Happiness begins with you.

in #life7 years ago

Happiness begins with you.

Love all starts with you.
If you do not know how these two emotions feel first in relation to you, how can you even think you could establish them in relation to another?
With a stranger?

People still have the tendency to affirm that they also happen to love them with their whole soul sometimes magnificent and generous and generous. But they know how to love them: unfulfilled and untidy, and only in thought...just love means openness among others.

When you leave yourself open, it rains reality with anxiety sometimes, yes, of course, with fears and uncertainties, suffering and tears ..! in reward but with love and joy and hope... plus a lot of other things happened beautifully.


But when do you keep locked up and over and screwed up with two safety locks? Then love can not really be known to her, with her volcanic emotions in joyful or suffering experiences.

That you feel and perceive you consciously.

I say that this is the only way you live your life, so you just learn to the end and who you are in your own identity: a happy man who applauds love, or, on the contrary, one who is sadly mistaken.

Both variants are correct, both are fine, no matter what you choose to be yours, no matter what you are about yourself in your unflinching representation!

It is important to know how true and objective the truth is about you. To accept it as it is later!... not to pretend to others absurd things that can not be claimed, which do not depend on them in any way to help you to bring your dream into reality, which only you are the only and the most able to do it.
Beginning with you, going naturally, friendly, in a gentle relationship with you, it would be your first step.

Marriage was not invented to make you happy.

Or did you think so?... you have to be happy beforehand, to know what that happiness is before you enter into a marriage.
If you are lonely and unhappy since you know yourself born into this world, rather you are a bachelor! .. because if a soul in the empty accretion will marry another soul of the same, so they both will both marry together .
Nothing will change, though you put all your hope and hope that from your married minute, then from then on, you will receive everyday happiness on the tray! ... you will serve it deliciously every evening even a little bit through your marriage you have to give yourself and love and happiness and everything you never knew to feel personally.

Maybe you did not even look! Either you did not have to confuse yourself with other emotions and feelings believing that it is! That you found it!

How do we meet, on the other hand, the fit in the relationship? Soul mate?


Knowing exactly what we want for us to represent us first, knowing precisely what longs longs for us and what we would accomplish in the long run more and more!

Seriously, you really need to be careful!

You must be aware of the behavior, reaction, actions and not necessarily noticed any impeccable physics, the most envied in the world from the way you managed to fall in love with the rest of your friends! In your sense, of course! Obvious!?

You will live a life with a man who behaves in a way you should.

Which you need to admire and appreciate for what it is and how it thinks and understands it, and not just for what it looks like!

A pleasant look attracts a look, a good behavior and a personality, bringing the soul closer.

That's what you need, too, I think.
A soul to draw near you and to leave you open, approaching it!

But if you are not happy and you think you need someone else to understand happiness, you will never get anywhere! happy by miracle, suddenly!

Marriage does not mean the right to happiness through the other, but it means building a life together in two together with each other.
The days will live like before before you get married: some (not) happy, others less (much) cheerful.
If you pay attention to your negative feelings, you will definitely go to a disaster.

Your happy days always start with you!
You are the only one responsible for your emotions.
You schedule the thought (not) emotionally satisfied with you, you are also planning a future with you (ne) happy.
You are the one who is approaching the good people, you put together a good pair of people right and how only do you feel that they would suit you to develop beautiful love with her happiness with everything.

Which you already know how to live.
Which you have accepted voluntarily and with open heart in your soul free of negative thoughts and inner conflicts and disagreements or minus acceptations with you.


For you have chosen the shortest way.
I love these people! They are the most beautiful and real people in the world!
I smile happiness in sight!
That's what I admit!


This is extremely true! I love your optimism. That drawing is very well done

Life is all about CHOICES we make. Being happy is a matter of choice. Being happy is not matter how much life tries to bring you down you will still have that beautiful smile on your face while facing anything life throws at you. Sooner than later life will smile write with you. Because you get from life what you put out there. So SMILE my friends. Be HAPPY now, and in return, more happiness will find you. :)

The great, and well-written article my friend. Enjoyed reading it. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us here.

Have an amazing day. :)

Nice art and keep it up😍
always be happy 😍

Its so true, happiness is within you and you yourself. We keep looking outside for happiness and make our happiness dependent on external factors which are all momentarily

It is best to figure out why and how one should be happy. People can make others happy but I personally admit that you are the very factor and architect of your own happiness.
I appreciate content of your article. Keep at it!

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