in #life7 years ago

Every day, when we wake up diminished, we need a little motivation to give us the power and the energy to go through the day with optimism and with

Hope. Even by a little thought of wisdom we need to mature over the day with normal or unusual situations. A smile of love for me for you will be my words, my thoughts, my indulgences. I am fond of soul for the soul, a drop of hope, a glue of pure thought and pure beauty.


I woke up early today, as usual and every morning. How do we call it so philosophical but also ironic at the same time? ROUTINE .. Yes my dear ones, the routine every morning for us is paradoxical, LIFE .. For this is what we humans are, when we sleep in the evening and we believe that all the dangers of the day have passed, we think there will be a second day. It characterizes us, although sometimes we are stubborn to admit it. The desire to wake up in a new morning on the day that will come. Hoping that we have the chance for a future as long as we have time to get all our plans finely tuned thoroughly with the ink of desire on the thought pages.

Some of us wake up, for our dreams have been very nasty or awesome, or the love is blown near us, we wake up with a lust for life and sprinkle our water on our cheeks to feel both cold and freshness And then we throw away with everything we are in the tumult of reality, life draws our mind and soul among other lives, among other hurries of fate among other lovers of the morning.


Others wake up astonished that it was dawn in the morning that a new day is starting, but without loving our luck of re-life with the life, without the sun, which nudges us to our nose and ears and makes our lips burn to us Kissing the forehead, impressing us too much. It's too much sadness in us and too much loneliness in our world as if there is no place and the loneliness of others, or worse, the happiness and the joy of others.

My dear ones, I look at the things, the life we ​​find each morning again and again is not routine. It is a response of the Universe to the vibrations of the thoughts and breaths of our soul which it receives in every second moment of our inner world. .

That is why we take every morning as a new chance, as a new beginning, but also as a continuation of what we were yesterday and what we are today and what we hope to be tomorrow.

Let us enjoy every sunrise, every smile we receive and give it, every challenge of life that makes us more beautiful, stronger and wiser, than every tear that caresses our cheek of joy or sadness, of Every love we receive or give it

And let's enjoy the suns and learn to accept that they exist too, and that there are beautiful sunsets .. but there are also sorrows and regrets, lost battles, and hopeless desertions.


Let's learn to love the morning .. To learn that everything has a meaning .. Life has a sense ... Do not make it routine .. Let's learn to love ourselves and then learn to love and the others around us .. After all we have a life of ours and it has us before we know the rest of the world with its lives with everything .. When we start to love our mornings we will love the mornings of the others and we will grow up with the sun .. And we You feel in us every ray of sunshine ... and we will become with them shine and light .. And we will find answers to questions that we thought without answers and we will finally begin to live what we actually have to live .. LIFE .. And that's not like a routine but as what is actually like an unprecedented gift.



There are days and days in our lives ... And life has its days. When we wake up in the sun when it rains despair .. When we want to conquer the world .. when we want to not remember what day we are ... When we want to fall in love madly when we do not want to We know what love is ... When we give ourselves to us because we feel so good and kind, when we grab a selfishness of even a look we do not share with anyone .. even with ourselves ..
When we feel so beautiful that the glasses in the house cast us a look of admiration back ... when even the darkness absolutely can not hide from ourselves ... When we like to play even pocker with life, The game has no charm ... and the meanings do not even make any sense.
There are days and days in our life ... It's the days that if you were a flower you'd be loved by the sun and the rain at the same time .... and it's days when if you feel the sun you would like to become Suddenly rainy springtime .. If you were a bird, you would make your nest on the highest peak of the universe and you could fly back and forth in the waltzes ... and there are days and a bird you are .. you want to There are only trees without leaves ... because you seem to have left without flying ...
But no matter what days we are and no matter what we feel to be .. let's not forget what we are .. why we are .. and that we could stay flowers if we wanted .. we could fly like birds because we have wings and just have to We feel the real weight on our shoulders of angels ... let's not forget that we are human ... yes we are people ... and if we understand the meaning of the word that becomes our character trait but also our identity ... we feel how beautiful we are How wonderful we could become if we truly and honestly love ourselves.
There are days and days ... there are lives and lives ... we are people and people ...
Every day to be a day of yours, and full of you ... to live out the full feeder of the second day of the day, but the happiness and fulfillment given to us by the chance of life.


