cards on an easy chair and monster flat screen and wait for your ship to come in, not at all.

But, there are some things about struggling that often get confused with hard work, and if you don't know the difference, you might think you're fighting for your dreams, when all the while, you are sabotaging yourself.

I know, because I learned it the hard way. Trust me. I'm hard headed, bad tempered and moody, on a good day. The artistic temperament is fun, but it's also a bitch and I have it in spades. So, from my personal experience files, here are some things to look out for.

Real success is in the flow.

When you get into the flow of the universe for your life, you find that success comes easy. Things flow in, and out, as they should, and you are carried toward your ideal life, without heroic effort on your part.

But, when you struggle, you'll generally find the universe resisting you. This static in your signal to the universe goes against the grain. It produces panic in the subconscious, which tries to slow you down, much as it would if you were falling.

  • This doesn't mean you won't work hard. The harder you paddle in the direction a stream is flowing, the faster you'll go.
  • When you find the going is hard, check. Are you moving with, or against the flow in your life? You'll know.
  • Don't let outside forces convince you that against the flow is the only way to go.

So, does this mean you move with the crowd? NO! Do not hear me say this. This is the flow in your life, not the path of least resistance in life in general. When you are focused and moving toward your dreams, the universe will assist you. Go with this, the journey is accelerated, move against it and the struggle is real, and probably not good for you.

Struggle brings friction.

If you've ever worked on a machine, even something as simple as a bicycle you, know, the more friction you have, the more likely the mechanism is to break down. This is why it needs to be properly aligned and lubricated, so that things work together in harmony. When things are bent, or misaligned, friction arises, turning work energy into heat, and dissipating the energy.

  • If you're struggling, it will show up in your relationships first. If people around you are avoiding you, or walking on eggshells, wake up, you're probably moving against the flow.
  • That friction effects your attitude, which slows your progresses, reduces your hope, and dulls your motivation. It will slow you down. Over time, you'll grind to a halt if you don't change course.
  • Many times we blame the friction in our lives for the struggle we're having. Often, it's just the opposite. We struggle, instead of relaxing and trusting, and suddenly life gets hard.

You know what I'm talking about, and if you can set your ego aside long enough to forget your pride, you'll realize this is true. You are not doing yourself any favor when you push harder. Again, not talking about not pushing yourself to excel, but you know when it's a healthy, productive push, and when you're struggling.

Friction leads to fire!

Ever watched survivor, or been in a survival situation? Then you know, if you want heat, you need fire and the best way to make it without lighter fluid and matches, is friction.

  • Fire burns bridges, something you never, ever want to do unless you are absolutely certain you'll never need to come back over them.
  • Fire doesn't just burn things around us, it damages us too. Those scars can make it harder to get back on track, trust people, love again.
  • When you cease struggling and get back in the flow, the fire dies down, but it might not for everyone. The damage you do can't always be undone.

Fire is a great tool, in its place, but it's one of nature's most destructive forces when it gets loose. It consumes everything in its path, with no regard to what those things and relationships mean to you. When you are the fire, you consume yourself. Watch for signs.

Avoid the struggle.

I'm going to say it again. This doesn't mean you don't need to work blisters on those fingers to play guitar, or shoot a million free throws to make that team, but when you stop making progress and you are just beating yourself up, that's struggle. It's not in the universe's plan for you. Find another way.

  • I don't care who told you it was, the way it's been done is NEVER the ONLY way to do ANYTHING! It's just not. Limitations say, not in this way, in this place, today. Every other possibility in the universe is still wide open and there are many within your reach, no matter where you are!
  • Find a way around. If you can't get what you want, without turning into a self destructive monster, look again. There are likely hundreds of possible solutions you've been ignoring.
  • Relax. Sit still. There is always time to get centered. If you can't do it from a place of peace, it's not worth doing.

Learn to recognize what the difference between stretching and struggle is. When you find the right path for you, there is no grind. It shouldn't wear you down, it should build you up. You may get tired, sore, and exhausted, but if you accept a mindset of defeat, you're not doing it right.

Thanks for reading my articles! If you enjoyed this one, please resteem, upvote and leave me a comment! Thanks! if you have questions, or you'd like to join the conversation, leave a comment, I love to talk to my readers!


just what I need right now. Thanks

You're welcome, me too, you can generally I assume I'm talking to myself as well.

great post... please give few tips for freshers

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