The 1% Depend on the 99% Being Sheep, Stop Blaming Them and Do Something About It!

in #life7 years ago

We talk a lot about the 1%. But, here's the thing you have to understand. They can't become the 1% without the other 99% of us continuing to believe the same lies we've always believed, and doing the same things we've always done.

Yep, I said, the 1% is your fault!

Don't get mad at me, it's mine too.

They have simply figured out how the system works, what we will put value on, and they've exploited it. They'll use every advantage to stay where they are. Here's what I mean.

  • They depend on your NEEDING a "job"
  • They depend on your mindless consumerism
  • They depend on you believing that nothing ever changes

Think about it!

In order for basically 1% of the 1% to hold 90% of the wealth, none of us in the lower 90 can change much. But, that's changing!

In the past ten years, we've created more billionaires than in the previous fifty! In fact, Jeff Bezos, the owner of Amazon, just became the first man EVER to amass a 100 Billion Dollar personal fortune. Think of, the first ever!

Why was he the first?

There has been more than enough wealth in the world to do this long before now, why is it happening now? I think, it's because he's the first to BELIEVE he could do it.

He set out to disrupt the way the world buys things. He wasn't the first online retailer. He wasn't even the best, or the biggest. No, he started with nothing but printed books, remember? It was an online bookstore that just grew!

But, in a matter of a few years, this one guy was challenging the retail giants of the world!

Here's a cool quote I heard on NPR the other day!

In a story about the future of retail, they were discussing Walmart and Amazon, the two intercontinental juggernauts in this space. Here is what was said. It remains to be seen whether Amazon can become Walmart faster than Walmart can become Amazon!

What does that even mean?

Well, right now, as you are reading this, Amazon is moving into brick and mortar stores near you. They just bought Whole Foods and they aim to buy more retail companies in the near future. They are moving into the "real world"

At the same exact time, Walmart is setting up pick up centers in their brick and mortar stores, for purchases made and paid for online, and working to deliver goods through the internet in a bigger and better way.

All of this is "good" for you, if you want to see it that way, because it creates competition, which means, lower prices for better goods. At least theoretically, but here's the problem!

You still see yourself as their customer!

Are you getting this yet? Well, they are. As long as you see your place in the food chain as the "Go to work" "Go shopping" "Take the shopping home" "Take a vacation" "Do it again" guy, the Jeff Bezos of the world keep winning and you keep managing a shift in one of their stores. That's how it works.

But,let me tell you a secret!

It doesn't have to be that way anymore!

Yep, you could do something new. You could. But, you're afraid. So, instead, you'll go to work, and argue about the new tax plan, and healthcare, and what you'll get from Unca Sam in your tax return. Instead of seeing yourself as an autonomous human capable of great and amazing things, you will continue to complain about being treated like a drone, all the while, afraid to take the steps to move yourself out of dronehood and into something more.

It's your fault

If you think waiting for someone else to give you permission to be extraordinary is a life plan, you've got no one to blame but yourself, meanwhile, you're making them richer.

Here are some things you can do to break out of this mold!

  1. Stop following the crowd. They've never know what's going on. If everyone is heading one direction, stop, turn around and run the other why? That's what Bezos did.
  2. Think for yourself. Don't find the palatable party line and swallow it, only to spit it back out as if it were wisdom! Find your own perspective on things. It's okay, you can do it.
  3. Do things you truly love. Don't just go and look at the available cut to fit options and choose, whether it be fashion, your living arrangements, your job, your car, your food, your pet. The world is filled with billions of options, don't pick the least boring,or the easiest! Go for it!
  4. Find a way to invest in something. I don't necessarily mean money. Time, energy, do something just because you think it's important. Screw everyone else. Seriously.
  5. Read a damn book that's not on the bestseller list. The bestseller list is a crawl to the top of mediocrity. Get your ideas from somewhere outside the current mainstream. Read people that everyone else hates, cause guess what? Like as not, they are prophetic voices, they always have been.
  6. Stop acting like a damn sheep. You don't have to go home and turn on Netflix and Chill, if you don't want to. (unless you mean Netflix and chill, in which case, do that more often, if you know what I mean) Be you!
  7. Figure out what you want to be and take a tiny step toward it, or a giant leap. It's up to you. Seriously, you're an adult, no one is going to stop you.
  8. Find people who inspire you, who are going against the grain and join them! It's hard to be your own person, company that is doing the same will help.
  9. Inspire someone else to join you. That doesn't necessarily mean "pulling a Jerry McGuire" but, if you have a job you know you need to quit, do it!
  10. Quit thinking that following the plan they laid out for you is going to get you where you want to be. Seriously. Name one person that did it and made it to the top. You can't.

If you keep being who you are, they will keep being who they are.

And here's the real goal of this. You need to stop pretending that "they" whoever they may be, are the masters of your destiny. But, if you do think that, you're right, because you will NEVER do any of what I'm sharing here, and that is why the 99% are responsible for the 1%. We let them set the agenda, tell us how we're supposed to behave, and then, like good little sheep, we do it.


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I love the post mate! Sheeple are the people who can't be saved by a boy in no steeple. They're programmed to stay within their boundaries. I see it all around me, as I'm sure many of you do.

Hopefully everyone is working toward getting off the 9-5 train. That's not life. Steem will help people achieve their goals through making their income passive. Enjoy yourselves and don't stop steeming!

I am bloody furious that you, not I wrote this inspired piece! Great job! I have been self employed since 1989 and refuse the system on all possible levels preferring to live under the radar as much as possible. I have happily traded perceived "Security", (what a load of woolly sheep bollocks that actually is,) for freedom.

I am an artist/writer/lightworker still relatively new to Steemit. I am very happy to have stumbled upon you and invite your thoughts on my own recent offering:

Having had a spiritual epiphany about 15 months ago and now chatting with spirit regularly(!) I have much to say and class my writing as "Kitchen Sink Spirituality".

Our beautiful world must wake up to the manipulation, corruption and greed of the 1% and as individuals we must stand true in our own beliefs.

Keep on banging the drum my friend.

Upvoted/Followed :)

Well wishes for you and yours for a great holiday season xox

What a piece!

You're right though! Everyone complains about the 1%, the Political elite, the mass media - but no-one wants to do anything about it.

There are even movies about it because they know nothing is going to happen!

This is just amazing. We need to be different to join the ranks of the great men. If we don't follow the crowd then we can create a path for ourselves

I've been following you for a long, long time on Steemit and this is definitely the best thing you've ever written here.

couldn't agree more. Resteemed.

To step off stage requires dropping your mask, and coat and pants
then sitting in a place you know, but have never really sat in
your own truth

now go create from here.. as here. Its pretty simple

This is a great article. Let the 1% lie up all night and worry. We can sleep and know ourself.

I was caught by surprise when I found this post. I agree with everything you said and have been fighting to inspire others to do something to save themselves. For the first time in forty years I have gone back to writing poems, and for the first time ever, I am writing most of them in Greek, for I cannot bear the thought of a country with such a glorious history going quietly into the night. I want them to fight; I tell them, it is a choice, you either fight and maybe lose, or you lose for certain and when your children grow up and ask you why you lost their country, leaving them as slaves or as gypsies, without a home of their own, what will you tell them?

Even today I posted a video, hoping it will inspire at least a few. The result? Most ignore my posts because I make them uncomfortable. I don't care, If I can just kickstart that one person who will make a difference, it will have been worth it.

If you do not mind, I'll ask someone to post the link to this post on

Please let me know asap if you do not want it - the visitors will not be able to upvote, but I'm hoping you will feel good that some of them came to read your words.

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