Each of us is a drop of blue purity in the immense cascade of life full of other droplets like us. We unite by flowing and flowing with our dreams and our deep blue desires .. And we seem to come from the rain of heaven to bring life here to Like blue, knowing that we can combine with us to become a whole gift with other colors of the earth ... but no matter what it will be, let's not forget that we are drops of blue purity and that our point on earth is to find our point in the cascade of life .. And when we feel that in our course we become helpless and feel the fall as sudden slides in the open .. let's not forget that we are a drop of blue purity in an immense blue and that we are not given to drop into loneliness for Then the heat will dry us on a corner of the desert of helplessness.

We are wonderful when we do not forget this ... we are pure when we feel like this ... and we are so blue when our eyes are blue.
If there is a second when you feel lost in oblivion, look at the sky ... look at the sea ... look deep into your blue souls .. and look around you .. even the blue is blue as you ... the hopes are blue .. and the dreams when they get color through the color of the sky and the soul ..
Where the sky and the earth come together at the end of the ocean ... we unify and then we pour out so blue ... clean ... pure ... wise ... come from eternity unite us with eternity .. come from the blue .. blue .. bind us infinitely blue by going to the immensity of Blue ..
I want you to feel full of optimism and full of love my dear, my beautiful drops of blue purity ...


Loneliness has a color, it is not colorless, it has the color that our mind gives it .. and usually .. is gray .. Loneliness has the smell .. and usually has the smell we consciously breathe, at some point in our nostrils .. of autumn mold .. self-oblivion and everything .. the dust deposited on our desires to be .. Loneliness has ears and listens with pleasure the noise of silence in us that drips from our souls with every breath per second .. Safety has eyes and looks nowhere to be blinded by so much waiting. Security is thinking .. and usually thinks for us and thinks badly .. very stupid because it thinks of despair .. empty .. nothing .. just how loneliness can think..
Loneliness falls in love .. he falls in love brutally and who grabs for the sake of being someone, but in fact no one.
The loneliness does not have a good sense, it is even a big unconscious, it comes to the man without being wanted, it is simply uninvited, it sits at the table, it stretches into your bed, lasciv embraces you as if it is the universal mistress of life and it penetrates you In you, in everything you are ..
You steal your smile first, then the life's cheerfulness, the doors of the joy of being yours, and your hearts tingle with absurd quotations about meaningless beliefs, rebellious isolation ... and her music squeezes tears the tears on which You did not think I could sit in the corner of the eye of reason.
Until you do too well ... you put your engagement ring on your finger and fit comfortably into your life and your soul.
Yes, but do not think loneliness is installed on you by yourself ... no .. there is no such thing .. When you are already a sure part of the game I .. it starts to bring its family .. but not all, Suddenly, no .. Start shy .. with your little sister .. fear of raising your eyes from the ground not to see other colors .. then gentlemen .. fatigue .. self-righteousness .. fear of truth .. fear
Lack of courage to hope .. isolation from yourself and the rest of the world ...
And if someone imagines it will stop easily, it is cheating ..
The security is persevering .. and very patient, .. when it comes it wants to settle in long time .. as long as possible .. if it can forever ..
For a while we indulge in this relationship ... because outside of us is too much noise for nothing .. the speed of our existence increases with the decrease of self-esteem and love of people .. So loneliness knows what she knows ..
Like and suddenly we wake up in a crowd of lonely men who are indifferent to each other .. and inside of them there is a terrible roar of sorrow of souls.
And that's because loneliness is not learned by loneliness manuals .. we find it through chaotic information, from others, from mouth to ear ... from unhappy soul to unhappy soul ..


