Let your life be beautiful and attentive to what is happening around you.

in #life7 years ago

When you finish reading this article to the reader, you may be right about me, maybe you will appreciate me, or maybe it will happen exactly the cotter and you will be the first to throw the stone toward me. My problem will be not how many stones are going to throw away, but what I will do to build using them. So please, be free to agree or disagree with everything I write.

I will write a few things about the sentimental side, feelings, feelings, riddles, falling and lifting. Things Experienced and Lived To This Moment Of Life.


Take some time for other things in your life

Everyone should learn that love can not last for 24 hours a day and that love can be installed daily in you, you must have a resting, nourished and healthy body. There are times when it may be hard for you, your appetite will be low, everything you want would be a bed where you can stay with your own suffering, but the retreat is not a solution. Accept life as it is and not play your own body. To show that you have respect for your loved ones, start by showing that you have respect for your own person.

Give freedom to love

Every relationship comes packed with moments of tension, anxiety, mistakes, things done to anger or anger. Do not feel betrayed when the other person rejects you, do not let the ego that has no intelligence control your thoughts and deeds. Leave things the way they are, let people get back and do not put pressure on either their own actions or the other. Leave the peace to settle, give yourself time to relax. Then a period of peace will come, but which is not equal to the disappearance of love; on the contrary, you will find a new dimension of love, a wordless one and based on the vibration of two people. In love it is not perfect, you are not perfect, the question that is put all the time is if you are perfect or not for each other.


Go away or let the world go

When two people are separated, no one loses anybody, because nobody possesses anyone. Love does not mean possessing something but always giving the other person the freedom to choose, choose to sit or go. The purest proof of love is to give it the freedom to choose. Perhaps it will be more fulfilled in another context, you do not have the right to deny that chance. Perhaps you will be more confident in other circumstances, do not forbid that. Or maybe your love will be purer and more sincere after this episode is consumed. We have no way of knowing what will happen, all we can do is give the person next to us the freedom to choose what he does at the moment and with his own destiny. No matter how much we hurt, giving freedom is a proof of love.

Maybe sometimes we were not aware of this, and we fired our teeth to oppose this freedom, but it comes a moment, sooner or later when we realize that to have respect for you means to have respect for the desires of those near US. If someone asks you to leave, give her the freedom.

Maturity, sincerity, trust

Maturity, sincerity, trust, these are, in my opinion, the ingredients necessary for happiness in a relationship, and the lack of one cancels the other. At the same time, the order in which it is to be felt has a very determined role. You can not ask for trust from the beginning of the relationship if sincerity has not yet been established between you and you can not be honest to say everything you have on your soul until the relationship has reached a certain maturity. It's just like building our own body. Until we reach the level of the soul, we have to pass on to the feet, they know the way they walk, feel that they are known and that is the way they want to go. This is maturity. Then you reach the level of your heart and soul, when the relationship has already matured and you feel that any truth does not destroy what has already been built and will not divert people from the chosen road together. This is sincerity. Then you get to the head and brain level when confidence builds up and you know that any gesture or action that makes the person next to you is not to tear the other two components. You give her the freedom to be herself. That's the trust.


Be more than a partner in a relationship

They are people just like I was for some time that do not conceive life without being in a relationship. Breaking on and not being in the relationship you really want is not a country end. It's just a step in your evolution as a man, and as giving freedom is an act of love, your deeds before and after a relationship are proof of respect for you, for the other person and for this world. I realized that being anchored in a relationship, looking for ways of the stupidest and wrong ways to get in touch with the other person is a lack of respect. To show that you can keep your values ​​and that you are proud of what you have achieved so far in life is a proof of love. Sometimes plans for a period are different than just being a partner in a relationship. Be still the person who offers a smile to those who need it, the one who inspires people to be better, the one who offers kindness and focus on honoring your life and making your parents proud. Choose to be you, with good and evil, to count the act of creation, show that the mother's pain when she was born to you was not in vain. Focus on dreams and goals, both in a relationship and when you are alone.

He lives consciously

A lesson that I probably learned a little lately is to live consciously. When we do not learn from previous experiences, we will have to take it sooner or later to resume it until we learn the lesson. When we do not appreciate what we receive, we will have to lose. All that remains to do is to live consciously. Let us accept that what happens happens with a certain purpose. Not long ago I saw a movie, "Collateral Beauty", which I think is a great fit for this subject, to live consciously. The main topics touched on in the film are love, death and time. All these are exposed in a depth way through suffering, hope, truth, career, family, divorce, communication, cancer, life, struggle, profession, insanity, pain, trust, compassion, friendship, retrieval, rebirth. These are just a few terms by which we can consciously live the things that happen to us. And no one believes me, but absolutely no one is an exception to living both the experiences of the darkest gulf of life and the love and happiness we all need so much.

To live consciously that love is there also during happy or sad moments, but also when we choose to ignore it, and time is a privilege that we should not take as something guaranteed and to waste it, because the time will come when We'll take a moment.

Live the moment, but live it according to your own beliefs

You are the only one responsible for the way you behave before a relationship, during and after the relationship. We do not have the guarantee when we get a relationship, how long it will last or what will happen afterwards. And I'm not referring here just in terms of feelings. A love can last for months, years, or a lifetime, we never have a certainty. And I repeat, this is not always connected with the intensity of feelings or love offered or received. To consider a relationship that started beautifully, went just as beautiful, but ended suddenly because of a disease or an accident. It's a tragic scenario, but we humans resonate more strongly when we are in such situations that have a greater emotional impact on us. If you were in such a situation how would you react? So we just keep on waiting for love, how we feel it when it is present, and how we react when we lose it for whatever reason. To demonstrate that you can be in any of the 3 moments, that means to live your moment. He lives with confidence that love comes, feels and lives, but he can disappear. Sometimes to find yourself later and live even more intense or sometimes to give us a lesson.

Finally I want to add that I believe in destiny, there must be a reason why things happen in a certain way, for the way we are and we feel. Must be…..

Thank you all who have had the patience to read all these lines, not at all :)
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some very nice writing here

Thank you and I'm glad you like it @doitvoluntarily

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