Loneliness has a color, it is not colorless, it has the color that our mind gives it .. and usually .. is gray .. Loneliness has the smell .. and usually has the smell we consciously breathe, at some point in our nostrils .. of autumn mold .. self-oblivion and everything .. the dust deposited on our desires to be .. Loneliness has ears and listens with pleasure the noise of silence in us that drips from our souls with every breath per second .. Safety has eyes and looks nowhere to be blinded by so much waiting. Security is thinking .. and usually thinks for us and thinks badly .. very stupid because it thinks of despair .. empty .. nothing .. just how loneliness can think..
Loneliness falls in love .. he falls in love brutally and who grabs for the sake of being someone, but in fact no one.
The loneliness does not have a good sense, it is even a big unconscious, it comes to the man without being wanted, it is simply uninvited, it sits at the table, it stretches into your bed, lasciv embraces you as if it is the universal mistress of life and it penetrates you In you, in everything you are ..
You steal your smile first, then the life's cheerfulness, the doors of the joy of being yours, and your hearts tingle with absurd quotations about meaningless beliefs, rebellious isolation ... and her music squeezes tears the tears on which You did not think I could sit in the corner of the eye of reason.
Until you do too well ... you put your engagement ring on your finger and fit comfortably into your life and your soul.
Yes, but do not think loneliness is installed on you by yourself ... no .. there is no such thing .. When you are already a sure part of the game I .. it starts to bring its family .. but not all, Suddenly, no .. Start shy .. with your little sister .. fear of raising your eyes from the ground not to see other colors .. then gentlemen .. fatigue .. self-righteousness .. fear of truth .. fear
Lack of courage to hope .. isolation from yourself and the rest of the world ...
And if someone imagines it will stop easily, it is cheating ..
The security is persevering .. and very patient, .. when it comes it wants to settle in long time .. as long as possible .. if it can forever ..
For a while we indulge in this relationship ... because outside of us is too much noise for nothing .. the speed of our existence increases with the decrease of self-esteem and love of people .. So loneliness knows what she knows ..
Like and suddenly we wake up in a crowd of lonely men who are indifferent to each other .. and inside of them there is a terrible roar of sorrow of souls.
And that's because loneliness is not learned by loneliness manuals .. we find it through chaotic information, from others, from mouth to ear ... from unhappy soul to unhappy soul ..
So we have no idea how to react when I fell in her nets by the capricious old man and the flames of youth and happiness in us to remain beautiful, appealing and misleading.
When we realize that we love freedom, that we love what is at its end more than we have thought, we need to be careful how we come out of this engagement with irrevocable contract terms. For the end of loneliness is .. LIFE !!
And as you know, from the tumult of life we ​​slide easily into the arms of loneliness, but the return can not only be difficult, sometimes impossible, but extremely dramatic.
For her life is colorful. And her color is a rainbow of light colors. And after so much gray can blind us .. bad even .. no longer distinguish real falsehood .. cheap gold .. the brilliance takes our eyes Your mind ... and reason starts to play us .. yes, and what it is ..
And life has the smell, a pleasant scent of jasmine, field flowers, ripe fruit. Baked bread baked in the oven .. perfume of immortal bodies ..
Life has an ears and a loud voice. It listens to our laughter with pleasure, and we sing songs that we can take to our dreams. We whisper sweet words of love that can be misleading, and words of hope to We do not stop from flights where we are spreading out of pleasure.
Life has eyes .. it has so many eyes and are lively as our desire to know, to see everything .. to see what loneliness has blinded us .. the desire to see the meaning .. the way ..
Life has soul .. our soul .. has heart and is our heart ..
Life is thinking .. sometimes rebellious thoughts and sometimes ... sometimes logical .. sometimes .. illogical .. but our thoughts as long as we know what we are and why .. or at least we try to find out and to understand our purpose .. the purpose of each sunrise But also sunset ..
There is no doubt, there are no meaningless questions, there is only one truth. Even though we chose for a second or a minute or an hour of our loneliness ... we need to be aware that the choice was bad that we are not born To live alone, to be isolated from reality. And as when we understand some small secrets, the mysteries of the universe in us, we will learn to live our lives at the end of loneliness. For loneliness can reproach us, we can get sick of madness. We can suffer so much suffering that we lose our last shamed seed shy of reason.
That's why you will not throw away from loneliness like desperate fates in life, taking and accepting everything that falls before your eyes, do not listen to words of disappointment. More or less, we all come out of loneliness and we go back to life. And we return from life to loneliness .. but my beautiful, the joy of living is wonderful and it is worth fighting for it through truths and realities.
The taste of life felt on the lips like a dew in the morning is sweet if we have not lost the taste of living and no desire we feel our pulse at every sunrise ...
Life steps have to be made with common sense, and the sensation and the butterfly's feelings on the flower petals miss, because in the way there are also stones sharp shards that can change our course without realizing .. and run away dear ones .. fugitive by loneliness ..but not directly in the arms of unhappiness when you found out ..
And as the quote I saw today, and I think it looks brilliant.


Are you from Lithuania? :)

No, from Romania :)

Quite the poetic post, this one.

@marius19 beautiful pot keep up good work hope ya well today

How do you write so much ?

It's amazing! I have to think for half a day to just write some content for a couple of pics.

Then again if the posts are from the heart and when you are passionate, the words just flow out!
I have experienced that!

Lovely flowers too.
Looking forward to more posts! :)

Upvoted :)

Thank you and I'm glad you like it @taraamin77

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